Tuning into oneself Thursday

  • Hello,
    Tonight is a weigh-in night for me. I'm hoping that I lost something...or stayed the same. I was off track a little at the first of the week with the stomach thing and drinking all that rootbeer and eating all those crackers. I'm worried about a little fluid retention because of that.

    My goal yesterday was to get my food journal done and my feelings journal done. I hadn't written in them since last Friday when I started feeling sick. I did get it done last night. It sure helps me to journal.

    I was reading that we should go back over our journal entries every 3-4 weeks so we can really get a good recap of what's been going on and see what we like to keep happening and change those things that we don't like.

    I've got some things to do this morning, so I better get to it.
  • Best of luck with the weigh-in! Susie, keep on keepin' on!

    I know that I feel a bit of anxiety about what will happen when PMS and the fluid retention hits, since I started TOPS recently and haven't been through a whole cycle yet what can you do? I have been thinking of all kinds of things to "cleanse" myself the week before so I won't gain or stay the same...I really am dependant on having that loss every week! Even if it was just 1/2 a pound, it means a lot to me to keep on showing a loss weekly (is that pride or am I just too hard on myself? Maybe both ). I *am* the only one who is still menstruating in the group, at any rate

    You are so right about the journalling! I am able to succeed mostly because of my daily food log/journal and 3FC (my "other" journal ).
  • We weigh in on Mondays.. sort of spoils being bad on the weekends .. then again, who am I hurting if I cheat on weekends??? ME..... I wish you luck on the weigh in Susie.. sorry you were sick earlier this week, seems to be going around... take care, India
  • Yogi: I like to have a loss at each weigh-in but eventually it happens that you don't have one. I don't have periods anymore, thanks to a hystercomy 2 years ago..I'm now 40..but I still have my ovaries and I still go through the symptoms.

    India: You are do right about "Who are we cheating?". I try to remember that. I've been so made before when someone says something to me about my weight and I'll eat and think I'll show them..show them what? This is all about learning to put oneself in the forefront and take time to feel, and get through things without using food as comfort...it's for fuel..that's it.

    I'm taking a short lunch break...got to get back to it.