I adore CORE!!

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  • It's my first day in this forum, and I'm not really sure if this is the right place to post an introduction thread. but here goes...

    I've been a member of WW for just over a year. I started with the core plan from day one, and I'll stick with it till the very last ounce comes off. I LOVE it! I am admittedly lazy in almost everything I do, so the thought of counting points, measuring, and keeping track of every little thing I eat (I'd be writing all day) was frightening. Thats why I chose the core plan. I think, in my humble opinion, I have seen great success with it thus far. I can see myself keeping with it even through maintainence (and for the rest of my life). It's such a natural way of eating.

    start weight: 310
    current weight: 150
    goal weight: 140

    14 months with WW core
  • Wow! Those are some pretty impressive numbers!

    We have a thread titled Core-porate Profiles where you can fill out a little info about yourself.

  • WOW! Those are amazing stats. Good for you!
    We're always glad to have new people. And since you've been so successful, maybe you can help the rest of us out!
  • You are in the right place - welcome and congrats on your superb success!

    Please join us on our #37 chat thread!

  • Wow, Jane. We started the same time and weighed almost the same amount. I'm ashamed of myself compared to you! I've only lost 45 pounds. I adore Core too. Maybe you can help me figure out how to achieve your success.
    You have done a awesome job with the weight loss. I have been with WW 16 months and have lost only 52 1/2 lbs. Maybe you can give me some advice on how to stay motivated. I would love to be at goal by the end of this year. But at the rate I am going. I dont think that will happen.
    Again welcome. You will be a inspiration for me. And any advice greatly apperciated.
  • Wow- that is amazing!! I've been doing Core since 9/29 and I love it too.
  • JadedJane....your success is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Only goes to Prove....If YOU *work* the Program, THE Program *works*.......

    Kudo's to YOU!!!!!!!!!! I see success like this everyday....even with people with as much to lose as you did, who have been *SUCCESSFUL* on Flex...with over a hundred pounds to lose.

    You should be so proud of your accomplishment!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!
  • Let me add my congratulations to you Jadedjane!!! That is amazing!!!!! Welcome to the core board.
  • your treats
    what do you use as your treats? How much popcorn do you have on a day and week? What else gave you such wonderful results.. Thanks, Jan
  • Janet,
    for treats and snacks I like the following (some are not core):

    Dannon light and fit yogurt (60 cal. no fat) any flavor
    or dannon light and fit plus fiber.

    fat free / sugar free pudding made with skim milk

    an apple - I eat one a day without fail

    pita chips (home made) try finding a whole grain pita or one with less fat (like "the alternative pita" from western - sold in southern california, but any reduced fat pita will work. cut the pita up into triangles and seperate the fronts and backs (for a really crispy chip) pop them in the oven for a few minutes and season them with whatever you like (I like paprika). I use them to dip in my roasted red pepper hummus. the pita is filling all by itself, so find a buddy to share it with, and the hummus is so loaded with flavor you only need a tiny bit.

    fat free pringles (if you really need that "junk food" treat) 70 calories for a serving (about 15 crisps) and it has fiber too!!

    a slice of wonder light bread with laughing cow light cheese.

    carrots....naked, natural, beautiful, crunchy sweet carrots - all by themselves or with hummus.

    one serving of fat free cottage cheese with salsa. It's a little different than your average fruit and cottage cheese, but the kick in the salsa masks that "chalky" texture / flavor that some fat free cottage cheeses have.

    I'll PM you with more if you need it
  • JadedJane,
    Okay--I think you may be dangerous to my health. When I read about your fabulous success, I fell off my chair! LOL. Weigh to go. You must be so proud. I love Core too and I love your healthy positive attitude. Thanks for posting here and much continued success.
    Judy Itry
  • Jane, don't PM....tell us all!
  • Yes! Jane, thanks for sharing. Any other ideas, or a typical menu day or something like that would be appreciated to. You've done so well.
  • Add my congratulations to the rest! Wow! Please, do share more of your tips. We would all appreciate any pointers you can give! You must be absolutely beaming!