Christie's story

  • As I was about to get ready to go to the gym, I started watching a story on TLC which was called "Christie's Story" and it was this story of a woman who weighed over 500 lbs and got gastric bypass. I don't know if it is old or new so I don't know if it has been discussed.

    It was quite interesting, it seemed that when she lost the weight, she started substituting partying/sex/drugs for the food that used to medicate her. It was quite sad but it does point out the fact there are generally emotional issues that are assosciated with weight gain.

    If you haven't seen it before, it is quite interesting, I would recommend it.
  • it's a rerun, neli... but glad that you caught it.. as you can see, this surgery is not the magic pill by any means, and we often say around here that if you don't work on your food demons, just like people who do WW or TOPS or OA or BFL or whatever, the surgery won't work. you will regain your weight.

    christy is certainly a warning to everyone, but the outcomes do not have to be that... there are hundreds of thousands of us right now who are doing well - not perfectly - but well.
  • I saw this thread title in the Main Forum and thought I'd respond! I've seen "Christie's Story" several times - both on Discovery's regular channel and Discovery Health. I wondered if Christie ever went to any counseling or nutrition classes either before or after her surgery? It didn't seem as though she did - I seem to recall there were a couple of scenes post-op where she was shown drinking beer and regular (sugary) soda pop. She seemed to live quite a distance away from the hospital where she had both her WLS and panni surgeries and it appeared that there was NO support system or aftercare where she lived. All she had was her girlfriend and her girlfriend's family - of course once she started becoming a barfly (at least that's what it looked like IMO!) she stopped seeing them.

    The end was pretty awful - I felt terrible about her daughter. Christie said pre-op that the main reason she was doing the surgery was to be able to play and run with her little girl - by the end of the show it looked as though she could care less. Seeing her daughter alone on the swing, on her way to becoming obese herself - and to relive her mother's life - was VERY sad to me. I would hope that after viewing this documentary, Christie saw that she wasn't doing the right thing for either herself OR her daughter, and sought to better both their lives.

    It would be interesting to see Christie's status today - I think that documentary's a few years old now!
  • I just Googled and found this article (undated):

    Hiding behind obesity

    Three years ago, Christie Martin was 24 years old and weighed 35 and a half stone. She collected her groceries in the middle of the night from 24-hour stores; she never lingered at the school gates, in case it embarrassed her daughter: she was a complete outsider.

    Then she was warned that she could be dead within six months, and with a sense of resignation, she decided to undergo a stomach bypass operation, a procedure which could have been fatal for someone of her bulk.

    There were post-operative complications and a month of painful convalescence but the weight dropped off at the rate of more than a stone a month for the first year and today, Christie, from Arkansas, USA, is, at 12 stone, a third of her former size and is still, slowly, shedding the pounds. She has yet to relinquish the self- loathing of the seriously obese, but life is finally moving on and, on the surface at least, Christie's story is a personal triumph.

    So how did Christie get so fat in the first place? She says that she came from a destitute and broken family and was abused, mentally and physically. By the age of eight, she was nearly 12 stone. "Every night, I prayed I wouldn't wake up in the morning, but I had to act like it didn't bother me.

    "At 15, I went to live with my father and he didn't buy groceries but made us live on Slimfast. Then I'd go round to my mother's house and eat supper there and she'd say: 'Slow down.' Everyone made me feel uncomfortable about eating so I'd try to eat the way they wanted me to, but when they weren't looking I'd eat anything that was available. I did most of my eating secretly. When I was made to clear the table and put the leftovers away, I would take them into the kitchen and stand and eat it all real quick. I felt hungry and ashamed."

    As she grew up, Christie's relationships with men were often abusive: her weight made her feel she deserved nothing better. "I think obese people settle for the leftovers."

    At 19, she gave birth to her daughter Olivia, by her first husband. They split up when Olivia was two. A year later she met Robert, who was to be her second husband. (She admits she stayed with him so that the dollars 22,880 cost of her surgery would be met under his medical insurance.)

    Christie's weight severely limited her life with her daughter. "Other people had to take her out. I tried taking her places. I couldn't get into the car at the fairground but I could push her on the swing until I got out of breath and every part of my body started hurting."

    There was also the problem of shielding Olivia from other people. "People would stare at me or chase me in their car and shout: `Why don't you die, you big fat ****?' As I took a step, teenagers would [shout]: 'Ba-boom, ba-boom.' Olivia said once: 'Mummy, that's mean. Why are they doing that?' I began going out less and less." Finally Christie was referred to Professor George Khan at the Baptist Memorial Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee, who believes that extreme obesity can be cured only by surgery. Christie was suffering from sleep apnoea, in which the tongue slips down the throat, threatening suffocation and causing the sleeper to wake continually, gasping for breath. To allow her to rest, she was sent home with her windpipe cut open for three weeks before the stomach bypass.

    A television documentary, to be broadcast in the UK, charts her struggles during and after her operation. In the film, Christie is seen saying goodbye to her daughter before the operation. "I'd have done anything for Olivia and without the operation our days together were definitely numbered. It was scary but I knew she would be taken care of if anything happened to me," she says.

    In surgery, Christie's stomach and intestine were divided so that all food must pass through a half inch pouch. After a minute portion of food she feels full. "I still pile it all on my plate but have to throw it away."

    After she had lost 19 stone, she had 15lbs of loose skin cut away, giving her waist definition for the first time. "I felt attractive to men but I had such low self esteem I had to get a buzz going first, by getting a few beers down me."

    She also turned to drugs, including marijuana and cocaine. "I had a new body but I didn't know who I was anymore. The weight came off so quickly I couldn't deal with it. Losing weight made me feel better for a while. Wo! It was wonderful. But then I realised I was still sad and miserable and wanted to die. I had been hiding behind the fat. It had been an excuse for not going out and not dealing with my problems."

    Christie is currently living in a shelter for the homeless since leaving another abusive boyfriend. She has been offered a three-bed, two-bath flat on a government assistance plan and hopes to find work soon.

    Tragically, Christie's problems are being replicated in Olivia, now eight. "It's getting hard to buy clothes for her. I tell my family not to goad her. If they make an issue of it, it'll make her want to go and eat. I'm trying to keep her active. We go walking and play in the park.

    "She was passed around my family so much and now I'm trying to rebuild our relationship. I was mentally abused and sometimes I say mean things to her. I get mad and say: 'God! You're so slow' or 'Go ahead, get fat. Be like I was', then I ask her to please forgive me. It is a long road for both of us."
  • I saw that show about a year ago. I felt so bad for her. But you are right, it does point out the emotional issues for sure. I hope that she was able to come to terms with some things by now.
  • I just saw this show tonight on Discovery. Very sad....especially for the daughter. Speaking from personal experience, abusive childhoods do not have to define your adult life. I hope Christie has come to realize that she has the power to change and do the right thing for her and her daughter. It would be interesting to see a follow up today. I pray Christie has found peace and happiness.