Calorie problem....

  • Hello!!

    I have not posted here for a long time, but I have lurked quite often..


    with that being said, I have a question about total number of calories because so many people tell me so many different things its hard to even know if I am on the right track. First a little background..I am 5'7", workout on the average 6 days a week, 3 lifting, 3 cardio on alternate days, and I am not dropping weight or fat at all. NONE..ZIP...I eat about 6 meals a day, I know the BFL program well.

    my question is this...others (other weight lifters) tell me I should be eating close to 2000 calories a day being as active as I am, the bfl says 1200-1300...which is it???

    (my goal is major fat loss)

    I am confused....

  • 1,200-1,300 sounds more like it, unless you are close to a normal bodyfat percentage. 3FC memberUltraclyde has managed to lose an astonishing amount of bodyfat while maintaining his lean bodymass via severe dieting plus copious amounts of cardio and a little weight training. According to his last underwater weigh-in he lost 10# of fat and only 0.8# LBM in the past couple of months. IMHO, most of us are way too timid about restricting our calories.
  • Ckatgo - what's your current weight and do you know what your BF % is, by chance?
  • BFL doesn't talk about calories at all, so I don't know where you came up with that number. The BFL formula is a palm sized portion of protein and a fist sized portion of complex carbs, with vegetables with at least 2 or three of your meals, six meals a day. Personally, I found that to be way too much food. I've cut it to 5 meals, and dropped carbs from 2 of them.

    Without knowing you much you actually weigh and what your goal weight is, and maybe your body composition, and your age, I wouldn't pick a number out of the hat. Even then, it's an estimate. If you are eating BFL-style now, try dropping the carbs from 2 meals (last of the day and see if that helps. Or try going to 5 meals. Are you female? Most women find that 5 meals works better than 6.

  • oh, sorry I guess I left some details out...I am 5'7, I weigh 190 lbs, my goal weight (the weight I look good at is 135...however I realize that maybe too low and would be willing to stay at 145) I got the 1200 - 1300 cal number from the BFL e-diets..I was thinking about doing that for a few months just to kind of get the ball rolling. I eat 6 times a day..but at 1800 cals I am gaining weight like crazy!! My friends tell me at 1200 is starving and I would be setting my self up for failure in the long run. But at that amount of calories I see no results. BE PATIENT they tell me, but man, I have been hacking away at this since November with nothing (body wise) to show for it. I lift very heavy when in the gym, I have strength gains because I keep having to increase the weight (as long as I keep good form) but no progress on the fat loss, which is my goal....

    oh yeah...body fat at approx 36%...I do cardio 3x a week, 2 HIIT, one seady state 30 min, 3 days a week full body weight routine. I am fixing to go back to my 4 day a week split weights and keep cardio HIIT, and work in the SS somewhere else.

    I am very confused....
  • If you're gaining weight on 1800 calories a day, STOP! Change what you are doing. Your current exercise program is NOT BFL, so don't eat for BFL workouts. As most of the women here have discovered, BFL as written, is too much food and not enough cardio for most of us anyway.

    I think if you dropped to 1200 calories, you would find it difficult to keep going, would not build muscle let alone maintain your muscle mass, and if you hit a plateau, you wouldn't have any wiggle room to drop your calories. How about changing back to the 4 day split with HIIT and at LEAST on session of SS, and dropping your calories to 1500? I'd also suggest cycling your calories- aim for an average of 1500 per day over the course of a week, but vary them from 1200-1800 on any given day. This takes some planning....maybe just start by dropping your calories.

    As I said above, I had to go to 5 meals and drop the starchy carbs out of at least one of them to lose weight. Dropping the starchy carbs from 2 meals and it goes a whole lot more smoothly. Just make sure that you get carbs pre- and post workout.

  • yeah, you are right, my current routine is not BFL...not from the book or elsewhere, I am sorry if I gave that impression. Yeah, 1800 is way too much, I am gaining like crazy!! (my pants aren't fitting!!!) Ill try 1500 for few weeks and see how it goes, now I went today to the Husselmen's (sp?) website and used the BMR calulator there and it gave me a 1210-1640 target range. Would that be too low? Now when I cycle calories, are you talking carb cycling? or adjust my protein intake as well on the 1800 calorie days? I am assuming 1800 on heavy workout days, or my one day "cheat day"? I will definately keep the starchy carbs pre and post workout.....

    thanks for all your help..this has been way so confusing....
  • I second Mel's recommendations of 1500 calories and MORE CARDIO!

    Generally when people calorie cycle, they stick with the same ratios of P/C/F and just eat less of all three. Sometimes people cycle only carbs and keep protein/fat constant - I've done it both ways. Feel free to play around and see what works best for you.

    You mention 'cheat day' -- that alone could be the biggest reason why you're gaining weght! The consensus here is that Cheat Day is the worst idea ever invented and is an absolute disaster for long-term weight loss success. If you're doing a Cheat Day each week, do yourself a favor and cut it out. You can still have an occasional treat, but always always count it in your daily calories -- and be sure that it doesn't trigger cravings.

    Good luck! I'll bet these tweaks will get the scale going in the right direction!
  • Thank you so much for all your help and advice and certainly I will take it to heart and work it..Man...its a bit of a bummer that all this time I have been struggling and going in the wrong direction.....YIKES!!

    oh well....just get on track, right!!

    once again...YOU LADIES ROCK!!!!
  • PS...yeah I do cheat days, but I try to keep it within calorie count, Its just one meal I don't look at the macronutrient totals on....

    once again, thanks!!!
  • CHEAT DAY!!!!???? Ok, I see you mean meal. Cheat day can undo any progress you make, lead to binge eating, and re-enforce the food as reward mentality. Planned treat meals...that's a different story! Just make sure it fits into your overall plan and that you are losing

  • oh no!!! my treats are gym I want to wear the same ones that are old and the fabric is nasty and out of style...better get to the gym...LOL.....

    yeah, I stay reasonable on the whole cheat concept!!!
  • I think your cheat plan sounds just fine. I think planned, reasonable cheats can make a lifestyle change feasible. Like you, I do a cheat meal. One meal, one dessert, maybe a few drinks. It worked before when I lost weight and I'm assuming it will work this time. I also keep my treats on cheat day reasonable. I'll have sugar free apple pie with a bit of sugar free ice cream for dessert instead of five peices of cake! Or I'll have a blended sugar free latte.

    But 1800 is probably too high for you on the calorie front. I do 3 meals and one or two snacks a day. I try to keep my calories at 1400-1500 and I do cardio at least 5 days a week. I lift four days a week. That is the formula that worked for me in the past and it's what I'm going back to. I would only go 1800 after a 6 mile hike or something. :-)

    Good luck, and keep it up.
