Weekly weigh in .... Feb 28 - March 6

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  • Good Morning all!

    Lost 2 lbs this past week.
  • Dana, your weight is just falling off!! I maintained this week...AGAIN. I bought the WATPs dvds last night, the set came with 1,2 asd 3 miles. Maybe this will help me bust this plateau. Oh, I forgot. I measured last night and had lost another 4 inches!!That makes me feel a little better.
  • I gained 3 pounds this week ~ I sort of expected that ~ had too many off program days last week and not enough exercise. I need to work harder at it this week.
  • I'll be back to report my weight this afternoon, I'm sticking with the digital scale at the gym (my home scale doesn't go past 300). *cross your fingers for me*
  • Hi everyone.

    Bad new for me again. I'm up 2.5 lbs. How is it possible to gain 2.5 lbs when you were on plan for 5 days and only off for 2??? I realize I shouldn't have been off at all but I'm very frustrated.

    I hope everyone else had a successful week.
  • I am down three-quarters of a pound from last week. Not much, but I actually expected a gain. I was so bad this weekend. Started Friday afternoon -- I have been doing pretty good, drinking only diet sodas. So what did I have Friday afternoon/evening? TWO bottles of orange soda -- 24 oz each! That's like 600 calories!!! Ugh. And I grazed all weekend. Just mindlessly ate anything and everything, it seemed. Let's see how I can do today...
  • I'm not really sure how many pounds I'm down because of the "great birth control pill debacle" (where I inexplicably gained 5 pounds every other day) but I guess I will just weigh in at 199 so I'll know next week. Yay, Onederland. Just gotta make it last this week!

    Congrats to all the losers, and if you gained, this is the week for getting back on track!
  • I'm down 4.5 pounds to 250. I'm officially not off the chart at www.fitday.com anymore I'm also almost 1/3 of the way there.

    Dana--that is awesome. Look at you go. You're going to be in onederland soon.
    Amy jo--the weight will start catching back up to those inches. You are doing so well. 4 inches is a great loss.
    Gale and Ingrid--I have not doubt you'll both be back on track and losing again in no time.
    Darla--good job on the .75 pound. You sound like me. I do so well during the week and it just takes one crappy weekend day it seems like to derail me.
  • I am down 3 pounds this week, which is a great surprise since I cracked and went on a carb binge this weekend.

    Congrats to all the losers
  • I lost 2.5 pounds this week, my second week on Weight Watchers. I am happy. I am going to do this! Keep going, everyone!
  • WOO HOO Jennifer!
    You are doing fantastic. What a great feeling that must be to under 200.

    Congrats to you other losers. And for those who gained just keep at it you can do it.
  • I'm down 7 from the 20th.

  • I stayed the same, no gain - no loss. Still 302. *sigh* But this was my first week so we'll see.
  • I'm weighing monthly now - I heartily recommend it to those who struggle with water retention or slow weight loss, or just think the scales are !!

    February weight loss - 7lb (2lb more than my January 5lb)

    February Inch Loss - 8 inches.

    I'm pleased with that - now onto March!

    Love Amanda x
  • I lost .4,(with my period) at this point, I've lost 5 weeks in row! Which is amazing for me.