feed the remainders to your friend!!

  • Yesterday night my friends and I went out to eat at UNO's (chicago grill and pizza). I really only wanted ONE or two bites of steak. I was about to get just a veggie wrap (thank god i didn't, because apparently I found out later it was 700+ calories and 50% of it was from fat!!) but my friends encouraged me to get the steak. I had exactly 2 bites of it and then gave the rest to my friend!!!!!! Then I finished off a breadstick and the steamed veggies. They also ordered a platter of friend stuff.. I had 1 buffalo wing and 1 small mozzerlla stick- not that i wanted it but they made me have some since they wanted to divide the cost of the platter.

    I wasn't amazed with the steak or the fried stuff (in fact, it was NOT satisfying) but I loved the veggies as always. BUT I'M SOO proud of myself for not eating the rest of the steak. I just said to her "you wanna try it?" and I dumped the whole piece on her plate. (She didn't refuse )
  • Congratulations, you've shown some impressive restraint. Often, when I go out to eat I'm with my boyfriend who is also dieting. We both try to pawn stuff from our plates onto one another, and it doesn't work so well...it's a lot of "Here, you eat this" "No, you eat it and take this off my plate too" "No, you should eat this" well you get the picture. I think I need some friends like yours.
  • My b/f is also trying to eat healthy and so we decided to only go out once a week, and when we do to share one big plate instead of ordering two plates. It helps that we both like the same type of foods
  • wow you guys are so lucky. i felt so pressured to eat bad foods because my friends only like fried and fatty things... if everyone ordered salads, i wouldnt have a problem!
  • Great job Veggielover!!!
  • thanks angie!!! I try whatever i could... its not close to losing 100lbs but i try!
  • Uno's...I remember going there when I lived in Chicago, and it was all about the pizza for me! Yummmmm....

    It's probably a good thing I'm not in Chicago anymore, the food there is just too darn good but not so good for you! LOL
  • Bad news, FL chickie, they have 'em here too! Heheehee... at least there aren't many of them. I only know of one in the Orlando area, and we have multiples of every chain in every 'burb...
