Hump Day Chat - November 9

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  • Good morning! It's still a starry starry night out there but there is a bit of brightness in the east.

    I've not been downstairs to the Girls yet because they went back to sleep after the 5 AM barkfest! I just realized a few minutes ago that I forgot to thaw today's dogfood and am out of my emergency supply of kibble. I guess I'll be doing eggs for the little darlings and myself. I don't even have cold cereal in the house, thanks to the mice, so......

    Today I'll be doing the Big Domestic Goddess act to get this place in shape a bit. I will be having pre-op tests most of tomorrow and have a new cleaning person coming Friday morning. I'm not sure how she will work out but she's young and strong so we will see. I'll make a list of what is to be done in each room and assume she can read. I really miss my Gail!

    What's happening around your sandpile? I'm off for coffee and some canine cookery. Back later to catch up.
  • Mice? Eek! Like you I will be doing a fair bit of cleaning around the house today, yesterday afternoon was spent making the kitchen spotless - I'm quite proud! It's funny how cleaning can be rewarding sometimes. I was on a bit of a downer earlier as I'm on day three of phase one and getting a bit fed up and bored - I'm missing my carbs and it's pretty annoying when my family are eating and eating all around me! I found myself floating around the kitchen earlier feeling a bit lost.. odd!

    Eggs for dogs? Am I missing something? :
  • G'morning, Chicks~~

    Another night of hacking and coughing. I might see if my doctor can fit me in this afternoon. I don't like the way I have a sharp pain when I try to take a deep breath. That's the way pneumonia started a few years back.

    I finished one purple sock with the exception of the heel. I need my sock tutor for that. I just hope she shows tonight with the rest of the gang.

    Ruth, you need to have a serious talk with Lucy and Hershey about their duties around the house. Mice!

    Smile, I know that feeling (wandering around the kitchen). For me, it's usually followed by panic that if I don't get the heck out of Dodge I'll stuff the entire contents of the fridge and the pantry in my mouth.

    And eggs for dogs, most definitely. It's full of EFA's that make their coats shiny.

    Well, I need to go make breakfast.
  • Mornin' chicks! Today will be a busy one. It's the end of the semester panic. I've got one month to do about 3 months worth of work. YIKES!!! I'll just take it day by day and do what I can. Yesterday was a good day of eating but not a P1. For some reason I haven't been able to stick to a P1 that I said I was going to do. I wonder if it's TOM or something. I haven't eaten anything too terrible but it seems every day I have some sort of P2 starch. Yesterday it was a turkey sandwich. The bread only had 40 cal per slice and 10 g carbs 5 of them being fiber so it wasnt too bad but still not P1. I'm going camping Friday so I may just wait till I get back and try another P1. I've got to meet my Nov. goal because on the 9th of Dec I'm headed to CA for a month. I wanna look sexy and slim when I get off the plane.

    What's on your menus for tonight? I'm having the "too many cookbooks to know what to cook" syndrome right now. Well, you chicks have a great day, I'm off to give some attention to my little vermin!
  • Smile, my dogs usually eat meat, bones and veggies - all raw. They ended up having sardines and some leftover cooked spinach and were perfectly content. I hope you are having some legumes in your menus - it really helps with carb cravings.

    Mamacita, I sure hope you can get an appointment this afternoon. This crud has gone on way too long. I giggle at your sock project. My MIL liked to knit but had forgotten how to turn the heel. If I didn't show up on time, she'd kust keep knitting.

    Pearshape, would your two vermin like some company? I have available a selection of rodents - house, deer and field mice. Actually I feel sorry for the little critters but wish they's just stay out of my food cupboards! Dinner tonight? I was thinking sauerkraut and knackwurst with some sweet potato or acorn squash. There's also a cabbage and beef thingie posted over in low carb that I might do. Shall I make lots so we can share?

    We had a gorgeous orange and purple sunrise but now it's all gray and cold out there again. My leaf piles on the walk are frozen solid. Doug and Moel are coming over to stack my firewood this morning. I hope the leaves are thawed enough to rake by then as I'd like to work outside while they slave. I am going to do some baking shortly because I know they'll appreciate a muffin with their coffee. Good guys - and good wives to "lend" their men.

    Made a discovery this morning. My knee has not been bugging me as much the past week or so. When I went to reload my pill containers, I realized I've been taking double the dose of Celebrex! Oy! No wonder it feels better.

    Gotta get my butt in gear.
  • Ruth~ good luck with the tidying house goddess stuff. Hope your new gal works out!!

    Thunder dunder. Major thunder storm over night and I didn’t hear a thing.
    Yesterday went well. I am still getting tired in the afts so I need to rest. I MADE myself lay down for 45 min. It is soooo hard not to pop up and do stuff. It was a beautiful 17C. All the kids were outside. I did some raking and gave the kids wheelbarrow rides.
    The hockey running around went well. I made the SB tacobake without the beans, served it on a pile of romaine. YUM!!
    DD and I did some Avon deliveries and then painted our toes.
    Phone started ringing this morning at 7. I have signed forms and had people coming and going ever since. Hubby is home cause of the weather. I have a call in to the Massage therapist for is back.
    Quiet day with kids. boooooooom... more thunder. I love storms.

