Mad March Weigh-In

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  • At last! A month I can spell

    Well today the scales crept under the dreaded 12st....

    11st 13 3/4lbs!!!! nice!
  • Congratulation 2f!

    I am still waiting for my stone change - work and utter knackeredness prevent healthy living at the moment!

  • Managing to stay the same at the mo, though the scales did do an upward blip one morning. Have terrible snack attacks, wish I could ban all crisps and chocolate (in the world ). I suppose Mother's day might bring some of the dreaded c word my way, help! Hoping they just forget or don't get the chance to get anything BTW, was nagged into getting broadband, now I don't have to play Spider while I'm waiting for the page to load!
  • Well Done Frus on the spelling and the stones change
  • Have put on 1.5 at sw. My sister dragged me there I did not want to go. It is my birthday week but I will try my best to lose in the next week.
  • The stones change is official, am now 11st 13lbs! Body fat 23.8%

    I'm 11st something! Now that's something! I haven't been this light since I was 11 years old

  • Thats really good going.
  • I'm just laughing at all Yvonne's "nee's" I was born in Preston Look at your stats too wish I was that

    WELL DONE FRUS SENSATIONAL!!! thats a new 'un int it?

    I well gained this week own fault for devouring too many goodies from over the pond so 2lbs up this week! not changing tracker tho' he-he! I plan to get it off for next weeks weigh-in
  • Only showing 1/2lb Gain this morning scales get me My plan now is to weigh in at 158lbs on Good Friday to reach my 10lbs off goal and not worry about the weigh-ins in between
  • Death by Chocolate
    Meal out last night to celebrate parent's 48th anniversary, very good, only one piece of garlic bread (what did you say? with toasted cheese on top? urrmm.....) and a small portion of scampi (share my mother's chips? the very idea!!), but then, as I eyed up the gateaux, hubby said "Why not try death by chocolate like your Mum?" when I usually stick to their lovely blackcurrant cassis sorbet. Oooh, silly mee.... how sickly do they make these things? Cake and a buttercream filling yes, but why do they smother it in all that sickly topping? I'd not have been able to finish it without the ice cream (again, never did like cream with dessert). Dear Hubby "Just think that you've had your treat for this week" - THIS WEEK? Does he know nothing? A week is too long, isn't it girls, even if it's only something little?
    Ah well, I'll stick to the sorbet next time, forewarned is forearmed. Am still managing to stay level while I gather myself for the next assault on the flab .
    Keep up the good work, well done all on your efforts Chicks
  • Sounds like heaven to me
  • -3lbs this morning so im now 11st4
    will change my thinggy ma jiggy later got to make a mad sprint to school with sqwakky brat
  • Hi All

    Think I was good all weekend, just need the scales to reflect it now, unfortunately my scales are broke and the spare pair are in KG and the marker line takes up the whole space between the kilos. You'd think the manufacturers understand that every 100g is important sometimes. I actually went to a WW weigh-in and lost 100g (1/8 lb) once and was still happy. (thats the minimum you can lose),

    I'm just laughing at all Yvonne's "nee's" I was born in Preston Look at your stats too wish I was that
    You obvious left too then. my Stats are Ok, but I bet Toot gets to 120lb before I do, she flying. I'm 1 step forward then nothing for a week, but still trying though .

    I would love a piece of death by chocolate, But how can 1 lb of chocolates, put on 3lb in weight. My boyfriend thinks its impossible, but I know its not.
  • toot will probably be at 170 again before she sees 120.....its the way it always happens
    lose and lose , then i think FCUK it and eat what i like and put weight back on
    i bet your boyfriend is a stick insect, never has to worry about what he eats.......or hed know all about the horrors of chocolate and how easy they can turn from a lb in a box to 3lbs on our hips or bums or tums .......or if your like me all over
  • Well done you loser FCUKers I'm a loser this week too, FOUR pounds... but we know that's cos I can't chew... so now I have two to lose to reach my Easter goal, very do-able....