Over 50 and Getting Healthy #24

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  • Thought I'd better start a new thread!
  • Bringing this up to the top so people see it before they see the "old" thread!
  • Anybody out there today?

    A rather rainy day here in the northwest, off and on. I started the day with 10 min. on the treadmill, followed by 10 min. of stretching, then 50 min. of weight lifting and another 5 min. of stretching after that. After watching All My Children, I went to the post office to mail the assisted living facility information to my Dad, and to the library. I was looking for this one book that I saw on another forum, but I ended up with two mystery books instead. Got home and changed cat boxes (always a pleasure--not!) and vacuumed, then I washed the stinky dog. He doesn't lift his leg the way he used to and ends up peeing all over himself every time he goes. We have to use baby wipes on him all the time, but that only lasts so long. He's going to the kennel next week when we're out of town so he's going to get stinky again, but at least he'll start out clean. Tomorrow we interview a kennel and a petsitter for the cats.

    Not a very exciting day, but I got a bit of stuff done. Also stayed on my eating plan today, which is a big change from the past few days. I've been exercising just great, but the eating has been rough. I'm thinking about taking a nutrition class offered at the health club. The person who teaches the weight lifting class is the nutrition expert, and I really like her. She's 62, and in incredible shape. I thought she was my age when I met her.

    What's everybody else been up to?
  • Good mornin
    Been making baked goods for our garden clubs perenial plant sale, along with crafts, baked goods,& art. Have no extra plants,not a crafty or arts person, do what i can. alos got things around for our jazzercise class relay for life garage sale fund raiser , both are this thru, & fri
    Hope to get my seeds in the garden today. BUSY BUSY!! of course get to work too. Bonnie2

  • Good morning,
    Sounds like everyone is busy! I have also been very busy. I'm trying to learn how to manage the Herb store "Herbs Instead", when my sister can't be there. I'm not really into running a store, but realize there will be times that she would like to be off. Wow....I didn't realize how many people DID rely on herbs instead of prescribed meds! Hopefully, the store will do well. For now, we're replacing a few things the former owner took with her (it was in the agreement), so won't show a profit for this month.

    Hope all of you are doing well. I have to get ready for work. Bluet....it was so good to hear from you...I was getting very concerned. Knowing it's work related, we understand fully. Just get back to us as soon as you can. Glad you're feeling better.

    Bonnie-2....sounds like you are a busy lady! Do you do a lot of baking? I love apple pie!! We had fried apple pies at the festival at the TV Station last Saturday. I had to really control myself! I DID slip a little. I'm sending SunnyD, Bluet, & Sheila a CD. If you'd like one, send me a pm with your address. I sing Southern Gospel (of course! ) We had all decided to send each other what we could to get to know a little about what we do. Hey.....how about an apple pie!!

    Sheila...I know you have your hands full with your dad, your dog & cats & especially your house. Please take care of yourself. Good to see you ARE taking time out for things you want to do.

    SunnyD....Hope all are well. Hope your dad is doing better. I'm still enjoying your CD. I got new copies made of mine, so hopefully, I'll get them mailed off tomorrow. I learned yesterday that Mary Fay Jackson from GMT (the singer we visited in Texas last year) is coming next week! I'm so excited to get to see her again. She's going on to Nashville to record & Connie is going with her. She's going to do some recording at the TV Station, also.

    I really need to beeee going....love to all!!!
  • Good Morning,

    Another cold rainy day along the lakeshore in eastern Wisconsin. Daughter next door watched the weather on Monday before she posted the ad in the papers for her garage sale. Wednesday (today) was predicted to be cool with heavy showers, so she switched her sale to Thursday (tomorrow) and went ahead and posted in the papers. Well, true to Murphy's law the weather God switched the days around. Too late now. So I am taking tomorrow off of work instead. It's a good thing too, because apparently I marked the wrong day on my calander for the accountant to come. I thought he was coming yesterday, but he is coming today. When I do dumb things like this, I really start to worry about myself and the "getting older process."

    Well, Shiela, sounds like your animals keep you on your toes. Your Dad keeps your life really interesting too. Do you think he will really come to Corvallis to live? Sounds like another moving expedition for you and DH and your son. Wow, you are really getting yourself in condition. How is that competition going between DD and yourself?

    Sunny, hopefully the weather has been better in Ohio than it is here. Have you been able to get outside in your gardens to get things in shape and to plant? It has really been too cold and rainy here for us. I thought I had lost all my rose bushes, but slow but sure they are coming around. Last year I pruned out my huge pink rose bush that i just loved, and I must have used a clipper that had a disease on it, I had a time trying to save that bush last summer. This spring it has very few leaves on it, and needs either to be cut down or pruned severely. You can bet that I will be dipping that clipper in a bleach solution before I start. I hope you and yours are well, and that you have just hit a busy spot in your life.