    Daily Journal
    1.My renewal statement for the day. I will do this.
    2. Weekly weight. 229
    3. Exercise-type, how long, what level. raking 1 hour
    4. % fat, carbs, protein.
    5. # meals and snacks.3 meals 2 snacks
    6.# fruits, # of veg.1 fruit, 4 veg
    7. How many glasses of water. lots
    8. Time of last food intake, time I went to bed.9& 11.
    9. Why and when I ate due to stress or emotions. didn’t
    10.General feelings about food, exercise, life. Getting there
    11. Any really good events or feelings today. YES!
    12. Overall, how did the day go. good
    13. How can I improve for tomorrow. Eat with awareness
  • Hi Chicks

    I'm on the run again, will try to post this afternoon.Don't know why my life is so hectic lately. I really feel bad not spending to much of my time here lately.But If I don't get back ahve a wonderful Beachy Wednesday
    Hugs BB
  • Ruth: what's knackworst??
  • Hey Chicks!
    Cold bleh day here in the land of Jersey. but I'm breathing so thats good
    YEsterday I worked out afterwork I was trying to figure out something that built strength and got my heartrate up without having to turn on a dvd or vcr (our Entertainment centre isn't together yet) I used my Bottom Step as an Aerobic step
    Oh my gosh It felt good hard but good.
    TOnight Is some Leslie Sansone and stretching before DH comes home.
    I will post more later gotta be busy!
  • Good morning ladies! This is my 3rd attempt to post. Can you believe these people want me to work?!!

    I had an on program night. I can't think of one cheat!!! Plus, I got more water in yesterday than I have in a long time!! Yesterday afternoon, I struggled with the desire to skip aerobics class. I pushed on and went. I thought when I got there and saw that the teacher also taught the class before. I thought, "Oh, boy she should be easier today!" Boy! was I wrong!!! She kicked our butts! And, let me tell you how surprised I was to find out she was also teaching the 30 minute abs class after ours! What a woman! 2 1/2 hours straight of not only classes, but teaching them! I was proud of myself. She went over and offered us some ab work before her abs class. I stayed. Last week, I would ran out of the door as much as I could after her class. She told me I did well as I was walking out the door. What a nice pat on the back that was, especially since at the end I had to do a LOT of modifying to stick with it!

    Well, I'm off to chip away at my desk!
  • Pearshape, knackwurst is usually a beef and pork sausage with a heavy casing. The ones I get locally are made with veal and very lean. Think fat weiner.
    They are not strictly Phase II but sure are great summered with sauerkraut in the crockpot. I'm about to have another three pre-cooked meals in my freezer for my convalescence.

    KO and Djett, I am impressed by your exercising! I wish your motivation would rub off on me.

    It's just 10:30 and Doug and Moel have stacked and covered all my wood, come in for coffee and a muffin and are gone! Happy sigh! The kitchen floor is half scrubbed. I'll move chairs and stuff when it dries and do the other half. Time for a bit of hand sewing and relaxation.

    I hope your day is unfolding as smoothly as mine is.
  • Hi all
    Just a quick fly by today. I'm making cream fondant today and I shouldn't be away from the stove. I hand-dip chocolates every year and give them as gifts. I do orange cream, mint and butter cream. I also make carmels and dip them. The weather is gray and cold. I'm waiting for a little sunshine to melt the frost then I'll go for my run.

    Hope you all have a great day.
  • I'm moving offices today so this week has been really busy. I just heard that they have started hooking up phones at the new building and that the moving boxes are there so I'll be going over as soon as I get off a couple of conference calls. I got my exercise yesterday by helping move two heavy tables and five servers.

    Last night's dinner was lean burgers on ww buns and overnight slaw. Tonight I am trying the turkey noodle soup from the new cookbook. So far every recipe from the book was good although I didn't like the Cod Soup as well as the clam chowder that I've already posted.
  • AH, nice happy sigh Ruth. Who is helping you with your convalescene??? I am worried now!
  • Hollyhock, Claire and Liz will be on my case so not to worry. Claire is taking me to the hospital for the day surgery and will insist I go to bed when I get home. She will stay overnight and Liz will take over in the morning. They need to make sure I don't do anything stupid like make legal decisions or running the chipper shredder. I will have to rest a lot which is why I need a stash of micro-waveable meals. I do not expect a long time off my feet!

    RNMOM, didja have to mention hand dipped candies! I will make some goodies for gifts but it'll be much later. They are too darn tempting.

    Barb, you are making me want to get that new cookbook!

    It's pouring rain again and I have decided it's a nap afternoon so will see y'all later. (Where is that darn Bamie?)