The Challenge

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  • about we start another group on the challenge? How about Monday 4/17? Let's make this weight disappear!
  • It is a great challenge. I really like it. I will be doing my 2nd TO on Wednesday and Thursday.

    Here is the jist of it:
    -2 days TO
    -12 days replacing 1 starch and protein with a slimdown shake from the COD or a Slim Fast Optima High Protein
    -2 Normal OP days without shakes

    Repeat this process in full 3 times. It totals nearly 7 weeks, actually. Be sure to get all of your water in and go easy on the condiments.
  • Heather and Katie:
    I'm in! Count on me! The 17 is next Monday right? I'm doing TO today and tomorrow. How I start.
  • Katie:
    Can I mix the days or I have to do it that way, for example I finished my TO and today I do OP day (for one day) and the next day I do a day with the shakes, or I have to follow it "by the book" no mix at all?
  • I have no idea. I wouldn't though. It looks to me like it is structured that way for a metebolic reason.
  • Katie:
    You know what let's keep it that way then b/c if I am gonna do it I want to see results. I am gonna start on Sunday! I still feel scared, but is all about attitude and I have to give it a try. Thanks Katie!
  • You bet!!!
  • I am IN!!!!!

    Question since i just did TO do you think it will be ok to start monday with the shakes?
  • Yeah, I would.
  • I am in. I'm afraid of TO - never did it, except to start) TOM is due in a couple weeks, so I'm sure THAT won't help my attitude
  • I am a chicken, but will do it after I see all of your that too wimpy for you? I don't want to torture myself by giving up one of my two precious starches and proteins unless there's going to be some serious payout in loss. Let me know once anybody weighs in after a while on this...I may join you late!
  • Okay, I don't want to do the challenge but I am up for being POP for 6 weeks and comparing results. I have had a bad few days and been PAOP (perfectly AWFUL). I'm game. In fact, I'm starting TO tomorrow through Sunday and will not eat ANY candy.
  • Stiesta,
    Join us and if you don't do well it doesn't work for you then drop the challenge. Don't wimp out on can do this!! (I'm not pressuring you, just want to encourage!)
  • For those of you who are wanting to take part in the challenge and are wondering what the price difference is between the LA slimdowns vs the Slimfast optimas I did some price checking today. The LA Slimdowns at my center are 12.00 and I think that is for 4 of the slimdowns correct me if im wrong on that one. The Slimfast Optima are 5.22 at my Walmart and that is for 6 and they have like 5 or so flavors. Thought that might help someone out!
  • Britt:
    Thanks a lot for the info, I was thinking about that today. I went to pick up some weights b/c I want to see real results in this so I bought 2 weights of 5 lbs each, and tomorrow I am gonna start the BL dvd 6 weeks program, I hope that I lose something on this, I still feel about it but I am not gonna let my mind distract me for what I want! Tomorrow I'm gonna buy the shakes, So I can start on Sunday.