Desperate Housewives (Formerly Stay At Home Moms) #288~Tuesday

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  • Welcome all to a thread full of wonderful women taking on the responsibilty of raising a family and trying to take care of themselves too. We look forward to a new day with members, new and old! Please feel free to jump right in and say hello Here is a little bit about who we are ...

    MichelleRae: Michelle sahm to Taylor 8-25-01 & Teagan 10-13-03 Married 2 years to Zhaun. Plan I'm following is a combined WW and South Beach Diet

    Spryng: 24 y.o. married 6 years. Kids- Ava 4, Bubba (aka Joseph) 3 & Tanner 1. Currently on ww, hit goal in April.

    Mompen: Penny 24 y.o. Happily Married & SAHM Momma to three active boys, Hunter 5, Nicholas 4 & Andrew 16 mo. Taking what I learned from WW & South Beach is my way of life.

    Loveliam: Leigh SAHM to Liam 10.21.03 & happily married for 2 years. Doing the Weight Watchers thing

    Sydsmom: Kristin SAHM to Sydney 09-27-01, married almost 2 years to wonderful dh Began Weight watchers mid-July

    Cheri: married to Donald for 8.5 years, SAHM/homeschooling momma to Nathan, 5 (9-11-98), Daniel, 3 (8-29-00) & Elijah, 1 (10-16-02) & doing the low carb thing kinda, lol

    Cindi: Mom to 6 boys & 1 mean girl. Plan.. No diet for me! Portion control, exercise & lots of water (most days)

    Chubba: Geri..Mom to two boys, Will (3) & Tony (1)..married for 4 years to a great guy..following Dr Phil most days!

    Crystal: 27 yo sahm of 3 almost 4. Alisa 6, Ally 3, & Andrew 22 months. Due Feb 1st. Married 9 years, live in Texas & homeschool. My plan, when on it, counting calories & exercise.

    Ricci sahm to two boys 4 and 5, married 7 years, doing ww

    Jaymi: 2 kids, 20 mo Girl & 6 yo boy. Been married to DH for 2 ½ years. WW Core Plan is my way of life.

    Jill: SAHM of 1 daughter, Bayley, born 9/19/03. Currently trying to lose some of the baby weight I gained with her & need some extra support to help me do so.

    Melissa: SAHM of 1 girl (4) and 1 boy (2). Currently watching what I eat and exercising 4-5days a week.

    Deana: SAHM of 3 boys and 1 girl. Counting calories, exercising, and drinking lots of water

    Chris: SAHM of Tiana, Kayla and Nicole: ages 11, 5, and 2. Married for 5 years. I live in Billings, Montana. I'm a rheumatoid arthritis sufferer and trying using WW Flexpoints to lose weight .
  • Morning Ladies

    I will be back later today to address everyone personally

    Hunter has a school Thanksgiving play this morning and then we have a family feast at the school. My baby is a cowboy! TOO CUTE!

    Anyhow, I hope everyone is having a great day and I'll be back later on !

  • Morning to y'all!

    Is anyone out there yet? Well, only 10 days to turkey time. I don't have to cook the big meal, but am contributing to the invited one. They have a cool cornicopia in Womans World mag. this week and I think I'm going to do that for the relish tray I'm bringing. Then it will be decorative too. Glad you started the new thread Deana, I've been up for a while, came on and nothin' going on. I thought about starting one but it didn't feel right. I think I'm going to paint trim today and get the house in order. TTYL


    Today is another chance for all of us to be OP, losing and loving it.

    Hey I like that, may have to put that in my siggie.

    Well 4 down and 2 to go for dh working , but then he is supposed to get a 4 day weekend , unless they ask him to pull OT. Everyone has been warned that this weekend we are cleaning, cleaning, cleaning!!! I will be putting together a list of things I want accomplished up until then. I am soooooo sick of my house not being presentable if someone drops in . I'll think of this weekend as Spring cleaning...4 months too late .

