Eggcellent March Madness CHallenge!

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  • [COLOR=Navy]This is for all us folks at ISO....Losing 50lbs!!!! And anyone else who wants to join us in our little March/Easter Challenge!!![/COLOR]

    We're a small group but a GREAT group!! SkinnyButt, MMarie, & Tired Of Fat are the most awesome ladies and the best support team a person can have!! Go to our old Thread ISO and see how great these ladies are!!!!!!!!!!

    So Join us in our newest Challenge and have a blast!!!!!!
  • Well...ate well today and got great exercise even if I didn't go to the gym...shovelled all the snow we got dumped on us!!!

    I'm still waiting to see everyone,..,..and I'm all alone here!! I promise I'll be back at ISO...but I liek the new thread!!Hope to see everyone in here this week and new folks too!!
  • hello!
    Well, friends, I went clothes shopping Saturday and had a good, good day. I bought a blue jean skirt in a size 14-which I haven't seen for a while-and all the other things I bought were a size 16! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! I'm so excited! I went home and got rid of all my size 18's. I told DH to say good bye to the size 18's b/c they would never be in our house again! Just wanted to share w/you guys. I know you'll be almost as excited as I was!

    Splashes-congrats on the pound gone. You're really moving along! Keep up the good work.

    Marie/TOF-let us hear from you to know how things are going for you.

    You know, even w/my success while shopping I'm fighting the temptation to eat sweets today! I was in court until 12:30 today so I was late getting my lunch and they had candy EVERYWHERE in the judge's office! UGH. But I didn't give in but it's still there. Send me some good thoughts!!

    Gotta run. Talk to everyone soon.

    Oh, did well w/eating this weekend. Walk a total of 10.6 miles on Friday/Saturday and did my stretching video Sunday morning and 6 miles on the treadmill last night.

    Splashes-you might want to post this new thread in the old one so everyone knows where to find us. Thanks.
  • Yayyyy for Skinny!!! Size 16!!! That is soooo awesome!! they say one dress size is like 15lbs gone! And you are doing the right thing by getting rid of the "big clothing"....Dr. Phil says that if you don't have them, and don't want to pay the money to buy'll have more incentive to maintain or lose!!! You are AWESOME Skinny!!! Keep up the great work!!!

    Yes Ladies!! Where is everyone else???? We're waiting for you!!! Skinny and I have started off on our Eggcellent March Madness Challenge!!! Hurryup so you guys don't get left behind!!!!! We're still posting at ISO...which we need to start a new thread..we've got wayyyyy too many pages can be ISO #2....But let's give ourselves the Double Motivation whammy and post on both threads!!! WOOHOOOOO We are the most awesome support group there is here!!!WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

    I'll see everyone later tonite to see if anyone else has posted!! Don't forget...You can copy and past your entry from one thread to's soooo easy!!! Let's get these Threads working ladies!! March is here!! We've got 5 weeks to lose 10lbs!!!!
  • Hi all, just a quick note - I'm in the middle of painting. Things are going good. I think the remodeling will never end. And it probably won't since we're snowballing. Now not just only all the floors and walls are changing, so are the countertops. To replace the floor we have to break the countertops to move the cabinets. Are builder was nuts the way he put the kitchen togeter. It's okay though, I got to pick a new color - forest green marble laminate. It's beautiful and we ordered it yesterday. Should be in next week. DH and I took the week off to work on the house. We also did a quick road trip across half the country to get DH another new prize (another old, rusty charger - the two together will make one car). So that was long and tiring. 3650 miles in 76 hours. I admit I ate my way across the country and have been scared to step on the scale. Since being back I've been doing okay food wise. Now exercise other than climbing on ladders, squatting, ripping staples from the floor - you get the picture. I'm exhausted at the end of the day.

    Back to the paint. Talk to you soon.
  • AND... Congrats to both Skinny and Splashes - way to go on the EMM. You two are awesome.

  • Hello, ladies
    Hope this finds everyone doing well. Things here are good, even though I was up at WI. But, I know I'm eating healthy and exercising so I'm blaming TOM and possibly not getting as much water as I need these last few days. At any rate, I'm not obsessing about it. I know what size I'm in right now and I know that's progress. so, I'll stay on track and expect a big drop soon!

    I'm doing well w/exercise. I've walked 21.5 miles this week. I dragged my heiny out of bed this morning and went to the Y to do a circuit routine. I'm meeting a friend for coffee tonight and knew it was this morning or not at all today. I enjoyed it. There were only myself and two other ladies in there.

    Sounds like everyone is doing well. Keep up the good work. Oh, I went shopping yesterday and found some awesome clearance stuff at Lane Bryant. I bought a $110 outfit for $15.00! Is that awesome or what? It's a nice outfit but not too dressy. Can be worn to work, church or date w/DH? I love finding a bargain! Clearance rack is the first thing I hit and I hit it wide open!

