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  • Hi everybody (you too,lurkers)

    Today I completed my first week on Body For Life and it feels great. Today is my FREE day;don't have to exercise and can eat whatever I want. But I still got in an aerobic workout this morning. DH and I are going out for dinner tonight: possibly chicken nachos or veggie pizza.

    I've also been drinking my water. How about you?
  • One more try
    I have written this message two times and just when I get to the end something seems to go wrong. I guess three times is the charm, right?

    I got an e-mail from my Mom today telling me that my 20th high school reunion is Aug 19. The minute I read that I started that inner-voice beating up session. I don't know if I can face going to a reunion at the size I am. I was never skinny in high school but I weighed 130 throughout high school and I only weighed 140 when I went to my 10 year reunion. I just don't think I could face going to that reunion at 200 lbs. I have really beentrying to work on my attitude about me and my body and thought I was making progress. But today just brought it all back again. I need to decide whether I am going to change my lifestyle to a healthier one or whether I am going to live my life as a depressed, hiding from life person. I just wish that -mail hadn't come.

    Anyway I am going to quit while I am ahead and post this thing before I lose it. I can't face typing this again.

  • Happy Friday Everybody

    Today i start Week 2 (day 8) of the BFL program. I love it because you get to eat something every 2-3 hours (fist-size portions of protein and carbs in 6 small meals each day ), all the veggies you want, and it makes me exercise some portion of my body every day. For me, exercising has been a real problem but so far this is working.
    If you do the exercise sessions as instructed, the aerobics is only 20 min (3 X week). On the other days you alternate an upper body or a lower body workout that only takes 45 min. And of course there's the FREE DAY.
    In just one week I have accomplished alot. I am learning portion control without feeling hungry, I have cut out all the junk snacks and late night grazing, my refridgerator is filled with healthy food, I'm getting all my water, and I'm exercising towards a goal of less body fat and more tone. Not bad for only one week

    Pat~~~ I'm having the same trouble posting today too. If I remember to post part way through and then go back and edit to continue it helps save time.
    Regarding your up-coming reunion~~ No matter what people might say, we want to go looking our best and to have them say "Wow, she looks great!"
    But is it worth putting yourself through the stress? Can you lose the amount of weight that you want to in only 3 months and do it healthy? Are these people that you have a great desire to see? Can you go as is, and enjoy yourself?
    You have to decide what is best for you. Always think " making my life less stressful and more enjoyable" You deserve the best
  • Hi, Remember Me?
    Hi Everyone,

    Remember me? It's been a long time since I've posted. I guess I've been one of the 'lurkers' (lol). I took a little hiatus from the on-line posting while going through therapy. I found that the process took a lot of my time an energy but I'm feeling much better about myself! Now that I've taken care of some emotional things - I feel ready to rock and roll on the weight loss. I'm spending much more time planning my meals and exercise now. So hopefully I will start seeing results soon. I've been basically plateaued at the same point for the last few months (but better than gaining!).

    Sil - what is the exact title of the book and author's name (body fit?). It sounds interesting.

    Snerdlet - I tried to look at that website but couldn't find the quiz. I registered for the course though. It sounds interesting.

    Well, just wanted to say hello! Hope everyone is doing well!

    Welcome back, JB
    You were gone a long time, but glad to hear that you were taking care of yourself
    The book is called "Body For Life" by Bill Phillips.
    Before buying the book, check out the message section on 3FC, at the top of the main page look for Diet Plans, then pick the thread called Body For Life #4. They have listed several direct links to the BFL program.They include the exercises,food, tips, and you can even download (free) the food and exercise journal pages.
    The best sites are the body for life and hussman sites. Check it out!
  • I expect this thread to be slow this weekend, so I want to say HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY to everybody.
    Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy
    I don't have a flag to attach so here is my attempt .....

  • Happy Memorial Day
    Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Memorial Day!
    Have a great weekend.....

  • I've been doing the 21-day challenge, mine was to eat breakfast at the table instead of on the couch. I had also decided to eat dinner with my husband there at least once a week.