    Steph: Hope you can get back and post more soon. Good to hear from you.

    Sherry: Bummer about not being able to go to Niagra . Hope you all get to feeling better soon.

    Geri: Hope you get that thing fixed or kick it real good, soon! We miss you!

    Mel: Phewww! Glad you don't have to quit the gym. Thank you again, over and over for the was just what I needed to get me going. I am soooo loving it.

    Michelle: Sounds great on the swap...send by Dec. 3 and open when received. Hope you are feeling better today.

    Chris: Sorry to hear you are sick . Get better soon. As far as your much water are you drinking each day? What plan are you on? And have you been getting excercise regularly? If you're getting enough excercise and water, maybe you need to change plans, or atleast look at different ones. Sometimes you just hit a point where it doesn't work anymore. I think your body gets used to a certain way and adjusts for it. Just a thought, LMK.

    Roxy: My evil twin, mean mom I love it! TY for the bday wishes and the kudos on my loss. Today was official WI day and yes I was down 5 pounds from last week, when dh gets home it will be measurement day too. I'll be back later to report that. Too funny abot homemade and there being love in it. Anytime I make something we have never had before (i.e. the sauce on my pork stir fry the other night) and the kids try to guess what I put in it, Matthew (ds7) always says love as his first guess . Will be thinking of your aunt today.

    Jill: with the appraisal! Hope you get what you want. Clean, clean, clean .

    Spryng and Cindi: How are those jobs going? We miss you!!! You must check in and let us know how things are for you.....please?

    Well dh just walked throught the door, time to measure .

  • Morning all. I slept in till 715 this morning. I hate when I do that, but it felt nice during that time. Dh is gone getting all of our house stuff paid and the framing materials ordered. He'll be back to watch the kids by the time I have to go to the doc.
    I've been feeling better since yesterday. Seeing as though we're getting bills paid up and such. Makes things so much better.
    Thanks to all of you about Andrew on your suggestions and such.

    Roxy, I understand it's not the end of the world when they regress on something, it just seems like it's my fault and I'm the one losing control.

    Sherry, so sorry about your trip and your little one. Hope all is well.

    Hello to Deana, Penny, Spryng, Jill, Michelle, Mel, Jaymi, Jeniqua, Steph, Chris, Amy, Angel and all you other Desperate Housewives.

    I've got to get breakfast down these kids so I can get some things done before I go to the doc. I'll let you all know how that goes. TTYL
  • Good morning...I think. I'd love to be still in bed but that's how it goes. I get sick and the world still goes on. There's still kids to take care of, a house to clean and laundry to do.

    Deana-I've been exercising 30-45 a day/ 5 x week, drinking water like crazy...and nothing. I'm on WW flexpoints. I guess I'm to that point where if I get too frustrated, I'm going to end up bingeing and say who cares and just give up. I don't want to do that. I'm one of those that needs to see results consistently to stay motivated. My motivation is dwindling....

    Crystal-Good morning! You? Slept in? You're my favorite early riser. It's like we switched places. I was awake at 6:45. How's the kids doing? I didn't get a chance to go through all the posts yesterday but sounds like you're having a little problem with Andrew.

    Morning Roxy-You don't have to make a turkey? MY gosh, I'm jealous. My DH voted us as the hosts this year, so we get to do the turkey. I'm hoping I don't kill it. I must remember to take the baggie out of the inside with the gizzards and neck. Pound that into my head for me, okay? (I am like the worst cook in the world)

    Hey Pen-You'll have to let us all know how the Thanksgiving play goes. Sounds like a fun day.

    Well, time to shove the kids out the door... Naw, I'll be nice and give them each a big hug and kiss and send them on their way. It's chilly here this morning. Kayla is staging a revolt against winter coats, but she's going to wear it even if it kills her.

    Now I'm going to play sick for awhile and watch a movie....Get back to the rest of you later.

  • Morning ALL!!!!!!

