Queens' March Toward Spring! Let's get this show on the road!

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  • Our Good Queen Eydie hath put the idea in me feeble brain that what I long for right now is to celebrate what is called "Imbolic" in some circles, spelling varies. It is celebrated in Pagan circles January 31-February 2, often dedicated to the Celtic Goddess Brigit. I personally would consider this challenge started as of today, December 28.

    S'enough o' the history. I do not mean to make this into a religious thread and those of all faiths are SO encouraged to take this idea ... of using the early, early, early spring to, well, spring into spring accordin' to their own belief systems, rememberin' always that the mind (which IS the source o' spirituality, in my opinion) works in tandem with the bod to create a PERFECT QUEEN. Perhaps the Queens would like to assist the Towel Boys in deep cleaning the palace, or perhaps they would like to do a series o' special challenges in honor o' the comin' o' the light o' spring and summer (no small season here in Arizona). Perhaps there is a special project our Warriour Queenlies wisheth to tackle ... I know that's where I am in my thinking ... before we tackle spring proper.

    Anyhow, everyone is invited to post one or more challenges during this period!

    A Google search o' Imbolic says this is the time for renewal, purification and spiritual growth, a good time for startin' spring cleanin' and getting rid of things we don't need.

    I, FOR ONE, don't need these extra pounds keepin' me from my goal, I don't need Demon Sugar to be my friend anymore ... so I will be in warrior mode and on the march.

    Anyone else?
  • On The March!
    'Tra la, tra la, it's the lusty month o' May, a time when every frivolous whim, proper or IM ...' (Camelot)

    Very well, Empress Amarantha, I will join you in your pre-spring challenge! My overall goal for this challenge, ending February 1, is to "spring-clean" both my dwellin' place (physical and spiritual)! In truth, I am somewhat bummed this end-o-year that I am not YET at my weight loss, health and fitness, financial and spiritual lifetime goals ... and have decided to travel during this season to a cave in the Deep Dark Dilemmatic Diet Woods and meditate on spring (I KNOW it's already spring in Arizona, but here in La-La Land, it's still winter) and FIGHT the Demon Refined Sugar and the Demon Too Much Food and the Demon Not Wanting to Exercise Mojo.

    My goal for this week is to reach my Oracle Fitday's Recommended 1702 Average Weekly Cals and to NOT eat anymore refined sugar, starting Tuesday, which is already over and I did not eat any refined sugar. I will report on these goals daily and hope any other PRESPRING WARRIOURESSES (!) will join me ON THE MARCH!

    Sounds like a plan. Who's in?

    ~ Signed, Dame Amarant Hawanders, Adventuress
  • Thanks to Amarantha for starting the new thread, and yes! I'm sooooo in! I'm reading a book by B.K.S. Iyengar titled "Light On Life" about yoga practice and he says again and again that the outer body and spiritual body are connected and I'm loving hearing that right now. And kind of goes along with what our Empress was saying just now too.

    I want to get back to drinking lots of water and starting a calorie cycling program again, and getting back to serious workouts instead of the abbreviated ones I've had to do recently, and I want to lose weight--about 15 pounds. And meditate daily, and read more. Wow, I guess I could go on and on. I'll make a more detailed list of my resolutions.

    Where's Anagram and Ceara? Haven't heard from them in a while....
  • Yeesh. I'm in, although Feb. 2 here is still mid-winter.
  • Quote: Yeesh. I'm in, although Feb. 2 here is still mid-winter.
    Ah, but only it only LOOKS like winter, WN! In reality, it's spring wearin' a snowy disguise, dinna ye think? Thanks for joinin' in ...
  • Quote: Thanks to Amarantha for starting the new thread, and yes! I'm sooooo in! I'm reading a book by B.K.S. Iyengar titled "Light On Life" about yoga practice and he says again and again that the outer body and spiritual body are connected and I'm loving hearing that right now. And kind of goes along with what our Empress was saying just now too.

    I want to get back to drinking lots of water and starting a calorie cycling program again, and getting back to serious workouts instead of the abbreviated ones I've had to do recently, and I want to lose weight--about 15 pounds. And meditate daily, and read more. Wow, I guess I could go on and on. I'll make a more detailed list of my resolutions.

    Where's Anagram and Ceara? Haven't heard from them in a while....
    Thanks for givin' us this great idea, E!!! And yeppers, this is a super time for the mind/bod to charge right back in and reach for rejuvenation. And we will be better than ever come February 2 ... just in time for mayhap a St. Val's Anti Sugar Crusade? Somethin ...

    I also miss Anagram and Sword Bearer Ceara. And many others ...

    Gotta go, bakin' those fake English muffins again ... added salt this time ... they would also be good with cheese and herbs baked in ...
  • thanks for the idea, eydie. thanks, amarantha for starting the thread, and for thy support regarding my plumbing woes, and the good idea about removing moisture from my royal closet. i will check that out! i definitely like the idea of renewal and rejuvenation. i have been in de-cluttering mode physically and emotionally myself of late, and i have to say it is feeling good. having to move my closet stuff to "dry land" the other day forced me to go through all all its contents and de-clutter, because i want to be able to put much less back in, once the closet dries out. i'm almost done with my project, and while i would not have chosen for the reason to have had to do this, i am feeling good about using the situation as an opportunity, and not a negative. ok-so for my challenge, i am going to continue with my daily meditation, exercise, and de-cluttering my home and then keeping up with/remaining organized. i will eat 1200-1500 cals/day in small, healthy meals; cut waaaay down on sugar intake; and move demon scale downward. hi to all royals, mentioned or -un. have a good evening, one and all.
  • I'm in! I am SO ready to put the holiday season behind me and start reorganizing and streamlining, both diet/health-wise and house-wise! I love the fresh start that January brings, and whether Imbolc or Groundhog Day, both signal the coming Spring, which means winter is retreating for another year. Brigid was always one of my favorites!

