Over 100 pounds to lose, need buddy!

  • I am looking for a buddy that would like to visit either through messenger or emails, someone that understands the difficulties of losing this much weight! I had lost 120 pounds 2 years ago and now I have gained back over half of my loss. I am sick and tired of yo-yoing and am really serious about getting it off. If anyone's interested in being my buddy... send me a private message or IM me on Yahoo!
  • Hi,

    I'm in the same boat. If your interested in buddying up with me, here's my info: [email protected], my screen name is vir9inia on yahoo.

    I'm 28 years old, I weigh 263 (down from 272), married for just over 5 years, one two year old daughter, and I reside in Michigan.
  • Hello --

    I am also in a similar boat. I live in Michigan also and am on Yahoo..wmd1974 is my screen name.
  • Hello Missy, it is so nice to meet you! I am close to 30, also and ready for a lifestyle change. I will instant message you this evening! Talk to you soon.
  • Hi Everyone
    There is a group starting over on the WW100 board. Come on over an join us. We are all just starting out so it is a great time to get to know each other.

    I am doing the WW Core program. Actually was today was the first day. But I am going to stick with this and I am going to lose this weight.
  • Hi All
    Hey girls,
    Come on over to the Bulging Beauties thread in Support Groups. We haven't been together very long but its a great group! Great support and motivation from everyone! I also started this journey at 272 and I'm down 31 pounds(might be up tomorrow though )
  • I just wanted to say hello. My name is Mary. I'm 25 and have A LOT of weight to lose. So far I've lost 36 lbs. I'm looking for somebody or a group of people to buddy up with. My hubby is currently serving overseas in the military and I want to surprise him when he comes home for good next year by looking HOT! He has never seen me skinny. The weight I am at now is the smallest he has seen me at.

    Sorry to ramble on..

  • Hi Ladies,

    Bulging Beauties is the latest/hottest in support and they are a fabulous group for support and buddying up. My Buddy, Sargeant Major Rebecca, is the standard bearer for reality checking (and making slackers do push-ups) and for hugs and love. There are things (some big, some small) that we never really see when we are trying to lose that a buddy can point out to you. The bottom line is that you must DIET and EXERCISE, make some hard choices, and face some occasional failures and no buddy can do that for you. But, a buddy can help you catch what you are missing ( e.g., How many calories was that cheesecake, Private?). She give some inspiration for you to keep at it, and just be a neat friend to talk to. So, if your goal is serious weight loss, combined with meeting some of the nicest people on the planet, go over to Bulging Beauties and introduce yourself. Welcome All.

  • hit me up living_in_sajdah (at sign) yahoo . com or on MSN living_in_sajdah110 (at sign) hotmail . com
  • Oh forgot to mention, I am about 260 ... I should really only weigh 120.. I will settle for 140 and **** now I will take 200 !
  • 100 lbs to lose too, would like to buddy up
    Seasons greetings!!! This is my first day on this site. I was feeling really depressed and started to see if there was some support groups and found this site. I am over 100lbs overweight and very overwhelmed!!! I would love to hear anything encouraging to help me start Look forward to chatting on this site with yall!