    Crystal, I know what you mean about feeling good about sleeping in and then when you wake up, you realize y ou are behind ...ughhh.

    Deana, I am sooo glad that you are loving curves. I'm so proud of you and that 5 lb loss, must have made you feel awesome. I read that muscle weighs 25% more then fat, soooo If I gained 4 lbs of muscle and lost 3lbs of fat, then I'd still have gained a lb. Dh thinks I've gained more then 5 lbs, which would explain why I was up 3 lbs the last 2 1/2 weeks, I am down 3. 4 now so I am at 205 onthe new scale which would have been 203.2 on the new one. I can't wait till Friday, it's melting off now. I lost 3.4 in 3 days. I just have to peak, because it feels so good to know it's coming off.

    Michelle, lol, yeah, drinking the water, really helps. I have been really suckin' it down. My husband calls me a camal. I drink and drink and never go to the bathroom. I can hold it forever, but it's not good, cause then it gets stored, so I am trying to remember to go.. more often. keep up the good work.

    Penny, have fun at the school with Hunter, that's sounds so fun!

    Roxy, have fun painting. I love doing that kind of stuff.

    Ok, all, I have to be good and get on my treadmill home when bugga is napping today. Dh took the morning off from work so he could spend time before going on his business trip, so I didn't want to leave for the gym. Yell at me later please to get on and move. I know it's harder being home. ttyl
  • Chris, you snuck in on me. Have a wonderful day. You'll enjoy cooking for Thanksgiving. Just make the most of it! It's so much fun! I love it, even though its a stessor too.
  • Chris, sorry you didn't get to sleep in. I like to be up by 600, but Andrew is usually my alarm clock and he didn't get up til right after 700. There's like no time to catch a breather, everything has to start happening right away when I sleep in.
    Anyways, not really a problem with Andrew. He's all the sudden become this really cranky little boy. He whines and is cranky ALL the time it seems. I know he's teething, and this one tooth just won't pop on through and I know he's slowly working on his molars as well and I really feel like that's the majority of his problem. But he has regressed to the bottle more than I like. Now I don't take any with me when we go somewhere and I don't take any if he stays with anyone, so it's only at home and I know it's not like he's five years old on a bottle, but I feel like I've lost the control. I know I'm just making excuses, but this SMALL house I'm in, makes things ALOT harder. The fact that he shares a room with the others makes things even harder there too. I'm just waiting patiently for my new BIG house and I think I'll get some of that control back. He's fixing to be two years and Ally was 2 1/2 before she gave up the bottle totally too. I do give him like only 3 or 4 oz. instead of a big bottle and that's how I finally broke Ally, she was down to like almost none in there and then easily gave it up. They hit an age where they can understand better and they want to BIG and not babies and that works to our advantage so I know he'll be fine and get broken, it's just that it makes me feel guilty and such. I'm just whining, and I'll stop now.
    I've got to jump in the shower. Hope everyone has a great day.
  • Crystal,
    I had that regression problem with a couple of mine, esp. when there was a new one on the way. When Tiana was little I had her all potty trained and then when me and her dad split up, she started going to the bathroom in her pants again. It was back to pull ups for the longest time. Nicole is "regressing" some too. She sees my nephew Conner (3 months old) and immediately wants to be held and I've caught her trying to sneak bottles. I also caught her laying down in his crib. It was the one she had when she was a baby, so she has an attachment to it. She also steals Kyle's diapers when she's over at my other sister's house instead of wearing her pull ups. Kyle likes her pull ups though...he looks kind of funny walking around in pink and I think his dad would freak if he saw that... Kids can be such complicated little people. Well it should all even out soon for you. Nicole was the earliest off the bottle. She was 1, the other 2 were around 18 months. I think they know when they want to be 'big".

    I better go throw some more laundry in the washer. I don't feel good enough to really exercise today so I figured I could clean for "fun"

  • I am having a problem. I can't see anyone's tickers. I have that little box with the red X in the corners where they should be. Same with the WW website. When I try to view my progress chart, I see the same thing. HELP!

