a little too obsessive

  • ok, i usually lose about 2 to 21/5 pounds a week. i started curves on monday, and did my usual walking and junk, did not go over my points at all, and i just lost about half a pound. Do you think that it could be caue i added muscle? when i signed up the owner told me that i might see the scale go up. Is this true?
  • Hi Katie! The owner's right - lots of times we see the scale go up when we start working out. Unfortunately, it takes a l-o-n-g time to add even a few pounds of muscle, so that's not it. Chances are it's water weight because sore muscles retain water. It may look like we've gained, but it's just water retention.
  • Just wondering if you could tell me a little about what your "routine" and eating plan is? I'm just wondering what you do to lose 2-2.5lb a week? I would love you forever for any/all help! Thanks!
  • i would love the key to losing 2 pounds a week too. i try to vary my calories and walk every day at lunch and go to the gym, but i am only accomplishing about a pound every two weeks. that sucks!!

    but hopefully that will change soon when i start the new gym and participate in the cardio classes.
  • Sore muscles retain water? That's something I didn't know. A welcome fact, though, because I spent the whole weekend dancing and my legs ACHE like anything and I was kind of hoping that a few days of solid exercise would get the scale down a bit but it's being stubborn about it.