well this is new- runners

  • So I've started running. Actually, I wouldn't even call it that. It's sort of this thing I call power walking/shuffling/jogging/hunched-over-in-agony. You know, I didn't lose weight by sitting around. I moved! And I've never been in so much pain in my life as I am right now! I don't think there is one part of my body below my navel that doesn't hurt. Maybe it's because I was fooling myself with low-impact workouts. Maybe it's because I'm in the same running shoes as I was when I was 210+. The worst of it is my shins (of course) and my hips/butt. Is this a common complaint? I know I need new shoes. That's a given. But I'm sort of-okay-VERY poor at the moment, but I want to keep at it.

    I've been doing it outdoors because the treadmill gives me the evil eye and says "you know the moment you break into a jog i'm going to throw you into next week." Besides, the outdoors are fine. The yuppies at the park don't bother me too much.

    But did any of you brave running "soles" have these issues? How did you overcome them? Am I going to be a slave to the ibuprofen or what?

    I have checked out the coolrunners site and like it, but I feel more comfortable asking you guys and didn't immediately see any related articles. What can I say, you girls give me comfort!
  • Check out runnersworld.com, and you can ask people on the forums there.
    I'd go get fitted for proper tennis shoes, that could be a huge contributor to your shin pain!
    Start very very slow!!! Follow the Couch to 5k plan or another beginner program...that might help a lot.
    Doing the ABC's with your ankles (rolling your ankles around, so your toes spell out the letters) a few times a day can help strengthen your shin muscles.

    The forum on runnersworld has a beginners area where you can ask good questions!

  • I'm a pro at the ankle thing. After I shattered my left ankle a couple of years ago (what spurred the weight loss), I had those charming little exercises drilled into my head. I guess I've been lazy about them, so perhaps it's time to pay more attention. It's the hips thing that really bothers me though. I feel older than my years, that's for sure!

    Thanks for the site reccomendation- i will check it out. The first one was a bit of a turnoff- a little too busy for me I guess.
  • You should be so proud of yourself for loosing all that weight. It gives me hope.
  • I ached for head to toe the first time i tried to run but by the third or fourth time I had no pain whatsoever. I think that no matter how much other cardio/weights you do, once you start running you're body gets a sharp shock! Dont be put off, it wont be half as bad the next time you try it!