Samhain Challenge Anyone?

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  • Hello All - I'm a former chick returning to the flock and trying to get my motivation back, and I'm LOVING that there is now a Pagan chick forum!!

    Is anyone intersted in a Samhain challenge? I'm personally aiming to lose 32 pounds by Samhain which is just over 16 weeks away...
  • I'll join you!
  • Excellent!

    As I said, my plan is to lose 32 pounds by Samhain (weight would be 298). I'm aiming for an average of 45 minutes of exercise a day, and eating between 1850-2000 calories (I track using CalorieKing). I'll post my progess weekly. I'm also trying to cut out sweets from my diet as well as junk/fast food and soda...yeah, I'm cranky an awful lot!

    I also have a "triathlon" with my Evil Trainer and a good friend - it's one we made up, but it will kick my butt nonetheless. It's in late September, and I HAVE to be ready for it!!
  • The triathalon will be a great incentive!

    I'm working on losing my last 10lbs to get to my goal of 160 lbs.
    My main issue is that I don't get enough exercise so I would like to be in better physical shape by Samhain.

    I need to slim down my lower body as that is where my weight sits but I also need to increase my upper body strength.
  • Well mauvaisroux, looks like it's just you and me. And 10 pounds away from your goal??? I'm SO jealous!

    I did pretty good this week - lost 3.6 pounds as of yesterday. I'm not taking today's weight because of a night out on the town last night (too much food, too much booze, and 4 pounds of water weight gain overnight). I slacked on the exercising because, in spite of the holiday, it was a hellish work week - but I'm back on track this week.

    So my goal for next week is another 2 pounds to bring me down to 325, and I want to do 315 minutes of exercise as well. Both very doable goals.
  • Thanks it's taken me a while to get there but I've been struggling up and dlown with these last 10 lbs.

    I did really well this week eating wise - every meal was vegetarian except I had tuna with a salad once during the week and last night I had salmon for dinner.

    This afternoon my DH and I are trying out a bikram yoga class. I'm hoping it will be good because I really need to be more active but I need to do something that interests me - I just can't stand doing aerobics or going to the gym. I will be going back to my belly dance classes in Septembe but I need to do something now.

    I hear ya on the booze thing - I did that a couple of weekends ago on a Martini night out with my girlfriends and did not bother weighing in the next day as I knew I blew it!

    Good luck with the 2 lbs!
  • Wait wait
    I'll do it with you!!!
  • Welcome buonoj13 - Very glad to have you join us!
  • yay! We have more company brunissen!

    How are you doing this week?

    I'm still managing okay with the vegetarian meals and made an amazing supper last night of curried veggies, spicy potatoes with spinach and yam koftas. I'm enjoying experimenting.

    Not sure what to make tonight though as I've run out of ideas. I'm trying not to fall into the trap of too much pasta and too much cheese. It think I'm going to try to duplicate a couscous salad I ate at a restaurant and a fresh beet salad - we'll see what happens

    DH and I enjoyed our yoga class and are going to take another this weekend.

    It really ticks me off that I have been at goal twice now but haven't managed to maintain it. But on a good note I did lose 1lb this past week.
  • I'll join!

    I'd also like to lose about 30 lbs by Samhain. That'd put me at 250. So far I've only lost 2 of the 30...but it's a start!
  • Welcome Lyrae!
  • YAY! Our little group is growing! Welcome Lyrae!!

    I'm doing just okay this week so far - work has been ****, which always throws my exercise plans, but on the plus side I've been doing VERY well with my food - staying within my calorie range so far every day

    My Evil Trainer is back in town next week, so I'm sure I'll be MORE than paying for any slacking I've done. I'm going to do my Pilates tonight, and then I think I'm going to hit the pool tomorrow. It's in the 100's here now, so I don't have any desire to go outside - I miss all the we had last week.

    Well, the pooch needs attention - have a wonderful evening all!
  • Sorry I am late! But I want to join too!

    Let me think of some goals here

    I have so many mini goals going I gotta think what I wanna do for this one!
  • well I have 41 lbs till my goal weight now, If I loose 3 lbs a week for 14 weeks ( I am guessing at Samhain because I dont have a calendar infront of me, not sure if that math was right or )
    thats 42 lbs by Samhain, only have 41 till my I guess

    and that is about right because the weekend before Halloween we have some huge belly dance stuff going on and I was hoping to be at or dam close to my goal weight by then anyways..

    so Yah I will do mine as the Samhain/Halloween Dance event and the big witches ball I go to every year challenge

    And my goals will be to be at my goal weight

    Which is 41lbs away..

    I will change my ticker up there to reflect some of that
  • oh and other goals to get to the goal weight
    I need to eat more veggies and a lil less nuts ..just a lil less..but for sure more veggies

    veggies and more veggies and more veggies

    and to practice dance more then just the one night a week I teach

    and yah..the big one..MORE VEGGIES..