    Gotta run. Yeah, us!
  • Hidey Hooooooo!! suffering from a bad flare up of Sciatica..been to the hospital and no exercise...but am stretching alot!!! and the eating has been on the scale today annnnnnddd!! TADAAAAAAAA 180;lbs!!!!!!!!!1

    Marie!! Glad to see you here!! WOW Remmodelling and Rebuilding a car~~~ Awesome projects...and yes TOM will add anywhere from 2-10lbs...but think of all that exercise you are getting during the remodelling!~ That'll keep the old muscles in shape!! I love the color you picked for your new counter tops!!Your house is going to be beautiful!!! Keep up the great work!!!

    I asmire your willpower, Skinny!! Good for you to get up and exercise at the Y before coffee!!! That takes alot of willpower...goodness knows I don't have much!! If you keep going at the rate you are, you'll hit your goal sooner than expected! And it always seems we get the most nervous at WI day...I tell ya I was dreading getting on the scale this mornign but lookie lookie...I'm down!!! Keep up the greatwork!!!!!
  • Hello, my friends!
    Hope this day finds everyone doing well and blessed beyond imagination! Things here are good. I stepped on the scales this morning and alas, I'm still up two pounds! But, I'm going to work my heiny off and they, and hopefully more, will be gone next weigh in. I know some of it, if not all, is TOM stuff. My DH laughs at me and says I'm the only women in the world who looks forward to her TOM starting! I said, go ahead and laugh, laughing boy, but it's almost a guaranteed weight loss every month-what have you got? He's so much fun.

    Had a great weekend. DH took DD's on individual "dates" on Fri/Sat evening and they had a blast. Of course, that gave me some one on one time w/DD's as well. We had a nice family day Sat.; hit the flea market and the mall. I indulged w/about 1/2 a soft pretzel and had a frappucino as well. They were both delish!

    I haven't exercised, except for walking around at the mall/flea market, since Thursday. Will be back on track tonight. I'll either do the elliptical or tread at the Y. Doing good w/eating and water.

    Gotta run! Have a great evening!
  • Hay folks...ended up back in the hospital...this sciatica thing is worse than I some really funky painkillers and anti the pain is being dealt with...sort of...I've never been in this much pain in my life...and I've broken pretty well every bone in my body...and't it's never hurt this bad...Keep up the great work ladies and I'll keep an eye out for everyone!!

    PS...Morphine is amazing!!Lol
  • Good morning, my friends!
    I've been working on the same case since I cam into the office 1 1/2 hours ago so time for a break. My eyes are crossing!

    Things here are well. Good eating day, met water goals and did 60 minutes on the gazelle. I also got up this morning and blasted off w/Richard Simmons. I hope to keep this going. Some type of exercise in the mornings. Help me get/stay on track!

    Splashes-so sorry to hear you're in the hospital! Hope you're soon doing better and can go home. You're in my thoughts. Enjoy the morphine while you can!

    TOF/Marie-where are you ladies? I'm missing you! Check in soon. We need you.

    Gotta run. I have to get this case figured out for court tomorrow. Talk to you soon.
  • Yes!! TOF and Marie? Where are youuuuuuu??????? We keep checking on both boards and don't see you!! Please join us soon!

    Skinny, I hear ya about the crosseyed thing...doing paperwork does that to me after awhile!

    Congrats on keeping up the good workouts in the AM...they say that getting going first thing in the AM revs your metabolism so you kinda keep that endorphin rush for the rest of the day. I love it when I go to the barn first thing and get the critters fed and do all the the time I'm ready to ride, i've got this really good burst of energy and I feel great. Same thing with an AM work out..that's why I prefer to workout in teh AM...if I do it at nite...i can't sleep...I will be trying the Gazelle next week once I get the OK from teh Dr to go back to the gym.

    I was actually up[ and walking around downtown today...the pain was pretty bad at first but it was gone by the time i'd been walking about 20's once I stopped that it settled in again. Got the new PX from the dr and it seems to be working soooo much better than the last stuff he put me on. So now I go back to the Dr. on Thursday to get a final checkup on the sciatica...

    I know exactly what he's gonna say.."Lose weight and exercise" it's always the same thing wether it's for my arthritis, my asthma, my allergies, or now my sciatica....sometimes I just want to throttle him!!Lol

    See everyone tomorrow...GOod luck on the case Skinny!!
  • Just cruzin' thru real quick to say howdie. Eating was lousy...but pain is going away...back to the dr. tomorrow for followup and see what we can do about getting rid of the sciatica for good...take care ladies!
  • Good morning, my friends!
    Things here are good. Tuesday I got 4.5 miles on the elliptical and 2 miles on the treadmill. Yesterday, 3 miles on elliptical. Water is going well. I still haven't dropped any but I'm trying to remain optimistic and not get down.

    Splashes-so glad you're feeling some better. Let me know what the doc says.

    Gotta run. Have a great day.
  • Howdie dooo folks...Doc says take at least 2 more weeks off...yeah right...maybe in his alternate universe!! So I am off till tuesday...then back to the grind all drugged up.

    Skinny...keep doing what you're doing! It's awesome...if you want to lose...try interval training on the eliptical and the bikes and treadmills...that will rev your metabolizm....also tinker with your eating...try cutting down on sugar, bread, potatos, and'll see an instant change right there!!

    Keep up the great work...I'm flat on my back for the next 4 days...hope to see Marie and ToF soon!!!