    My plan is to continue with my low-carb approach, which seems to work for me, and to get back to the exercise I love most...heavy lifting. Going to be doing it at home, as joining a gym is not in my immediate plans. I have enough free weights here at home to make it work.

    Here we go, girls!
  • to the two Noble W's ... Wsw 'n Wildfire!!!

    Thou hast reminded me that I'm going to continue my daily decluttering sessions also as a part of this challenge. Heck, it burns cals, so I can't go wrong.

    Wildfire, Groundhog Day is neat, too. Sometimes my life reminds me of the movie of the same name with, I think, Tom Hanks? I love that movie ...

    My neighbors have started one o' their bonfires ... I think I've posted about that before ... they go on until 2 or 3 a.m. ... used to bug me because I worried the neighborhood would burn down, but so far it hasn't, so now I kind of like it ...

    Just reportin' on my first prespring challenge day ... it was super ... but finding self in the throes o' some sort o' anxiety attack ... cars, business venture, career (aside from biz venture), pets, depression, blah ... and no one is emailin' me ... or rather, the wrong people are emailin' me ... hmmm.

    But all this is likely to be sugar withdrawal and will vanish with the bonfire ... so to echo the Wild One ... "Here we go ..."


    All goals will be reached in this challenge ... spring awaits ... and the groundhog will see his shadow ... or not see his shadow ... I'm never sure which is the desirable outcome o' that event, guess it depends on your point o' view!!!

    My cals were in the 1700s ... I am trying to bring them down to an average of 1702 this week ... had some high days BUT stayed on Sugar Busters today and yesterday. Also worked out with the trainer but I wouldn't let her tell me anything, so we mostly just stretched!
  • WHOSE ON THE MARCH TODAY? !!!! Hooray!

    Well, Dame Amarant Hawanders will end the eatin' day at 1726 cals, or thereabouts ... still have one meal to go!

    Sugar Busters Day Whatever went well. Stayed awake last night obsessively worryin' 'bout stuff but went to exercise class anyhow, except didn't do the cycle, went into fitness area and did mixed cardio (treadmill, track, elliptical) for 30 minutes, then went to class for core and stretch.

    Ok, I have posted two in a row, so let's go! Let's get those PRESPRING CHALLENGE cards 'n letters pourin' in with glowin' reports o' everyone's day!!! Hooray!!! Come out 'n play!!!

    WARRIOURESSESS, ARISE. WE WILL FIGHT THE DEMON AND EMERGE VICTORIOUS WHEN LIGHT AND WARMTH RETURNETH TO THE LAND (actually it was extremely warm here for approximately three hours ... but it's metaphorically winter) ... Huzzah!!!
  • Struggling. That's the one-word descriptor -- it's the end-of-month, times 12 because I have to finish the definitive "State of the Site" report along with a fresh and exciting horoscope column and all my regular work. And no new assistant yet, nor is there one on the horizon. I'm exhausted, stressed-out, burnt-out, barely makin' it. And have turned to sugar a couple of times, although I generally made up for it with going lighter other times. Still exercising, trying to meditate and do yoga. Two more days...
  • Hello everyone, I have just found this new thread (thanks, Amarantha)!
    I think a good place to start for me would be to eliminate the "second helpings".
    Have a great day!
  • Um, yeah...remember how I was saying I am ready for the holidays to be over??? Well, they still aren't. Not that I want to go back to work...no sirreee...but at least when I am at work I eat on a regular schedule and it's all just much simpler. I am resigned to hanging on by a fingernail until Monday, assess the damage then, and start over.

    My new stove arrives mid-day or thereabouts. Compared to the 17-year old beast that came with the house, this new one is very different. I asked DH to get me a plain, white electric range...but as usual he spoils me...it is a flat top (no coil burners, they are radiant) and it is convection. And the oven is much smaller than what I currently have. Ah well, not like I feed large crowds, and DH wants to buy me new pots and baking pans. Like I would refuse that offer. Say, Eydie, our chef extraordinaire...what do I need to know about convection cooking?

    Once the stove is delivered and set up, we are off for a romantic evening in Niagara Falls. A surprise DH sprung on me yesterday. He has booked a room overlooking the Falls for tonight, and tomorrow we will cross to NY and do a little shopping...he wants a satellite radio from the US, not Canada, and I can always shop! We will head for home tomorrow afternoon and be safe and snuggled with champagne for the changing of the year. In other words, off the roads before the partiers and drunks get out.

    Oh, I must call the appliance recyclers to come pick up the old stove...have a great day!
  • Convection cooking
    My last stove had a convection oven...I loved it and you will too as long as you don't do a lot of 'large' cooking. Everything take less time to cook by about 20%. I miss it. Enjoy and take advantage of the cookware. If you go to Dealtaker.com, they usually have great deals on cookware! I bought a 12 piece set of Calphalon for $125.
  • Yo, Destiny! Hello!
    Quote: My last stove had a convection oven...I loved it and you will too as long as you don't do a lot of 'large' cooking. Everything take less time to cook by about 20%. I miss it. Enjoy and take advantage of the cookware. If you go to Dealtaker.com, they usually have great deals on cookware! I bought a 12 piece set of Calphalon for $125.
    It is great ta see ya and hope ye stay around and join us in our challenge.