    Charlotte, How are you doing? Think about you a lot. Hope the business is going ok and that your daughter is doing better than just ok too. I'll bet you are really busy right now. How are you holding up? Don't wear yourself down now, remember Charlotte, you come first.

    Hey Diane, thank you for asking about me. I loved the picture of you and your grandson, he is a real cutie. I can feel so blue, but when one of those grandchildren shows up at the door, it just brightens my day. We have nine grandchildren now. Benjamin Charles was born on 5/10/05 to our son and daughter-in-law last week. Ben is doing well, son and DIL are very happy, and adjusting to a new baby in the house. They have two children a boy and a girl. Your little grandaughter is due soon too, that is very exciting.

    Bonnie2, must be that time of year for rummage sales and plant sales. Good luck with you sales too. Do you have perennial beds in your yard? What perennials grow best in your part of Michigan? Hows the weather over there? Has it been as crummy as we have been having? May sure hasn't amounted to much. I don't want it to be hot, hot, just a little warmer please.

    Well gotta go guys. Hope we hear from Everyone today on Sheila's new thread.

  • Oh, good, you're all alive and well! And what Bluet said in her last sentence!

    So what have you been cooking, Bonnie2? Describe it in great detail. I seldom bake because I want to eat what I bake, although if I am taking it to a bake sale, then I usually don't eat any of it. Once in my binging/purging days, I baked a cake for some function, then ate half of it. I told my DH that I was carrying it, and I dropped it. I'm glad those days are over. So you and Bluet are both going to be doing garage sale stuff this week. Hope the fundraiser nets the group a lot of money! What are you planting, by the way? I have seed envy. Still haven't figured out where to plant anything so we'll probably plant nothing.

    Charlotte, LOVE the cats! They look very cool. I'm hoping the store will do well, too. Do you have to do the cash register and stuff by yourself when your sister is gone, or is there an employee to manage? I've never heard of fried apple pies. Are they like turnovers? Saw once where somebody deep fried pickles and Snickers bars, which I can't even imagine. Can't wait to get your CD!

    Bluet, I always look at that memory stuff as, after living 50+ years, we have too much data in our data banks so it's hard to access it. I was watching Oprah yesterday and this neurologist said that to keep our brains young, we should take B vitamins, and pick a card from a deck of cards each morning, then remember that card at lunch and dinner time. That's a bummer about your rose. I hope they all come back looking healthy and blooming well. What's blooming around your house these days, if anything? I've seen several beautiful golden chain trees in our area. Do you have those where you are? I want to put one in my yard along with a dogwood, a cherry, and a Japanese maple.

    I went to check the kennel out today and liked what I saw. The guy is nice, and we talked dogs for about 15 minutes. Also met the petsitter, and my cats seemed to like her, although they like anybody who pays attention to them. Two of them run right up to people, and the third, who always looks very regal, waits for people to come and pet her. Yesterday she came and jumped in my lap, however, which made me wonder if she was sick. When my animals do things out of character, I get worried!

    Dad sent me a birthday check, which was nice of him. And it was quite a big one, too. I was a little shocked because he usually gives me about 1/4 of what he sent. I'll take it to Idaho with me when we go next week. My DH has to go for work (he works out of Boise) so I thought I'd accompany him. We're staying with my son so I'll get to see my granddaughter. I'm going to be there when her teachers come on Monday and when her physical and speech therapists come, too. Also have lunch scheduled with a friend, dinner with other friends, and another dinner with a friend. My DH has dinner scheduled on Wednesday with a guy from work so he and his colleague will eat at one table, and my friend and I will eat at another. Then if I get done earlier, I can move to his table to wait for him, and vice versa. I did that as a way to avoid having to drive in the evening, which I just don't do, and I didn't want my friend to have to pick me up.

