We're Doin' Great on Core Board #28!

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  • I thought it was high time we started a new thread, since it's up to 300 replies on #27.

    Post away!

  • Thanks Angela - a nice clean "page" to scribble on! lol

    Boy what a time I had catching up w/all of you after about 1 day missing in action! Geez slow down would you?

    Vickie - the chickens sounds yummy, glad you enjoyed the pool - your kitty cat is cute (altho I'm allergic to cats) and I'm sure those 3 lbs are temporary and I want you to focus on the big picture and how far you've come in a year!

    Melissa - glad to hear about the new car - sad to hear about the new car not working - glad to hear you are getting it checked out - sad to hear you are not feeling well...maybe time for a dr visit?

    Kathy - sounds like the home renovations/painting are coming along nicely - sorry to hear about the hot flashes - nice that you can take some time off tho to watch the puppies!

    Welcome to Shelby - nice to have you here! ...and we both love PINK!!!

    Rita - your new place is great - I esp like that bedroom 2 where you can sneak out thru the bathroom and out the back door - would have loved that as a kid - ha ha ha

    Angela - so has the donkey "pupated" yet? And how's Shred doing these days? Sorry to hear about the eating binge - at least it's not as bad as "before"! Good luck to Jyl - please keep us posted on her success! (we all hope!).

    Sandra - I love pecans - it is the only nut I am not allergic to - definitely don't like rancid ones - hope you and Curtis don't suffer too much?

    Now for me - I am surviving but exhausted - had a fun time sat night - yes I indulged in some desserts - they had these fabulous fruit kabobs w/chocolate sauce!

    Sunday was an all day thing - leaving the house at 7:30 am and not getting back til 11 pm! Breakfast was hash browns, french toast, fruit salad, icky scrambled eggs and muffins/breads. I was so hungry I did eat a lot.

    Lunch was buffet - ceasar salad, and all kinds of pasta!!!! Yes I had some but tried to not pig out - a fruit tart and biscotti for dessert.

    There was a break in the pm and luckily I had brought my runners w/me so me and a few of the ladies went for a nice LONG walk along the Canal and behind the parliament buildings - it was so scenic and pretty along the river - and nice and breezy too. After that we went out for Mexican food in the market (strawberry daiquiri, nachos and fajitas). More speakers, then israeli dancing (where I hopefully burned off some of those calories) and we were so tired we went home before the dessert buffet that night.

    Today of course I am trying to monitor what I am eating - at work now, but going to the gala dinner thing tonight (brought a change of clothes, more makeup and fancy shoes so I can change here before I head downtown).

    My gf and I have also been causing trouble at the convention - seems because we are working today and not attending the full convention we did not receive any convention kit/bags (nice canvass bag filled w/goodies, schedule, forms, etc). We were REALLY PEEVED when we found this out - brought it up to our local chairperson/organizer - not that sympathetic, even spoke to the National Executive VP about this - and she did not care either - if you're not here for the whole event and don't pay the full price - too bad. We were further annoyed when we found out our NAMES were not even on the participants lists - and you have to understand we were actually volunteers on the hospitality committee and helped organize some of this event. So now we, and some other local ladies (around 10 of us) are in the same predicament and feel like 2nd class citizens.

    So what do we do? We "help" ouirselves to some of the leftover bags that are LYING AROUND - there were only 10 of us out of around 100 participants who did not get kits - those around us are also upset and start "providing" us w/ other freebies they got - so we go home laden w/cd holders, cd's and other stuff! So there! Yes I am a thief and proud of it!

    Anyhow they have not heard the end of this as "we" have all completed parts of our evaluation forms already indicating our discontent w/this policy and intend to write emails as well!

    Have to be there by 6 pm tonight for city photos then some sort of "dinner theatre" thing at 7 pm? and dinner - I hope it's not more pasta - keeping fingers crossed for fish?

    Now I am starving and must find FOOD!


