No clue on shakes

  • Anyone ever heard of Revitalize Soy Shakes? They are low carbohydrate, calcium rich and contain soy protein. Would they be good for someone who is lifting to restore protein? Someone told me it was best to drink protein shakes. I'm just a tad confused. Would it work well with my Weight Watchers plan? Thanks for everyone's advice and support! Is it OK to lift on the day that you weigh in? Any thoughts on that?

  • Hi Julie

    I believe that I've heard that soy protein is not a complete protein so as an after workout shake it's not as good for you as a whey protein shake... Yes, it is good to have protein after a workout, and shakes make it easy, but real food is always best. You can eat chicken, cottage cheese, beef, whatever meets your fancy... I can't answer your question about the WW plan though, but I can say if it's within your alloted points, I guess it is ok ... Sure it's ok to lift the day you weigh in but don't be surprised if you weigh more after a workout because your muscles are pumped a bit from the workout...
  • My trainer told me that it's incredibly important to have carbs. Working out with weights literally tears muscles. Having a complete diet allows you to rebuild muscles.

    I'm not saying that high carb is the way to go.

    I take Isopure, 300 calories, 50 grams of protein, 25 grams of carbs, 0 fat. It's available at GNC.

    Another product is Aria which is 80 caloires, 14 grams of protein, and 4 grams of carbs.

    I like Isopure b/c it helps me get to my protein needed. (1 pound for every pound you weigh, or if you're in weight loss mode 1 pound for every pound you want to weigh).
  • Hi,

    I don't know much about shakes either but I want to put something right on the soy protein here: MI agree with Ilene that most vegetable and legumes have incomplete protein but as far as I know soy is the exception. To my knowledge the soy protein is complete so don't let that hold you back to use it.