    Hope everyone is having a good Wednesday. Is today the day when the new Idol is chosen? If so, I know where some of you will be tonight!
  • Sorry I'm not a good pie baker, can"t send it. Yes I would like your cd Charlotte. Love southern gospel music, thanks..
    I have mostly perenials in my yard. peony's, tulips, pansys,daffodils,roses,bee balm, cone flower, bleeding heart, hostas, that's about it. Our garden club exchanges with each other also.I bought myself a hydranga bush for mother's day.
    I planted sweet corn, green beans,& peas today. plant regular plants later, like tomatoes & green peppers.
    weather hasn't been very warm here lately.. Got our wheat sprayed for weeds, etc. today. hope for a good crop as all farmers do. Lord willing.
    made molasses cookies, baby ruth bars, banana bread & angel food cakes for the bake sale part of our plant sale, bought a few tomato plants 1 gal brought to sell. Will show up at jazz. sale tomorrow early, always lookin for a bargain.
    See who gets the boot on AI tonite. I'm glad Tom won survivor. Isn't he handsome now all clean shaven? Bonnie2
  • Had to come back on and share my exciting news with you. My oldest son got his grades today, and he got a 4.0!! He's been wanting to get one since he started college two years ago, and he finally did it. He's the one who works fulltime at night, goes to school during the day, and is a single parent to a special needs kid. I'm so proud of him!
  • Good Thursday Morning
    Good morning my little friends. I just read all the messages and seems like everybody is doing really good.

    Sheila congrat to your son that is great!! He definitely has his plate full I know you are so very proud of him. You have been awesome with your exercise sure do wish you would rub off on me.

    Bonnie2 good luck with the fundraisers, sounds like you are one busy lady.

    Bluet congrats on the new Grandson, wow 9 of them!! They are such a joy but can also be a challenge when you have them everyday. Bradley who is 3 spends alot of his time on the naughty bed. He has a 15 yr. old big brother and has picked up alot of his bad habits. I believe it is called the terrible 3's instead of 2's. I hope your rose bushes will be ok, I just love roses. I bought my first rose in years the other day a Peace Rose. I planted it in a big pot and plan on nuturing it to no end. Years ago I had tons of rose bushes, remember I had a blue rose it was beautiful.

    Charlotte wishing you luck on the new business how exciting. Could I have a CD too? I have enjoyed the one Sunny sent so much, I just love gospel music.

    Sunny where are you?

    Have a wonderful day and good luck girls with your sales.
  • Here I am gals...

    Good Afternoon Everyone...
    I didn't know that everyone was writing! I'm sorry!
    I have not gotten any notices because I had not
    posted in the new thread --- silly me forgot!!!

    It's been quite a week...
    Monday: Joe and I went walking together... NOW he is joining me on Mon - Wed & Friday's... his BP has NOT been good and we think he just needs to get plenty of rest, a walk in the mornings and lower his salt-intake. Today it has lowered some (we have a machine), so we are doing the right thing. He really doesn't want to go on meds. I will monitor him twice a day right now (for 10 days / he's on day 3) and if it doesn't continue to go down; then he has to get to his Dr. So far the numbers have gone down slightly

    Tuesday: I had my GYN ck-up & Peggy went for hers too, so that makes it nice, going together --- all is well and I am healthy, my Doc just thought I should slow up and walk every other day right now, so that's what I am doing... 2.25 miles every other day (21.75 miles for May so far). I have been getting so very tired by noon, having to push through my days & I've had a slightly elevated temp (I do that whan I get over-tired). Now I just have to go for my yearly Mammo in June (double yuk ).

    I also got a call from my mother Tuesday and now she is very ill She has a blocked bile-duct (a stone we hope! and not caner ) causing pain in her liver (ouch!!) She has a difficult time eating and sleeping right now. She is going for blood-work today @ 3:30pm to see what needs to be done - looks like surgery! In the meantime... she is on pain-meds to get her through a day and sleep at night. I hate that I am so far away!! She insisted that I stay put and that she is fine, but I am so very concerned! As for my father, he was put on meds for Silent Pneumonia... a very sick man. It's *All or Nothing* you know... when I spoke to my mother yesterday she said that daddy is feeling much better now that he has the meds and she was anxiously awaiting for the Dr's to help her

    *Thank-you so very much for your fervent Prayers* I have told my parents that you all have lifted them up and they are very touched that people that don't even know them are praying for them. That is really cool when you think about it!! You gals are God's Gift to me and my family!! *Thank-you!*

    Peg and I had a great time out Tuesday after our Dr's appointment... it felt good to laugh, I have felt so very down-hearted about my folks lately. We went to lunch and then off to the computer store We shopped for a whole NEW system for her --- she is so excited! I helped her because she didn't have a clue what to get --- we got her a whole new HP system. I am SO GREEN It's beautiful and she'll have it for a lifetime with all the bells and whistles on it. She got the HP Pavilion Pentium4: 512MB Ram, 200GB Hard Drive, DVD+RW, CD, XP Home, the 15" Flat-screen Monitor, the Keyboard & Mouse, Altec Lansing Speakers, and a HP 3 in 1 (copy, scanner & printer) and a Good Serge Protector for a grand total of only $1,200 after her rebates and with an extended 3 year warranty to boot --- she did "real good"! ***SHEILA --- NOTE *** ALL HP PRODUCTS ***

    Joe took the day off yesterday and we went over to their home to help her set up and get going --- it's always so exciting!! She needed a phone line run... so Joe did that. We got home at 11pm last night --- LATE for me! I really wanted to get her connected to the Internet, but she could not find her ISP Providers number --- oh well... we'll get her up and running soon. In the meantime, I loaded some games, a card shop program and a screen-saver that I had to keep her busy till we get her going. She and hubby are going camping this weekend anyway...