    The breakfast thing is going quite well - except yesterday, when the baby would not go down for his nap and I was too hungry to wait. But the dinners! What fun! The first night, my husband came and ate with me and we had such a good time chatting that I did it again the next night, and the next, and the next! Last night he mentioned how much he likes eating together. Before baby, we did everything together, and we had plenty of chances to talk and keep connected. When Alex came, without realizing it, we lost quite a bit of that. Eating together makes sure we have time to connect every day. I'm so pleased! I guess that's why they say families should eat together - it gives us one time in our busy days when we can be together. And when Alex is older, I want that to be a habit for us.

    Anyhow, just wanted to share my success - oh, and it seems to stop nighttime grazing somewhat for me. I have a feeling that eating is over for the night when I leave the table. What a nice side-effect!

    Hope everyone else is doing well in their challenges.

    What does Memorial Day commemorate?

  • Jodie~~~
    I'm so glad to hear that it is going so well with you and your family. You are right~it is so important to connect with the family each day. Good for you in making these good habits with your son in mind. Sounds like you are a great mom
    Memorial Day is a day where we remember all the men and women who died while in service to our country (Navy, Army,Marines, Air Force, etc). Many people have given their lives in order for us to have our freedom and we should remember them always, not just one day a year.

    On a brighter note, I'm still doing great on my behavior challenge~getting in all my water
  • Helo Everyone
    Good Morning All,

    OK I have no clue what day it is as far as my 21 Day challenge goes but I've been drinking my water everyday. I started a 100% On Program Club on the Diettalk site and that seems to be helping. So I will be around a little but I am concentrating on the club right now.

    SIL- Good for you, You are really on your way with your program.

    JODIE-I'm so happy that you are enjoying your meals with hubby. Since the girls came along we really have to work on getting together. I know how nivce it is when we make that connection. And what a great added benefit of less night eating. Keep up the good work.

    Have a Great Day. Don't tell anyone but I actually saw the sun for a minute this morning.
  • Happy Tuesday Morning All~~~~~
    I hope that you all had a nice weekend. I was able to stay on the BFL program throughout the weekend Even did my exercises! Pippin has started a 4th of July challenge on the "Weigh-ins and Countdowns" section. Hope to see all of you there.

    Sharon~~~ Where on Diettalk is your thread? Under what section/thread? Today is Day 15 of my behavior challenge (drink at least 6-8 glasses of water) and so far I'm doing great.
    Take care~~~Sil
  • Morning All
    Sil the thread is under the WW topic. It is called 100% On Program Club. I'm having withdrawel this morning because I can't seem to log on the site. Doing well. Gotta run one daughter is in the bathtub and then off to story time at the library. I'll try to get on the computers there.
  • I found your thread on Diettalk and posted there. Talk to ya later when you are able to log-on again.
  • Sil,l I still can't get on diettalk. I e-mailed the owner but I'm going thru withdrawel. I guess I'll go have another glass of water and watch Oprah at 4:00pm maybe Dr. Phil is on today. I usually miss him because I'm usually working on Tuesdays.

    Hi to everyone else.
  • Hi guys how is everyone doing. Did you make any decisions about your reunion Pat?

    I was nervous when I went to my 20th. I wsn't that upset about my weight because even though I gained weight I think Ilooked better and was somewhat more confident than in high school. But I did make my husband come just in case no one talked to me. I actually sent my husband home early so he could watch the world series. I was having so much fun most everyone had becomer equal as we were all adults and talking about kids and such. Of course the were a few of the old popular gang who weren't too into joining in but to tell you the truth they were kinda weird and some seemed real uncomfortable and several got stupid drunk.. I was never so happy not to be in the ppopular group.

    Jelly Bean I remember you. How are you doing withthat plateau?

    Jodie Still eating at the table. How is your program going.

    Hi to everyone else. Is everyone interested in keeping this forum going? It's been kinda quiet here. I like our little group and hope everyone comes back and other people join us.

    Have a good day.