  • angela, thank you for the new pages to write on.

    hello, ladies. wow! 2 whold pages typed since i was last here. i love it!!!

    i got up around 9 this am and walked 2 miles on the treadmill before curtis got up. he's still sick with a cold. guess we won't be going deer hunting this week. moose season opens thursday and he'll be going out then but i'll prob stay home. i don't like to mingle with grizzlies.

    i am back on core today. i don't know what my problem was. i have been trying to analyze myself and have decided i have an eating disorder. duh! did ya'll see kirstie alley on the jenny craig commercial? she's lost 50 lbs and is looking super. but then we have our vickie and terry who've lost around 50 lbs and are looking terrific, too. plus, all you others who are so near or are at goal! okay, i need to get serious.

    melissa, i hope you're feeling better. what a way to lose weight!

    angela, i liked bl, too. it is truly inspiring. i know it's not feasible to do what they do (that much exercise and just being a diet machine) but i wouldn't mind losing faster. i am proud of you for your new eating habits. you are a good inspiration.

    melissa, exercising while watching bl is a good idea. i will treadmill. and tues aren't they going to be on 1.5 hours?

    welcome, shelby. this is a great place. we're glad to have you part of us.

    vickie, you are NOT letting us down. you always lift us to new heights. i hope you get a good wi but if you don't, just hang in there.

    shelby, i am from the ft worth area but live in montana now.

    frouf, i am proud of you for standing up for yourself. you and the others definitely deserve the goodies. have fun tonight.
  • Angela, I'm glad you started the new thread. I was thinking about it earlier but couldn't come up with anything interesting that rhymed with 28!

    Frouf, sounds like you have had an exciting weekend! I hope that you had a good time, despite your negative encounters! The Israeli dancing sounds especially interesting.

    Well we just finished watching a movie and I think that I finally got whatever this was out of my system. Part of me wonders if the "sickness" was not just from eating poorly. Who knows, but I'm going to try to eat better the next few days for sure!
  • Sandra, glad to see that you are up and at 'em today! Good job on walking this morning. Way to go! Maybe you and I should decide to exercise together while we watch BL--then we could check up on each other.

    I am trying to plan out some menus. I really want to keep track of them like so many of you do so that later I can just go back and "redo" a week of menus. Sounds like a plan. I found some soup recipes that were hiding in my recipe files and posted them on our board. I haven't tried them but they sound good, especially for fall.
  • melissa, i like your idea. let's do it. that will give us at least one night a week to exercise together. i also like your idea of doing some recipes. i'm going to go to my cfc and check out what canned soups are core. i am going to get some to have on hand. i am also going to make some homemade soups along the way. thank you for posting those new soup recipes for us.
  • Sandra I like soup (both canned and fresh) because it is easy to grab on the go. And when you make a big pot of it, it lasts for days! I'm going to make some of that "potato soup" tonight to take for lunches this week.
    So we'll exercise together during BL! I love it!
  • Is it really 52 degrees in MT??? I'm jealous!

    I just got a call from someone who wanted to know if I was interested in a job. Unfortunately it pays 3.00 less per hour--I just don't think that I can do that. If it was a job that I was really interested in I might go for it. Oh well.
  • I'm talking to myself...

    The guy we bought our car from just called and it is ready for us to pick back up. He said that there is some sort of issue with our loan...they want a bunch of $ down (that we don't have to give) but he said that he was working on it and he didn't seem too worried about it. Keep your fingers crossed!
  • Thanks for the welcome Frouf and Sandra

