Feb 6th Plan for the Perfect Day

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  • well since i went shopping yesterday and bought all SORTS of fruits and veggies, and protein, I am good to go this week.

    last week left something to be desired but i didnt exactly fall off the wagon either.

    got my 5 miles in today, ate healthy all day yesterday and today and plan for the (almost) perfect week ahead!!

    breakfast: oatmeal; banana
    snack: apple
    lunch: 3/4 c rice; boca chicken nuggets; string cheese; sugar free jello cup
    snack: 100 cal pack
    dinner: wheat pasta made with cherry tomatoes, fresh spinach and salmon
    dessert: sugar free jello cup
  • Ok, let me see.
    A shake.
    bran buds and soy milk
    tuna salad and vegetables
    fruit, yogurt and cottage cheese
    chicken, brussel sprouts and salad
    maybe more yogurt,fruit and cottage cheese

    The two desserty things will depend on how far apart my meals are.

    Intense enough exercise that I feel like I've worked out and abs.
  • I've got a B-day dinner to go to on Sunday so I had better prepare now!

    B-- 1 cup cereal with 1 cup milk
    S--Dannon lightnfit smoothie
    L-- 2 cups bagged salad with 1 ounce ham and 1 ounce shredded cheese (no dressing)
    S--string cheese and carrot sticks
    D--Tuna with light miracle whip and a veggie of some sort
  • oh and i forgot my exercise for tomorrow...3 mile run, crunches and light back and bi's
  • Oh yeah! I forgot mine too! The Firm Volume 2
  • I am sorry I did not see this thread so let me try this one more time

    B-All bran
    L-fish with veggs
    s-snack bar
    D-I dont know yet

    I will try to get back to walking I hope I can at least I have to get the tradeshow ready It will ship soon and that will be alot off my hands...I have to go in early today to get started so I can get something done before it gets to wild....saleman are the crazyest people.....lol

    Have a good day all...

  • The plan for today!

    Okay, well morning has just about been graze for your life!

    porridge with an egg, 1/4 cantaloupe melon

    2 apples, 15 cherries, 1/8 C mixed nuts, 7 baby carrots, yoghurt

    lime marinated chicken with roast vegetables and brown rice

    hard boiled egg and sugar snap peas

    1pt protein shake with milk

    Exercise, 5K run, kickboxing teaching, UBW
  • Today's plan:
    • yogurt
    • oatmeal
    • 2 Morningstar Farms vegan burgers on wheat buns w/spinach and Miracle Whip
    • Special K bar
    • marinated chicken w/pasta side dish (wheat pasta, veggies, and some of the chicken marinade)
    Comes to about 1315 calories

    There's a thread going on elsewhere about calories cycling--just wanted to mention it because yesterday (SuperBowl as an excuse), I had almost 3000 calories, but my average daily calories for the week is still under 1800 Feels good to be able to have crazy days like that without feeling too guilty about it!
  • Today so far:

    B: Lowfat mini omelet (they're made with lowfat cheese), 2 turkey sausage links and 8 oz. low-sugar chocolate milk.
    L: (eating now!) Lean Cuisine Spa Cuisine - salmon in lemon dill sauce with a side bowl of stir-fried (in butter-flavored fat-free cooking spray) cabbage and spinach.
    S: Don't know yet.
    D: I'm thinking of a veggie 'chicken' burger and a side of some other sort of vegetable.
  • I'm right on track today. I made chocolate cookies for my snowed in men and didn't even lick the spoon. Now if I can just get them packed away somewhere.
  • Quote: I'm right on track today. I made chocolate cookies for my snowed in men and didn't even lick the spoon. Now if I can just get them packed away somewhere.
    I never have a problem licking the spoons of cookie and cake batters, etc, because I'm allergic to raw eggs, lol.

    I make cookies and stuff for my guys all the time. I usually don't have a problem with the sweet stuff. I have a cookie jar full of cookies and a candy dish full of M&M's on the table and can usually walk by them. Now, MY problem is when it comes to actual food. I nibble my way through making dinner for my husband.
  • My guys are addicted to what we call 'chocolate haystacks' oatmeal, coconut, cocoa with butter, milk and sugar cooked and poured over? I could happily eat the pan before I ever spoon them onto the waxed paper!
    And I think I used to eat about 2 servings of everything while I cooked. My family tells me it still tastes good even tho' I don't sample beforehand ... hmmm
    But ... so far so good. I'm still on track and supper's on the go.
  • On track for the day
    I have not had time to stop and think about eating anything other than what I set for myself today. I will not have time to do anything other than the same thing I did tomorrow.....I am so beat that I not going to cook tonight I am letting someone else do the cooking tonight....what to have hmmmmmmmmmm I know I can stay on track to tired to eat really...lol
  • WHew! I can finally read the board. I was getting a little anxious.

    Breakfast: cottage cheese (I was supposed to have fruit, but didn't)
    Lunch: guacomole, 1 piece wheat toast, 2 celery stalks
    Dinner: split pea soup (vegetarian), maybe some turkey, and broccoli
  • I hit the carbs skids folks! I have this cold. I thought it was getting better because my nose was dripping less. Bit it's just kind of settled into my forhead. I'm a bit light-headed and just feel wretched.
    After supper I had my extra desserty thing and ... it didn't do the trick. I had some oatmeal with cinnamon and spenda .... mmm nope ... I had two cookies ... Now I have to figure out how to put them in fitday. That's almost as bad as knowing they're heading for my thighs!

    Whine, whine ... sniff, snort ....