Week of ~March 26th~

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  • Hello all! I hope everyone's weekend has been wonderful for you. I once again catered a group at our Confrence Center on campus. It was great we ran out of almost all of the food that we bought. (I brought home 5 Ham sandwiches) I have major homework due for tommorrow that I haven't done, so as soon as I am done with this I will start.

    I didn't weigh myself this weekend so I will do it tommorrow.

  • Hi all new here
    Hello everyone, Today is my first day here at 3fatchicks I started my journey of weightlose and healthier eating yesterday. My name is Shari and I have been married to Brian for almost 12 years. We have three children that I lovingly homeschool. I have decided to count calories and exercise to lose my weight. I am currently at 279(this morning) and am 5'61/2" and wearing a 24 pants that are starting to get a little snug and usually a 26/28 shirt. I would like to weigh about 150-160 and if I weigh that i don't care what size I am. I just want to get healthy I'm starting to feel old and have to many aches and pains kwim? Yesterday I jumped on the treadmill and worked out on our weight machine and today I took the kids for walk down and back up "the big hill" I like rubber stamping, altering books, sewing, and reading. Lately we have been hiking as a family and it is a lot of fun and great exercise. Okay this is way longer than i intended and pretty boring so if you made it this far thanks. Nice to meet you all. Shari
  • Hi Shari!

    I've not been here on 3FC all that long, but I really like the posts and I've gotten lots of ideas - both what to do on a diet... and alas, what not to do on a diet. I think if you keep doing what you are doing (eating less, exercising more) you'll do terrific. Just remember - it didn't go on over night and won't come off that way. Losing weight and keeping it off is definitely a lifestyle change.

    Best of luck!!

  • Hi All!!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend. Ours was busy, the usual cleaning, then visiting the IL's and shopping today. Robby has been a beast all weekend, especially today...temper all day. I hope this phase passes quickly.


  • Lauren, I am sorry to hear that Robby has been in a bad mood. That makes it very dificult on you. Hopefully tommorrow he will wake up in a good mood.

    Shari and Kitty. It is great to have you here. Dont worry about being to long winded or boring. We are glad that you are here.
  • to the newbies! Hope you find the support you need here. We are a pretty cool group.

    I found out on Friday that, baring missy getting anxious and trying to come earlier, we will welcome baby girl sometime between June 10th and 14th. We won't schedule the day until about 6 weeks before hand. I have 12 1/2 weeks left, so I guess it will be here before I know it! YIKES!!

    On the bad side, I failed my glucose tolerance test. Bummer. I hate drinking that stuff and knowing I have to do it again for the three hour test is not a happy thought. It nearly made me gag on Friday.

    Lisa: Cool on the catering gig. Hope you made lotsa money! And that you were able to get your homework done.

    Shari: Welcome to the 30 somethings! One day at a time and it will happen.

    Kitty: Welcome too! I'm glad to hear that you are finding what you need here.

    Lauren: I'm sorry that Robby's been a bear. What's up with him? I hope he's a new boy tomorrow!

    We took Alex to the circus today and he had the BEST time. It was almost as much fun watching him as the performers. He also had soda for the first time. It wasn't my idea to give it to him, it was his dad's. I wouldn't have done it, but after it was done, it was done. I let his father pay the price for the decision by having to take him to the bathroom three times during the performance!

    Hope everyone had an awesome weekend.
  • Hi all - I'm new to the group too! I'm a SAHM to three from NJ. My starting weight was 196, 18 months ago. I had gotten down to 147 but went back up to 173.5 before I got myself back on track again. I'm now down to 168.8 - it's not been good!

    I'm 36 btw.
  • Hi Sweetsie! Where in NJ are you?! There's 2 of us on the thread from NJ. I'm in Northern, Passaic Co. Great job getting down to 147, you can do it again...hopefully for the last time!

    Karen, How's Alex doing potty training? Peter's doing great! He's been dry the last few nights also. I let him sleep with his underwear on, but a diaper/pullup over them. Tonight I may let him sleep just in his underwear....actually, I may wait until the weekend, just in case, so I don't have to be up during the night changing sheets on a work night.

    Robby's in a great mood today. I think part of his mood is the teeth...his cheeks were pink again last night, so I'm guessing that's it. I gave him some Tylenol before dinner, hoping it would help whatever was causing his mood! Finally a bottle and bed and he was out for the night!

    I know it's a temper-testing stage anyway, because he was in a great mood, babbling away in the car this AM, then all of a sudden, he just straightened his arms and legs, made fists, and grrr'd! Then went back to babbling!
  • Sweetsie. We all have momments like that. just remember that today is another day. I can make good choices today! Dont dwell on the past because it will keep you down.

    Karen, we made about 640 dollars. Thats a whole heap of a lot better than last time. I don't know if I want to do it again though. I said if I was still in the area I would come back and help.

    I also know about getting here before you know it. I have 54 days left until graduation. 45 days until the last day of classes. WooHoo Actually I really have Senioritis, but I need to buckle down. Well off to go to school, got so much stuff before class.
  • Thanks for the welcome! I'm in Florence, a bit south of Trenton!
  • Oh, so we have the whole state represented now! Cool!
  • Hi everyone!! And to the newbies. You're gonna love it here!

    I haven't been posting much lately but I have been lurking. Not much time to post, my fil passed away on the 19th and I was running with dh, mil and sil making plans. I didn't do well working out at all. I didn't at all last week. I'm back on track now though. I just finished the elliptical.

    Woo Hoo Lisa! Try not to get too far off track with school but have fun too! You've worked really hard and deserve to relax a little. But get your homework done!! lol

    Lauren I know what you mean about the devilish boy. Ricky has been bad the last week too. He didn't get much down time last week so I'm trying to make sure he gets some this week. I'm hoping that will help.

    Karen, sorry to hear about the glucose test. I know those are hard to do. My neice has had to do the long test. Hang in there!

    I'm off now to the shower. Make it a great day everyone!
  • Molly, with 15 credit hours I am constantly doing homework in my waking hours if I am not at work or class. I just started a class tonight and the instructor wants us to work 8 - 12 hours a week on this one class alone. OMG!!! I am about ready to die!!! There are only 54 days, I can make it (I am trying to repeat this to myself).

    Oh well, I need sleep! Good night everyone!
  • Good Morning!!
    Well..I think it is the week for the fussy kiddos!!! K broke her nose last week and I think the swelling/congestion is making her mean cuz she cant breathe out of the nose..I swear, she is a boy sometimes--Last weekend, she fell over a railing after climbing up stairs and going over the rails and tried to walk the edge--Didnt bother her, she just dusted off the pants, picked up her cap and did it again..THen on Wed, she dove into the mats at the Little Gym and broke the ole nose.. She is just rough--wears a backwards baseball cap and climbs on anything..SHe is just a funny girl!!
    Ok...my gain or no loss...I guess that is better than nothing,,,
    Hello to the Newbies!!!Off to work
  • Good Morning everyone. Hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was ok, I had to work Saturday and was off on Sunday. I have to work 12-8 today and off tomorrow. I havent weighed myself yet. Trying to wait for my monthly visitor to go away. I am feeling a little yucky right now. Well I have thing to do before I have to go to work. Hope everyone has a great day.