  • Hi, everyone,
    I am still here, just a flyby. Hope everyone has a great OP day.
  • Good Morning! Fy by for me. tough day, we are putting Kasey (the german shepard) to sleep tomorrow. I am pretty sad about it. THis year has just sucked, we lost my aunt to colon cancer, she was way to young. And my grandmother, and now the dog that ADam gave me when we were sating. ugh. can't get a break I tell you. sorry, I am whining, I know others have it alot worse. But I can't help but thinking what is next? ya know!? I;'m not doing anythign really today, got a little secretary work to do for dh, and some laundry to fold and mail the bills but that is it! Hope everyone has a good day. Today I am just a mess, not OP, sad and frusterated. I Think I am going to do something that always lifts my spirits, play for a long time with my daughter, just her and me and anything she wants to read, pretend, game she wants to play, whatever. for like 2 hours and then maybe take a nap with her too!

    Sorry to be so negative. I am so proud of all you losers. and hope everyone taht isn't feeling well, or has a sick relative is healed. I'm doing lots of praying, so know that you and yours will be included! TTYL
  • Penny: Hope you had a fun morning at the Thanksgiving play!

    Roxy: If you know how, feel free to start a new thread . If you don't know and want to jsut ask. Hope painting is going well today.

    Crystal: Wow, you did sleep in! Let us know how your appt. goes.

    Chris: I'm sending a boot to kick you in the butt ! If that doesn't jump start you I may have to come to Montana, pick up Michelle and we'll do it together . Seriously, you may have to check into changing plans. Maybe the flex points aren't working. Have you checked into CORE? It worked great for Spryng. As far as the tickers.....have you closed and re-opened your browser, sometimes it happens to mine to and that works.

    Mel: WOOHOO! on the loss! I knew it would start disappearing soon . I think we all peek now and then I know I do.....just can't help myself.

    Ricci: Hope you're having a great day! How's school? Any more nasty ladies? lol

    Kristin: So sorry you have to deal with losing a special family member. Dh had a great dog when we met and she passed almost 2 years ago. He talked about putting her to sleep and couldn't do it, so he let her go on her own. It was really rough on him. She was 14 or 15 years old and his baby. Just remember you will get through this and life will be fine. Have fun playing with Sydney and try to enjoy your day. Love ya.

    Ok....I did measurements this morning. I was supposed to last week but if you remember one of the kids ran off with my tape measure. I got a new one and warned themn if they touch it they die . So it's been 3 weeks since I measured. I lost the following: Bust 2.5, waist 2.5 and hips 3. That puts me at a total of 33 lbs and 13.5 inches lost so far!!! I couldn't believe the tape! I made measure everything twice and he tried to tell me it was such a great loss because it was a different tape measure.......smarta**!!! So I have been feeling really good about myself today. Thank you all for being here for me. It really gives me incentive to keep at it because I have all of you to answer to !

    Hope everyone has a GREAT day!!!

    Love you all.

  • Just popping in for yet another quick hello. Trying to finish this house! It really wasn't that messy but just had some decluttering to do and wanted to deep clean just because. Anyway Deana that is a great loss!!! When your digital gets fixed take some pics so we can see your progress. I bet those of us that don't see you on a daily basis will notice a HUGE difference! I know that since dh sees me everyday he doesn't always notice the loss and for that matter neither do I. It's not till I put on a pair of pants that I haven't been able to fit for a long time that I notice. Anyway I was just really excited to see your measurements and wanted to say congrats!!

    Also Kristin so sorry about Kasey That is such a hard thing to deal with. I'm thinking of you today. Oh and I haven't forgotten about sending the Halloween costume back, I have it all set out and will be mailing some e-bay stuff out probably this week so I will send it out then. Hope you have fun with syd!

    Ok sorry not to address you all but I have to get back to it if I want this place clean by the time the inspector gets here. I hope to be back later! Have a great day girls!!