    This morning I have been on the phone trying to clear up an error made in my checking account... I went to check my acct. as I do every Thursday and there's a company that I wrote a check out for 125.00 and it's very clearly written on the check, but they cashed it for 725.00 !!! When I called the bank this morning she said that it has to be investigated first, but that I should see it cleared up in a day or two (fingers crossed!)... this could really cause problems for our account if they don't... thank the Lord I had enough $$ in the account and it didn't go red! Scary!! When it rains it pours ---

    to be continued...
    I want to answer your posts after I
    have caught up with my reading, okay


  • Hi everybody,
    Gotta keep this short. Trying to get to the post office with the CD's & tapes...finally.

    Diane, I'd be happy to send you a CD. Just send me your address in a pm. Remember, though, I'm not a great singer, so don't expect to be amazed! I sure do enjoy it, though.

    SunnyD....I'm soooo sorry about your mom & your dad. I know you must be very worried that you aren't with them. Remember, though, that you also have health problems, & need to take care of yourself. You may be needed, if/when your mom has surgery. I am praying for all of you. Hope Joe's blood pressure is better. I'm on BP meds, & don't want to be. I was able to get off of them for 6 yrs. Then, with all this mess going on with me, had to go back to them.
    Glad you had a good day with your friend. I'd like to have a new system, also. Lucky to have what I do, though. I'm so glad the thieves & fire didn't touch my HP! Well.......the smoke did, but...oh well........

    Sheila, thanks for your address. It's on it's way. Hope your dad is better.
    Yes, fried apple (or peach, or berry, or chocolate,etc.) pies are kind of like turn overs. You roll out the dough...put the fruit in & wrap the dough over. Go around the edges with a fork to seal the dough around the fruit. Then, they are either baked or fried. I really like them baked better. Don't know why they're still called fried. hmmmmm...delicious!!

    Bonnie-2, thanks for your address. It's on it's way. I bet you know what fried pies are! I've been wanting home-made ice cream. Do you all know about that? You make up cream & sugar & flavoring (a little fruit if you want). Put in a container, down into an ice cream machine. Put ice on top & around. The older ones are cranked by hand & the newer ones are electric. There's a thing in with the cream that turns when cranked until it makes ice cream!! Kind of like churning butter. Ohhhhhhh, so good!!!! We usually have it along with watermelon on the 4th of July.

    Hi Bluet....sure hope you're feeling better. I think about you a lot, too. My daughter is coming along slowly. Thanks for asking. Yes, I'm very busy with the store & the station, both. But, I'm enjoying. If I just wasn't so fatigued, I'd really be enjoying it more. My hair is beginning to really thin out. Kind of scarey....so I bought som Biotin from myself at the Herb store. My beautician started washing my head with shampoo for people on chemo this morning & recommended I take it. So, maybe it will help. Lupus thins the hair. So does Methotrexate. Also, when I receive my Medicare papers each month telling me what drs I visited & charges for each thing, it always has the Remicade treatments down. This last one said "Chemotherapy" treatment. Gotta talk to my Rheumy about that!

    Well.......THOUGHT I'd keep the post short, anyway. Everyone have a good evening......
  • Good Evening Everyone,

    Well, we had daughter's next door garage sale today and the the redo was a smashing success. Thank goodness, I was feeling so sorry for my daughters, all the work they went through and not many people the first go around. We were tired, cold and wet. Another nasty cold wet day in Wisconsin.

    I am really tired, but just wanted to check in with everyone. CSI, well how gruesome was that? I thought they were going to keep us guessing until next fall if Nick got out of the box or not. Idol, was interesting. Bo is really good. I liked Carrie's rendition of Cryin. Some of my co-workers didn't. Tom deserved to win the million. He was helpful and stay loyal through the whole mess on Survivor. Katie, did not deserve the runner up prize. I would have prefered to see Ian get it.

