Chick Chat - February 21 to March 10

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  • Uh oh, Wednesday and no postings from us-

    This is going to be a quick week I can tell. What with Monday being a holiday it is just zipping by. We had several tornados touch down on Monday - very rare and wild for our area. (basements? we don't have basements!) Then they issued a thunderstorm warning and the lite show and rumblings were very entertaining. The JV coach actually had the boys out there practicing in it! I didn't take Cody since I assumed that it would be cancelled so he got razzed a bit yesterday.

    I gotta go to a gyno appt. this morning. I haven't been in a couple years (bad girl). I entertaining the idea of BC pills. I will make an appt. for a boob squish while I'm there too.

    Hope everyone has a great day!


    Hope everyone
  • Good to see you kel and glad the bad wether is over.
    I don't know about Ruthie, but this time of year i am WAY over winter!
    Working on data for the auctions this morning and trying to catch up on life.
    Missing the chicks for sure I wish you girls would just pop in and say hello.
  • Geez, I didn't get in here until Hump Day this week - better than the weekend, I suppose. I did a MOD job and split the thread - gotta earn my big salary somehow!

    Hey, what's with this damned winter stuff? I am so sick of shovelling off steps and porches and decks and loading up the woodstove. Anybody got a spare bedroom for me and the Doggage? I'll dig you a basement, Kel. And would you want to go on birth control pills ------ROFLOLPIMP! Planning ahead?

    L144S, did you get a really big dump of snow as they did in Maine? I keep saying that shovelling is good exercise but this is too damned much! is your little guy all recovered from his "stones" stint?

    Dottie, we should have held a house re-warming for you when you became "Home Alone". I bet it feels strange - good strange. Is your MIL adjusting well?

    Today was supposed to be a fun day for me with my pal Margo of the Hyper Pypers coming for lunch. She was to come last week but cancelled because of a frassing blizzard. She had to cancel today because her DH and her two kids are all sick! I cooked the lunch chicken anyhow and will put it into the freezer for next time.

    A bit of a bummer at the physio this morning. Apparently my knee is NOT going to get better! I forget the technical term - osteo-something - but fragments of bone are floating around between the joints. Exercise will strengthen the knee but I will need to keep on gulping Advil and Tylenol. If it gets worse, I can have an operation - oh joy! She also suggested I lose some weight to help ease the strain. Duh! really? What a concept! I'd never noticed that I needed to lose weight. This physio chick weighs about 105!

    About the mice.....all is quiet and three more of them are dead! I left the car out of the barn to see if the little jerks were actually sleeping there. No mouse in any of the traps. The next night I put it in the barn and caught more! They are obviously living in the barn but eating at my place! So I had a sudden DUH moment and realized the peanut butter in the traps was just asking for them to get into the car. No more traps and no more food left in the car overnight. Now I need a warm day so I can vacuum up their calling cards! I'm not sure if they ever learned to turn on the heated seats!

    Gotta jet and get some Fair stuff ready to deliver tomorrow. We have a meeting tomorrow night and I want to honestly say it's been done!

    Happy Hump Day!
  • I've been around, but not on the computer...had a nice 3 day weekend and got some cooking and reading and puttering done! Prepped for the taxes, and had them done yesterday, picked up today. No good news, but not bad either. Where are the big tax benefits of home ownership? I thought I'd get thousands every spring for home improvement- but the accountant says it was a wash cause we made a little more. And DH gets some of his pay as a private contractor and the taxes are paid at the end of the year. Boo hoo!

    I am leaving for 6 days in Florida tomorrow! Come on Ruth, I have a suite kind of hotel room, plenty of room! I have been SO looking forward to this vacation- and I heard that more snow is expected here tomorrow night, so I'll be EXTRA glad, while i sip a gin and tonic by the pool!

    Kel- good going, planning ahead like that! Or is it not "ahead" you are planning for? Teehee, hope things are going sweetly and that you enjoy it all!

    Hi, L...I join you in missing the lurkers, it was getting lonely. I will be back from FL on Mar 4- keep up the activity, OK? And hope you don't get much of the snow- but I think you will!

    stay well all, see you next week!
  • Are you wishing more snow on me you beach going babe? I am so cold I have 2 sweaters on!

    We are going on vacation in a few weeks, but I am ready today!

    More auction work tonight, they (auction chairs) named my item in the auction(deserts) Treats or your next "Big Night" all I can think of is a basket of condoms for prom night, have to fix that before it hits the catalog!

    off to save the auction world!

