Please Join Us and Take on a Week At A Time Challenge #11

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  • The object of this thread is to take on at least one challenge related to your weight loss goals for 7 days straight. Choose whatever inspires you - a certain amount of water intake, no sugar, 30 minute walks, etc.

    I will award accolades for each day you maintain your goal(s), and 7 day winner awards and pounds down at the end of the week. We will begin each challenge on Monday - you can choose a new challenge or repeat any challenge for extra mileage. If you would like to stretch yourself, take on more than one challenge.

    We will support each other keeping in mind to stay focussed on our successes and/or challenges of the day and week related to our weight loss. There are plenty of threads where a lot of time is spent on personal stories, so let's try to keep that to a minimum.

    All that we have is right now.
    Yesterday is gone, Tomorrow is not promised, and Someday is not a day of the week!
  • Monday (Sunday??) Post
    Hi My Lovely Ladies! I am still here. I was so busy and tired - I thought it was Sunday! DH has had me on another construction project - this weekend we were building a shed which took longer than we expected - the directions said it can be assembled in one day. HAH! One 18 hour day. Anyway, I am so tired and so sore - we worked in the dark 2 nights this weekend. I am not complaining - it was fun and I am loving that I am becoming Tooltime Jane - I have my own drill, saw, etc.

    The garage project unearthed a family of chipmunks in our house! Our cats chase them but unlike mice - do not harm them (fortunately) so Greg and I caught 2 by hand and released them outside. I har another one in here so I better take care of it. Before I go . . .

    Welcome to our newbie AliLewis- We don't worry about "pound" goals - we focus on "doing" goals - knowing that weight loss (or inch loss) is a benefit. So you are on the right track!

    Debi for great success with your goals. I will give accoclades for your successes from last week on Tuesday. I am so off with the holiday!

    Bonnie we are here for you as always! Think of how wonderful it will be the next time your DGD comes you will be even healthier and have more energy as you continue to achieve your goals.

    Allie for pounds down! You are doing so great!

    carla you are so cute! Meow - the kitty is back on the prowl!

    flipafart (?) are you joining us?

    I have to run and feed DH and me - we are hungry, sore, and dehydrated - will chat more tomorrow and catch up on last week's accolades. Sorry for all the confusion with the holiday!

  • Hiya.. DH went into hospital for three days last week (for ten years and well, his whole life, he's never been in the hospital.. had pneumonia in June, they think it snuck back up on him and made him deathly ill.. it was scary) and was sick since Monday.. so I did well for most of it but ended up not eating one day except two small granola bars that morning.. which made me reaaaaally tired the next day. We just drove in from Beaumont. It's 10:30 pm now, we went to Emily's baby shower. It was great, kids had a ball fishing in my Papa's pond, caught their first fish!, got to see their great-grandparents, fed cows and gathered eggs, etc. We all have colds, all six kids and us. So needless to say I'm not worried about my challenge. Just saying hello. I have appointments for him and the kids tomorrow and Wed. so I'll be driving nearly all day both days. Hope you all are doing well, sorry to come and unload. Hope to slow down and can get back to worrying about myself a little. We'll see. (I did pretty good when I was gone, just didn't track it all. Think I probably maintained. I hope!) Have a great week. If I don't get back this week, I hope to start next Monday off with a bang! Hugs! (Oh yeah, if you want to see that article they did about me on, just go to the site, and sign in real quick, then log in with your password and it'll come right up as the featured story thingy. LOL. It's odd to see myself there, but neat too. Good motivation I think. Hope you get to go look at it.) Bye for now!
  • Love a challenge
    Greetings, I'm a newbie and would like to particapate in your on-going challenge. I have lost 27 pounds and have about 10 to go. It's too late to start today but tomorrow I'll clip on my pedometer and work on my daily 10,000 steps. Love to hear from you!
  • Tuesday Morning Greetings!
    Mornin' Lovelies! It's Tuesday, I know it, and I am back on track!

    Welcome to our newbie Bobolink! You can join in any day - no time like the present. I give kudos and awards for each day of the week you meet your challenge(s) and totals at the end of the week (Sunday for us). 10,000 steps - WOW! Great goal - we are behind you!

    Soon2BFit congrats on your article - I have not been able to access it yet. Could you share the name of it - didn't pop up when I logged back on.

    Bonnie for 1 lb down last week! We are starting a new this week so every repeat pound you lose this week still counts! You go Girl!

    Carla for 6 days of goals met! We are with you during your time of loss

    Allie for 6 days of goals met and 4 days of WATP! If it is okay with you I am counting your 4 days starting on Mondays Deb. It makes it easier for me to track with the rest of the group

    Debi for 7 days of goals met and for 1lb down!

    AlieLewis, Sushi, and Casper - let us know how you are doing!

  • Where is everyone!
    We are missing some folks out there!

    Bonnie dear - I know you gained weight by the end of the week - but I wanted to give you kudos for the first pound lost you reported at the beginning. Don't worry - those repeat pounds will be off in no time!

    Your beef roast sounds delicious. I am married to my slow cooker (and my George Foreman!). Have a great day everyone.

  • friends!

    I am so glad to be here and believe me, it is helping me tremendously.

    Got both of my challenges done for today already.

    1. Walked down 25 flights of stairs
    2. Drank 5 cups of water

    Woo hoo - I'm done now till tomorrow 'n then it's time to start it all over again.

    mscat, I'm so glad you're back [we missed you!]

    Sounds like even though you've been doing some hard work, that you've really been enjoying yourself 'n that's good to hear!

    Bonnie, how're you doing today with your calories and getting your exercise in? I hope good! And, am so glad that you're keeping on.

