Tuesday 11/30

  • The last day of this month.Can you believe it already?
  • Only in Louisiana!
    Well Good Morning Gang!

    I have to tell ya'll about life in Louisiana. This morning when I got up at 4:30 a.m (yes that is right - I'm crazy) it was 75 degrees outside. We have a front coming thru today, rain and such, and in the morning it is suppose to be around 38 degrees - can you believe that! almost 50 degrees difference in 24 hours.

    My dh gets up early every morning to go duck hunting and for some reason this morning I could not get back to sleep. So I got up and got dressed and was at Walmart by 6:30 to get groceries and supplies for the office. I was glad to be there so early when there were no crowds. This town is Christmas Crazy with traffic and shopping.

    So what is everybody doing today?

    Leenie? we are waiting for the scoop on the new boss! how did it go yesterday? hugs!

    bbl & hugs,
  • and Lynnie - no I CANNOT believe it is the end of the month!

    and tomorrow is December! yikes! time is flying way too fast!
  • Morning Ladies
    So Far So good! I'm definitely looking forward to slowly adding carbs back in. Yesterday I had bad caffiene and sugar withdrawal I decided I'm going to keep caffiene to once a day if i feel like that today. We hit the grocery last night and i got SBD friendly food cottage cheese more veggies boca burgers eggs peanuts I couldn't find almonds!
    But the thing i'm most proud of, I bought DH alot of his goodies too including his frozen pizzas last night we got home late and we wanted somethign fast and I didn't give into pizza! i had a boca and a SF jello
    The Bonus of SBD over Atkins is you can have real veggies not just salad
    I'm going to check on the SBD forum to see if i can have lemon juice b/c i'll make some sweet and low lemonade.
    Cathy I hate when i can't get back to sleep but i love the early morning I can get so much done! I bet Wally World was empty! in contrast to Walmart after midnight and that's just scary!
    Lynnie i know i can't believe it's december as of this weekend I'm married 5 months!
  • Good morning everyone

    It looks like we are going to have blue sky today....it was supposed to snow yesterday....but it didn't. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday.....then did some shopping....Christmas shopping & other things....then I wrapped the gifts I have to mail back east....so by 8 last night I was really tired.

    Have been doing Weight Watchers online for 3 weeks now.....have lost 6.4 lbs. so far in the 3 weeks!!!!

    Cathy.....I usually wake up between 4 & 6 to go to the bathroom.....sometimes I can't go back to sleep.....sometimes it's because my DH is snoring....now I nudge him & tell him to stop snoring.....when I can't go back to sleep.....I feel tired the rest of the day.

    Did I miss something....where is Leenie today?

  • hi again
    hi again everyone! sorry it took so long to get back. thanks for the warm welcome! i have been stressed out because my dad had a stroke. this of course did not help the day after i am diagnosed with depression as it is.

    as far as the cymbalta... i am having some side effects, all within the first few days of the original dose and then when i started the second dose. they seem to be evening out though. i'm not really sure if it is helping yet. the dr. said it would take a few weeks. i am only in the middle of my second week. i'm keeping my fingers crossed.

    cathy - i like to go to walmart after work (2nd shift). it is usually dead except the stockers. i have free reign to shop away!

    i thought maybe i'd tell a little about myself. i am just 39, single, and no human kids. i work 2 jobs. one is just a weekend job at a little convenience store, the other is full time in a factory. i have been overweight my whole life. i do the roller coaster thing. the only problem is it is catching up with me now. i am going to join ww this thursday again for the umteenth time. i think that is a main part of my depression.

    well, i have to get ready for work. i will check back again soon. thanks again for the welcome! happy tuesday!
  • Hi Everyone !!

    I'm sorry I can't stay, I am so busy with the newbie it isn't funny. Cathy he is ok but VERY demanding. OY. Babysitting yeah, you got it LOLOL.

  • a demanding boss eeeeeegades!

    hang in there Leenie! HUGS!
  • April that is my potty run time too!
    Leenie you explain to SARGE that your 3fc time is of the utmost importance
  • Leenie, remember what I said in the email about men like your new boss! Dare I post that here?????
  • I am so tired.I am because I had Therapy and it was emotionally draining.
  • Please Help Me!
    Hi gang

    Had some moments latelty

    I need help

    Our pc is not working....can't get into wordperfect to open and print my final assignment..it may not sound like a big deal but there are hours of work that I don't have to redo it..........please pray or send advice..


    Hope all is well
  • Hi Ladies
    Leenie: Hope Sarge settles in to your routine soon You're in my thoughts and prayers.

    Lynnie: Therapy is hard-but it's SO worth it! Keep working at it.

    April: Good to see you. I'm glad WW is working well for you

    Kathy: Sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he'll be well soon. Good luck with WW

    Cathy: 4:30? I was just getting to sleep! This weather IS crazy! Believe it or not, there's a TROPICAL SYSTEM in the Atlantic

    KO: Sounds like you're determined to make SBD work. A friend of mine lost 30 pounds in about 6 weeks!

    I have something AWESOME to share! For the first time in about 10 years, I'm LESS than 100 pounds from my goal! (see stats!)
  • Liz...
    Just saw your post...sending prayers your way!

    Sorry, I'm computer ILliterate
  • Liz the only thing i can think of is can you try to open the doc in wordpad/notepad or do you have a friend you can email the doc too or can you email it to your prof
    *fingers crossed lady!*
    JOANNE! oh my goodness! thats amazing you should be proud!!
    in Re to sBD (i'm sorry but i laugh every time i type SBD) I think i will learn some good eating habits from it. Don't get me wrong 30 in 6 weeks would be outrageous. But at the same time 10 and 15 sound good too!
    Lynnie Big hugs lady Facing emotional demons is harder than anything you can do physically.
    Hey Tippy