Just want to say hello

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  • Hi all:

    Just want to say hello to everyone here who is doing or thinking of trying this diet. I will say it sure does sound like something I could stick with. I too have tried Atkins, South Beach and Weight Watchers. I found Atkins way too restrictive and just can't seem to make it for the 2 week induction period of SB. I like my breakfast cereal too much and bread with peanut butter. I was just about commiting to LA Weight Loss, but think I may give this a try.

    Did anyone do the first 10 day period of this yet? Just wondering what their experience was and type of menu and weight loss that came about.

  • Hi Veronica. I just got the book today so I don't have experience with it yet. I have also done South Beach, which I really like. I will be using many of the SB recipes along with the Sonoma plan, too. I still need to read the book this week and see what I think. No matter what, I am starting an exercise plan and eating healthy this week.
  • Nice to have you join us Veronica. Speaking for myself, I've been following the Med way of eating for years and as you can see by my sig have found what works for me. Pick something that you think you can stick with for the rest of your life, is the only advice I have. If you'd like to try this plan, we'd be happy to have you.

    Suzanne has posted a few samples recipes and I have posted some of my own in the recipe forum. The book has guideliness of the sort of foods you should eat during each wave so if you are intersted in the plan that would be aoog investment. Someone just posted on another thread theat they got the book for under 14.00! Good deal.
  • Hey,
    It's the new year and I ready to try again! Looks like something interesting to try!
  • Glad to see a board for the Sonoma Diet. I'm on day three and so far it's going great. I got rid of most of my snack foods so I won't be tempted. I have my WOW chips and diet Coke put away for a later time. I thought I would have a problem with quitting cold turkey on the artificial sugers but not so far. I do have Splenda in my morning coffee along with a little milk but that's my only cheat. Looking forward to hearing how it's working for you all and exchanging ideas. TJ
  • So does anyone plan a day by day menu? I would love to plan out my week..
  • I usually plan my meals a day at a time but shopped for several days. I'm not real creative for breakfast. Day 1 was 2 poached eggs with 2 slices light whole wheat toast, day 2 was Kashi Good Friends with lite soy milk, and today it was 1 poached egg, 1 Morningstar Farms patty, and 2 toasts.

    Lunch for all three days has been chicken breast and a salad with lots of veggies and low or fat free dressing each day. Dinner is always meat, vegetables, and a carb. I was in that habit with my five years + of doing WeightWatchers. I was so happy to see that I can enjoy bread and not have to count points (and later wine - YES!!). WW has worked well for me and I only have ten pounds to lose. I'm still at goal but have a personal goal that I haven't been able to reach easily. One thing I love about Sonoma is that it gave me incentive to get rid of all the junk.

    I would love to hear others menus for each day. Thanks....TJ
  • Hi all!
    I just discovered this website thanks to someone else's post on the Sonoma Diet Online message board! I came looking for one of those cute tickers (which I have yet to find...), and discovered this thread!

    When I first read about the Sonoma Diet in Ladies Home Journal I got very excited because I had been searching for a "Med" type diet for a long time. I just hadn't been able to find formal guidelines. Now, with Sonoma, I think I have a good start. I also needed to go cold turkey with refined sugar, white flour, potatoes, etc. because I was feeling way too punky way too often.

    I had a gift card for Amazon, so I got the book for FREE. However, I just saw it at Costco for $14.00, so there's another place to snag a bargain.

    I also signed up for the online service, but as a few other members here have noted, so far I'm not impressed. I may do it for the required 5 weeks and then discontinue it. There are several great people already posting to the message boards, and since this is new to almost all of us, it's nice to have the support.

    I'm following Sonoma much like Chocoholic is -- I plan my meals each day and am not following their meal plans. I'll definitely experiment more, because with 50 lbs. to lose I know I'll get bored with the same ol, same ol each day.