    Good luck Melissa
  • Hey everyone,
    Welcome Shelby,,Im new to this board as well , I know your going to find it as welcoming as I do. These gals are great.
    Melissa, I hope this works out for you,,,,,crossing my fingers too.
    Frougy,,,,,,,we didnt see a thing!! (closing my eyes)
    Angela, thanks for the new board,,,Im on dial up and it was taking forever to post here
    Sandra, I'll be watching biggest loser here too,,Im sort of a reality show nut..we get a show called *taking it off* here in Canada,,,,its pretty good too.
    better go get some supper going here,,,,,,,,ttyl
  • Hey Chickies! Not alot of time to post right now but I wanted to come on and tell you all the official news. I gained 3.2 which is the most I have gained since the year I've been on program. Sigh. I was very sad. So my loss now is 41.2. I will NOT lose my 40 pound chick and I am going to do my darndest to get my 45 pound chick and soon. Enough is enough. I'm going to check my portion sizes this week (weigh and measure) just to be sure my comfort zone hasn't gotten out of control, I'm going to drink at least 8 eight ounce glasses of water a day in addition to other decaf beverages, and I'm going to exercise at least 30 minutes on 5 days. Jim thinks I slacked off (my words not his) on my exercise a bit and he's right. He's still my good friend that I fell in love with and always finds a diplomatic way to tell me bad stuff! My portions at breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack are great. My dinner and night time snack might be gaining in size. I don't know, maybe I did nothing wrong but I have to get back in some kind of a losing grove again. My Leader suggested that I flex for a week but I don't want to do that. My promise to her was to weigh and measure to make sure I'm not eating 2 cups of pasta for example. The Regional Director was at my meeting today and gave me some good feedback after the meeting about how I talk to myself and about myself. She pointed out that I said that I'd never get down below 150 pounds. She was trying to tell me not to program myself in a negative way. She's right and I'm going to change that. I'm good with other people but not so good with myself. So I'm done feeling sad now! I ran all my errands and checked on houses and brought in mail. Now I'm going to get on my suit and go for a run in my pool. I've had my smoothie snack and dinner is ready to be warmed up when we come in from the pool.

    I'll answer posts after dinner. Thanks, as always, for being such good and supportive friends. I couldn't have picked a better bunch of chicks if I had tried.
  • Quote: I'm good with other people but not so good with myself.

    I couldn't have picked a better bunch of chicks if I had tried.
    Vickie, I'm so glad to hear that spunk in your voice again. You can do this girl. Your resolve is inspiring, as always. You're absolutely right...you are so good at encouraging us. I really believe that you believe that we can all reach our goals. Believe that about yourself too! And I agree, you just can't find a better bunch of chicks. Maybe you could do flex, but with core foods? I guess that is pretty much what you are doing if you are going to weigh and measure everything. We're behind you!!

    The guy from the bank had to leave early today so we still don't know about the car loan $ situation. But the guy we bought it from said that he feels confident that he can work them down to $0 down for the car. So I guess we'll just wait, hope, and pray!! I feel like everything will work out though.
    Off to make some dinner! I think I'm just going to have a baked potato and maybe a little taste of chicken. Still worried about how my stomach is going to process food!
  • Hi everyone:

    Hang in there, Vickie. I would have been right up there with you if I hadn't chickened out of going to my meeting this week. It's the first one I've skipped and I feel a bit guilty, even though lots of other people skip all the time or just don't bother to come back after a few weeks.

    I was up 3 pounds overnight from PMS bloat, which has gone down a bit but not completely. Some of it is probably real gain. I wasn't very careful the last 10 days or so. We went to a really nice place in L.A. for brunch and I just got what I wanted. The meal itself was probably more or less core, but I had a pastry, too. I'm back on track today, but I'm still expecting a gain.

    We enjoyed the trip, but it's an awfully long time in the car for one day. We're going to visit my folks in Irvine next weekend, but I think we'll stay in town for a while after that. The kids need to run around more, especially ds.

    I've got some portobello mushrooms and feta cheese, so I'm going to try to work them into some kind of pizza-ish thing tonight. I haven't decided if I'll going for spinach or tomato as a base, though.
  • melissa, it really is cool here today. we're expecting rain later, too. yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! i hope all goes well with your car. it would be the pits if it didn't. you have inspired me. i may go make some soup in a bit.

    patti, i am definitely a reality show buff. i am glued to the tube when they are on.

    vickie, i am proud of you for having a good outlook and a good plan. i'm like cher and would have been up there with you if i had gone to the meeting. guess we're chicken chickies?

    the comment your director made reminds me again of lanny bassham. you should get and read his book. he teaches you "how" to be positive. a mental management: with winning in mind. http://www.lannybassham.com

    cher, let us know how your pizza-ish dish comes out.

    well, i'm off here to make some soup. i'll catch ya'll later.