Thursday Chat

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  • Good Morning Ladies!
    its 5:44 here in lovely NJ and I awakened about 1/2 hour before my alarm!
    I'm sorry I haven't been on work has been beyond hectic
    I'm on day 3 on Ph1 again so I'm slathering on The SPF 45 and am on the beach! (Thats sugar protective factor )
    Hopefully I can bbl!
  • Good morning all!
    I have been editing this site since beginning SBD Dec. 28th. So I thought I would join in the chatter. I entered Phase 2 last week, and find myself afraid to add those carbs. Any advice on how to start the additions without jeapordizing the success? I am thrilled at my 10 lb loss.

    I read a phase 2 post where someone was planning oatmeal. I LOVE OATMEAL, but live in constant fear of the CCM (carb craving MONSTER) returning to sabotage my plan.

    I'm looking forward to the help and support here!
  • Morning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ko yer up bright and earlyl Sugar Protection Factor Let's hope fer a sf day!
    Darby is sitting here beginning to get miffed.. have to let her out and put on the cawfee pot! Be back in a bit chicks
  • Good it Friday yet???

    Feels like it's been a very long week. Just finished my workout and it was just okay today. My routine is going to be out of wack tonight and tomorrow morning. I have to stay at my sister's with my son overnight to watch her four children because she and her husband are going to a concert and will not be in until long after we are asleep. Whenever my surroundings and routine are not the same I tend to fall off the wagon. Wish me luck.

    Focused This Time - sorry no good advice from me...I have this same fear and have not added much back as far as carbs.

    Good morning KO and Schatzi and all of the chicks posting after this!!!
  • Freaky Love your new Hair Doooooooo.. and those A DOOR A BULL ringlets!

    Focused: Here's a link to a phase 2 Emergency handbook... Best advise is portion control , Add one new carb each week and see how your body reacts.. I'm sure our chicks can help you along the way!!!!
  • Hey everyone! I woke up early because I have lots to do today. I have to read tons and write summaries of 6 chapters in a soil ecology book. Fun!! Right now I'm taking a break and downing the coffee. I ran out of 1/2 n 1/2 and have to drink powdered stuff..yucky..and not OP but I can't drink black coffee.

    Today I shall have canadian bacon egg cups w/ zucchini for b'fast. Hope you chicks have a great day!!

  • I have achieved coffee! I'm at work and looking like a busy beaver!
    Freaky I love your hair!
    Pear in your avatar thingie I have never thought a rat was cute before I love his lil nose! and black coffees evil ( can't do fake dairy here tho I think I'm allergic)
    Focused Maybe do an old fashioned oats or a steel cut they are much more filling and I find I didn't get that Carb crave from them
    Schatzi I hope Darby's paws are uncrossed and you've jumpstarted your day
    I have chili for breakfast again it was great yesterday I wasn't even hungry by lunch My chili is mainly ground turkey and veggies with beans already in one bag of veggies
    can you tell I'm excited?
    Hopefully BBL!
  • Nuthin like the smell of FRESH BREWED CAWFEE eh Gals!!!!!

    Pearsydew: CECIL is soooo cute fer a rat Now that you have him and Wallace, you need to add a BEANIE or a GROMET.. Yes you need 5 little RugRATs

    I bought some mix fer a vegetarian chili that I'm gonna try DH wants Pizzaburgers or hotdogs parmesean fer dinner.. Cripes if I threw sauce and mozzarella over dog crap my DH would eat it.. Have you ever heard of Hotdogs Parmesean.. Blech!

    I just finished watching last nights Project Runway..Luv that show.. and now LOST.. that show is getting more bizzaro... Thank Gawd fer TIVO!

    LAtah my Lovelies!
  • focused - you may want to avoid carbs first thing in the morning if you are concerned. Perhaps add a slice of ww sourdough with soup or salad at lunch, or a piece of fruit, for the first week. Stick to one new type of carb per week, preferably with the same meal. Some people get cravings from a particular carb, others from any carbs at a certain time. So if after adding a new carb you find yourself craving more, try changing the time of day you eat it, or just drop it from your diet.
  • Ewwww! Hotdogs Parmesan!?! Sounds like something only a man would come up with! My guy will eat most anything, too, though.
    Yesterday's icy roads were still a little dicey when I left for work at 9, but I got there safely. A car had flipped over right across the street from their farm and took out several feet of fencing. I never did hear how the driver was. We stayed in all day and made oatmeal cookies and playdough. Today after school we have a playdate coming over, so our trip to the library is delayed once again.

    K O ~ Have a nice day at work.

    Freaky ~ I love your new cut! You look like a fashion model, so sophisticated! I have the same trouble as you when my routine gets changed. It's hard to stay focused, just try to do the best you can. Enjoy your time with your nieces & nephews.

    FocusedThisTime ~ Just try adding one grain carb a day for a week or so, and you will probably be fine.

    Pearshape ~ Gotta have dairy of some sort in my coffee, too, or it just isn't right! Must be in Italian in me!

    GOOD MORNING, SCHATZI!Had your cawfeee yet?
  • Good Morning, Heather, I missed your post!
  • Schatzi: STOP!!! You're the reason why I have Cecil and Wallace in the first place! Bad evil influencing Schatzarrrinnaa!! Cecil was just too cute of a name to be without a rat...and of course one of Cecil's friends had to come too, right?? I will stop at 4! I will stop at 4! I will stop at 4.......... hehehe!!

    KO: I never thought of them as cute either until I got them. My friend "rescued" my first 2 a few mos ago from a teacher she thought wasn't taking care of them but her boyfriend would've used them as live snake food if I hadn't taken them. What could I do?? Their personalities are just fabulous. My older ones know their name and come when they're called. I never would've believed it. They are just the coolest little creatures.
  • I cannot be trusted...
    ....anywhere near Cool Whip Free. It's official, and is my piece of personal wisdom for Thursday.

    The odd thing is, I don't actually even like it all that much. It's fine with Jell-O, but I find myself using too much. I think it's simply because of the connotations with the word "free." Free Cool Whip! Come n' get it! Free sweet treat! Come n' get more!

    So, it must be banished and I must stick with undressed Jell-O. I won't have time to eat any today, anyway, since I must travel 2 hours away for 1/2 hour of work, then travel back at about 10 p.m. Where dinner will fit in, I have no idea.
  • Good & your rats...ugh. I WON"T be visiting any time soon.
    I've been off the wagon....eating everything in site..pms thing - I hope. Going to try to start the day with 32 oz of water instead of coffee - we'll see.
    No time to respond to everyone - lot's to do.
    Have a great day!
  • What a lot of clucking this morning!

    I had a lovely two day break from life but am back in the chaos today. I'm hoping to make some progress today starting right now with a trudge to the road with a mess of recycle stuff! Sorry i don't have time to respond to everyone but I DO read. darling rats - naked Jello - coffee - parmesan weiners - etc., etc.