    I'm happy to be eating cereal, although I got the suggested GoLean (10 gr. fiber) and it really does taste like twigs -- just shows what a little sugar can do. So, while I definitely won't add sugar, I'm going to experiment with other cereals. The emphasis there seems to be on amount of fiber, so if anyone knows of a cereal that has at least 8 gr. of fiber but tastes good, I'd love to know about it!

    I apologize for the long post. I saw that some members here have had phenomenol success and I think that's fantastic!! I wish all of you a wonderful, HEALTHY new year!

  • WritersBlock--my perception may be a little skewed. I'm a pretty hard core low carber most of the time but after reading this book, I had a hankering for oatmeal so I bought some steel cut oats. They are a bit "carby" for me and I hadn't had oatmeal in nearly a year. They take longer to cook than regular oatmeal--around 45 minutes but they tasted pretty good. They take too long for me to make them a regular part of my diet but it was a nice treat.
  • I hate eating breakfast, can't you just skip it? Not a milk drinker or cereal liker at all.

    Writersblock-- the tickers are in your USER CP up top, just go to our preferneces and they are there... add to your signature.
  • Sandra, thanks. Found the ticker link! I, too, am not a breakfast eater, but I am going to get up a few minutes early to eat something -- once I get to work, it's too easy to hit the cafeteria (I work at a college) for a donut or something, and that's yet another habit I need to break this year.

    Petra, oatmeal sounds good. I'll give it a try.

  • Hello everyone! I hope you achieve your weight loss goals! And if you're ever frustrated, know that you're certainly not alone!

    The Sonoma diet is great! It sounds like something one could actually stick with! The great thing about this diet is that you have plenty of delicious foods to choose from, so you don't have to feel very restricted. Plus, it's a way to get healthy as you lose weight, as opposed to many other diets that deprive you from much needed nutrients.

    They make it easy by giving you a daily meal plan to follow if you'd like. I just started today, and so far so good. I had two scrambled eggs and a piece of whole wheat toast for breakfast. I took the book's advice and ate very slowly, savoring every bite. I also drank a couple glasses of water. I didn't even eat all of my food! That was a big deal for me, because I'm normally a very fast eater and would have three times that amount of food before feeling satisfied. For supper I had a salad with spinach leaves, lettuce, carrot shavings, shredded cheese, diced bell pepper, and chicken. I haven't felt very deprived, because the meals are healthy yet delicious. Although I find myself daydreaming of cookies and candy bars from time to time, I don't have to be disgusted with myself at the end of the day. I feel healthier and more energetic, and that's a much greater feeling than any junk food can give you!

    The best advice I can give to anyone else starting this diet is to:
    1) throw out all the "bad" foods in your cabinets and refrigerator before you begin the diet to avoid any temptation
    2) Drink lots of water throughout the day to help curb your appetite
    3) Eat slowly and savor every bite. Make it a pleasurable experience
    4) Anytime you're dying for something sugary and sweet, remember how you'll feel after you eat it: bloated, unhappy, and that much farther from looking and feeling great!

    Sorry for the long post, and good luck to you all!
  • I eat breakfast, because so many studies have shown that it helps weight loss. But I don't normally eat traditional breakfasts. I'll have stir fry, veggie chili, soup, sandwich, or whatever sounds good. I did have eggs and toast yesterday and today, as outlined in the book, and I enjoyed it. But I'm sure I will get bored because I'm not a big fan of eggs, and am looking forward to suggestions. I love steel cut oats, and eat those when I want to devote 30 minutes to cooking them, lol.

    Laurie, I've not read the labels on the other Kashi brands, but I think they have other types that taste better. Maybe it's the GoLean Crunch that I'm thinking of. It's not my favorite cereal, but you would probably get used to it after a while
  • It's sounding to me like you guys are needing to start a food journal thread or threads so people can get ideas from what others are trying.
  • Suzanne - just preodered your new book on amazon! Way to go, can't wait to read it! Congrats.