    PS have fun in FLA, good to see you Ruth and laughed about the droppings and the BC pills too!
  • LOL! You guys are cracking me up! The lady Doc was cracking me up today too - she kept saying "Well, at 45(!), going on birth control has a different set of problems." "At 45(!) you may .... blah, blah, blah" I finally convinced her that yes, I am 45 but am not in menopause or DEAD YET and I really didn't care to become PG at this stage of the game. (she was older than me and I think she was just having a hard time getting her mind around what dating is like when you are 45)

    And no, the 'event' hasn't happened yet but he is going to take me away for overnight in a couple weeks and like he said of me today, I'm a good little Girl Scout and always prepared. lol

    Oh, L, I'm so sorry that you have to wear 2 sweaters! That sounds miserable - I just hate to be cold! That was good that you caught that item name before it hit the catalog - lol

    Ruthie - It's so nice that you take such good care of your mice up there. lol Sorry that you got bad news on the knee. Those floaters will need to come out, I afraid. That problem just doesn't solve itself.

    Dottie! Florida for 6 days???? OMG! That sounds just DEVINE! Have a great time and pamper yourself to the hilt!

    Ok - I gotta go put the finishing touches on the tax prep for tomorrow's appt. Ick! Have a good evening all.

  • Just popping in.

    I really really want SPRING! I am going to clean out my plant room this morning and get it ready to go.

    Peck in lurkers!
  • It's lonely in here! Maybe we should change this to a monthly chat on March 1. Whaddayathink?
  • Ruth that would be so depressing!
    I am sorry for not checking in. The guy at my "other" school made such a mess of the website I spent all weekend fixing it.

    My brother and his wife are having the baby induced tonght, she is not growing well and needs to be deliverd. Pins and needled tomorrow for sure.

    I am exausted and I know rthe you know what is going to hit the fan when he goes in to look what I have done.

    Expecting more snow tomorrow. I need winter to be done NOW!!
    off to bed so night to all my chickie friends far and wide...
  • I agree that we are not very active lately and attendance has fallen waaay off BUT I don't want to abandon the ship or anything. I kinda like what we did last time: We had a daily chat thread ongoing and when it got to be like 4 pages we started a new one. Some weeks we have more posts than others - this way we can remain flexable.

    L- Good luck to your bro and SIL.

    I better get back to work. A bit hard to concentrate today, John is going thru some rather major family drama and I'm worried he's going to cut me loose as a way of shielding me from it. Rats!

  • L144S, has the baby arrived? Funny but I dreamed of being pregnant last night.

    Kel, notice I changed the name of this thread. When it gets long we'll close it and start a new one. I hope things straighten out with J's drama and things smooth out for you.

    Think of darling Dottie in Florida while we get ready for a big snowstorm. There - that's long enough!

    Today was Gail Day so my house is all spiffy. Harry and I went for foot care this afternoon so even our feet are spiffy! We also went out for lunch and he had a massive plate of liver, onions and fries while I are my veggie burger and salad. I'll be able to get away with a light supper tonight - maybe an omelet? His appetite is very varied these days but he sure can pack it away if we go out.

    I'm still whining about my knee and have decided to get a referral to an orthopaedic surgeon to get my "floaters" suctioned out. It could help and I certainly am sick of the pain. Gardening season approaches although I doubt it will get done before then - unless I get my pal Dr Bob to pull some strings!

    Let's hope March does come in like a lion because I sure could use some "lamb" soon!
  • Well, it's certainly "a character building" day out there. It's a raging blizzard! I went out for wood and the wind whipped off my hat and blew it behind the barn.
    How are you chicks surviving?
  • sorry so late on the check in!
    Baby came last night. Sophia, 17" 4lbs 10oz, My brother said it was an easy delivery! NO KIDDING! try a 9lb baby!
    She is small but doing well, mother and baby are fine.

    Snow day today, another 10' last night. I am SOOO DONE!!!!!
    Kel, hang in there. Fight for what is good!
    work to do...
  • We got ploughed out just now and I went out to finish shovelling the decks, steps and walks. It is light snow at least but there sure is lots of it.
    Good news on the baby, L144S. Easy delivery indeed - it's be like a fart!
  • LOL Ruthie,
    I love starting a day with a smile and you always seem to put it there.

    Bee wondering about some of the chicks that have (temporaraly) flown the coop.
    Peach pit, Debk, pookie to name a few.

    I have library today so i will get in a few hours of auction work this morning.

    Off for coffee and a shower.
    Keep warm Ruthie, curl up with a dog!
    to kel, sue, and dottie