    Sunny, I am really sorry about your parents not feeling well. Will keep them in my prayers. Good for you encouraging your friend to buy HP products.

    Sheila, I have three perennial beds and a rose bed and a slope behind one of the farm shed covered in perennials. I have a magnolia tree that is young yet, but it is full of flowers, don't know why as cold as it has been. This week I have seen a Baltimore Oriole in the yard and some Bluebirds. I have a climbing hydrangea that is doing well too. The hostas and peonies are up through the ground and so are the lillies. The next two days are suppose to warm up a bit, lets hope so.

    Charlotte, I am so excited to get you CD, can't wait. I hope the herb that you are taking for your hair really helps, you deserve the best. I have high BP too and have been on meds for years to control the levels.

    Diane, I have three grandsons that live in Green Bay. their ages are 11, 8, and 4 soon to be 5. The youngest one, Caleb had never been allowed to be the baby cause the two oldest teach him so much stuff. He is a little toughy and spends a lot of time in time out too.

    Bonnie2, hope your sales and activities for the day turned out really great and successful for you. Our county's master gardeners are having a plant acution on Saturday. It starts at 9:00 a.m. I hope to go and see if they have anything different to bid on for my gardens.

    Well I am falling asleep at the keyboard. Have a good Friday everyone, and thank you so much for being my cyber friends.

  • Bonnie2, I don't know what Baby Ruth bars are, but they sound good. You have a lot of great flowers in your yard. I've been looking at sun patterns in my yard to see where I can plant some bleeding heart. It's a popular plant around here because people have lots of trees and shady areas. Hostas are popular, too, but the slugs love 'em, too, so you don't see too many. While I don't watch AI, I have seen some commercials, and it appears the long-haired rocker guy and the blonde country girl are competing. I haven't heard the blonde sing, but I liked the guy. Of course, I'm a rock and roller from way back.

    Diane, I had to laugh at the "naughty bed." First heard the "naughty" stuff on an Oprah show where they had the super nanny or whatever. Not having little kids, I don't watch the show, but I did watch the segment on Oprah. I thought the "naughty" places you put kids was a good idea. How do you think Bradley's going to take to having a baby around? Peace roses are so pretty. I think that was the first rose my parents bought. Hope it blooms beautifully for you. I've never heard of a blue rose!

    SunnyD, I'm so sorry about your parents! Did you find out if your mom is going to need surgery? I'm glad they found out what was going on with your Dad and that he's feeling better. I'm praying that these health crises will pass soon for your dear parents. It is so hard to be far away when our parents are ill.

    All right--all HP products! Now, if you ever have any problems with an HP product, let me know. Employees have a special line for when they hear of customer complaints, and you really do get special service. I had a friend complain to me about her printer, and I told my DH, who called the special line and someone called my friend the next day. Now, they left 7 messages for her, and she never responded, but that's her problem. I will see her next week, and I'll have to ask why she never called them back.

    Charlotte, I hope you and your daughter had a good talk. I imagine it will take a lot of time to get over losing the baby, and I'm glad she has such a supportive family. Homemade ice cream--yum! We had an electric maker when I was a kid. Didn't use it too much, but it was really, really good when we did. I think you can get little refrigerator ice cream freezer now. Sure hope the new shampoo helps your hair.

    So my son told me that my GD has scoliosis. I'm not sure what they do for little kids who have it. I guess it's part of her overall Trisomy 18 problem, and since most kids don't live as long as she has, it's hard to manage. The stuff I read wasn't very encouraging, but then again she's managed to surprise everyone already so I'm betting she will do okay.

    Well, that was quite the CSI tonight, wasn't it? Have a good Friday everyone!
  • Such good news about the sale Bluet they are alot of work. We need to have one but I can't get the energy to get it all together. Hey Caleb sounds just like Bradley he thinks he rules the roost around here the little stinker. Your flower and rose beds sound beautiful would love to see them.

    So sorry to hear about your Mom Sunny bless their hearts they are having more than their share. I am glad to hear your Father is feeling better.

    Sheila hated to hear about GD, so sad for you and your family.

    Charlotte I had forgotten about ice cream freezers...years ago we used to make homemade ice cream alot..yum. The fried pies are so delicious we have a business here in town that makes them.It has been here ever since I can remember and they are out of this world. I hope the shampoo works on your thinning hair.

    Bonnie2 you have been busy baking I see sounds delicious. I believe you must have a green thumb by the sound of things. I just love tulips too. It has already reached 90 here yesterday so I will send you girls that want some warm weather some. It gets so hot here in the summer time and I just hate it, wonder sometime why I live in Texas!!

    Have a great day....Diane