    Soon2BFitChick, good for you with not gaining any. I'm proud of you!

    How's your DH feeling now? I hope much better! Also, I hope that you all get over your colds soon and also that life can get back to normal for you soon as well.

    Hi Bobbi! Congratulations on losing 27 pounds - what an accomplishment!!

    Let us know how you do with your pedometer and your steps. I always thought that I'd like to get one but never have. What kind do you have and do you recommend it?

    Bonnie, I just read your last post and way to go with getting your exercise in. It also sounds like you're doing really good with your calories as well. Keep up the good work!

    I hope you're all having a good day!


  • Hello Everyone!

    So far I am on track. Every day I have had 8 glasses of water. Yesterday I did my WATP 2miles, this was amazing because I have been sick with the flu all weekend and yesterday, I felt like crap. Knowing I was going to report into you ladies helped me get through the 30 minutes.

    Thanks for your support! It really does help keep me from giving up.
  • mscat, how're you doing today? I hope good and that you're not as sore as you were yesterday.

    Allie, Way to go with keeping on track even though you were sick. I'm can't say that I would do so good if I weren't feeling good.

    Bonnie, I'm so glad that your weight dropped and that it was mostly from the salt and water. [Whew - what a relief, huh?! ]

    Good for you for deciding to get up and exercise even if you didn't feel like it. I'm proud of you!

    As for myself for today ...

    I've completed all of my challenges so that's over with till tomorrow. [Yea!!] *lol*

    1. Walked down 25 flights of stairs
    2. Drank 5 cups of water

    Bonus: I walked down an extra 5 flights of stairs for a total of 30 flights done!

    Hope you're all having a good day!


  • Deb: Normally I look for any excuse not to exercise, (stubbed toe, broken nail, etc.) but I have this group to look forward to. It keeps me going. I am so happy that I have found you ladies. This has been on of my best experiences in getting healthy.
  • Allie - for Tuesday! We are so happy to have you as a part of our group

    Debi for Tuesay and Wednesday!

    Bonnie for Tuesday and Wednesday!

    and me! for Today - Wednesday! Got all my water in!

    Have a great Evening and start Thursday out with a bang!

    All that we have is right now.
    Yesterday is gone, Tomorrow is not promised, and Someday is not a day of the week!
  • Today's inpirational message is from my favorite website "The Daily Motivator"

    "To achieve, stop talking about it and start getting it done. To achieve, stop seeing every obstacle as an excuse and start seeing those obstacles as forming a pathway to your goal.

    To achieve, stop looking for a quick and easy shortcut. To achieve, start putting forth the diligent, sustained effort that will create real value.

    To achieve, stop complaining about how things have been. To achieve, start making the most of what you have right now.

    To achieve, stop using your own words and thoughts to put yourself down. To achieve, start expecting the best of yourself, and know that you're indeed fully capable of it.

    To achieve, stop pretending that you are someone else. To achieve, get connected to the authentic, unique person you are.

    To achieve, develop a vision so positive, meaningful and compelling that you simply cannot sit still. Then get up, go out and delight in creating your own special greatness for the world."
    -- Ralph Marston

    WOW - that my ladies, says it all - have a great day - believe it, then achieve it!

    All that we have is right now.
    Yesterday is gone, Tomorrow is not promised, and Someday is not a day of the week!
  • Just checking in:
    I did the WATP 2mi on Wednesday AND I have geen drinking my 8 glasses of water daily. woohoo!
  • Allie, I know exactly what you mean about the support here and it helping so much. I feel the same way.

    Even days I don't feel like moving at all [or cutting it short] - I think then how I'd feel to have to report in that I didn't get my goals for the day done 'n that keeps me on track big time.

    Way to go with your exercising and with your water. You go girl!

    mscat, thanks so much for the encouragement and the 's ... it makes me want to try all the harder. THANK YOU!!

    Also, thank you for the daily message as well ... I used to read those every day but hadn't for quite a long time. Today's was definitely a good one.

    Well - I got both of my goals done for today.

    1. Walked down 25 flights of stairs
    2. Drank 5 cups of water

    I was going to do 5 extra flights but decided against it [I was tired and also, I think the extra 5 yesterday were a bit much 'cuz my back hurt a little last night and today.]

    Hope you've all had a good day!

    See ya tomorrow.


  • Hi Debi, Nice to meet you too! I'm glad that you're glad I'm back online and here. And I'm back online from the long holiday weekend!

    Thanks for the welcome back mscat and thanks for the on my goals! Glad to hear thatyou have talked the situation over with your ob who did your hyst and you two have discussed surgergy as an option. Me too. Now I jsut need to follow up with an appt.!

    Since I last posted, I walked 10 laps around the baseball field my son has his games at. My DH told me that I walked 2 miles. That was Saturday. Boy did I feel it! Suday we went to a cookout, but I danced so much to the good music that I hope I countered what I ate!

    My son and I walked to the neighborhood store (all hills both ways). And I got the batteries for my scale! yesterday morning I wighed 168.5 lbs. I'd like to at lest lose 20 -25 lbs. Now all I need to do is figure out how to put a scale on my posts!

    I managed to catch a headcold, so I havn't been doing much since Monday.

    mscat cograts on your shed project. We are getting ready to redo the kitchen. My DH "says" that we will begin on tomorrow!

    Hi AliLewis welcome!

    Hi Bobolink! Welcome!

    Oh, I forgot to tell you all..... I bought some Weight Watchers desserts to satisfy my sweet tooth. Had 1 point value yesterday! And guess what?! I just went to the freezer and my DH bought a bunch of Healthy Choice selections!

    I just went and weighed myself and I'm 168lbs., so I've lost 1/2 lb. of salt/water.
