Book nook

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  • I went to the discount book store at lunch time and bought two books.

    One is on holiday cocktails a nice hardcover full of yummy recipes (and pics)which I plan on whipping up for my housewarming party and Christmas party

    The other is "Stupid White Men" by Michael Moore which I am looking forward to reading.

    What is everyone else reading these days?
  • I got completely engrossed in the Ender series by Orson Scott Card. I have read Ender's Game, the entire Shadow series up to date and am starting the speaker of the dead series today. I am so in love with the way Card writes and with his characters. I really hope I enjoy the older versions of his characters as much as I have enjoyed the younger versions.
    I most definately recomment this series, even if you just read the Ender's Game book which can stand on it's own. Also, Card has an excellet series that i recently finished called the "alvin maker" series. Even if you're not a sci-fi fan, which i'm not, they are both worth the read.
  • I think I have read a couple of his books - they were a series about vampires. They weren't bad so maybe I will check out the books you mentioned
  • I just finished Choke by Chuck Palahniuk (the guy who wrote Fight Club). It was pretty good. Odd but good. It is actually the 4th book of his I read. Diary was kinda blah. Invisible Monsters & Lullaby were both really good.
  • I am not currently reading anything worth mentioning, but I will tell you about a few books that I really enjoyed that I read recently:
    Through Violet Eyes
    The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King
    The Last Victim by Jason Moss

    In case you can't tell, I love scary/crime books Has anyone read any of those?

  • I just finished reading "Stories of Prayer for a Healthy Soul". It was pretty good!! Usually I get bored with religious type of stuff, but this one I didn't. Maybe because it has a bunch of different authors telling personal stories.

    Sam, I like crime/forensic books. I have a few written by coroners and forensic pathologists that were pretty good. it's very interesting on how they solve these crimes and deaths. What a combo I have....from prayer book to crime book... Call me warped!!
  • Hee! Hee! I just e-mailed Michael Moore today to tell him how much I liked his books and movies, etc.

    I've never written to anyone like that before- hee, I feel like such a groupie!
  • Hey Mauv, he has been known to respond to emails!!! Let us know if he does to yours ok. Cool!

    I just checked the news site. They were blabbing about a collage he has on his web page right now...I went to take a peek. Wow. It's one of those 3-D things with the faces of dead soldiers formed to make a big giant face of Prez. Bush. Someone obviously had alot of time on their hands to make this.
  • or just felt passionately about it in the Regan era someone did a giant portrait of Ronald Regan made entirely out of Jelly Beans!

    Funny, I was reading "Stupid White Men" on the bus the other day and the man sitting beside me asked me how the book was- then we got into a conversation about Michael Moore, his films, the election etc. Neat how a book can get two total strangers talking!
  • That's the truth, Mauv!!

    I'm now reading "Secrets of the Vine." I haven't finished it yet, but so far it's kept me interested so that's good. I try to read a bit of everything to stimulate the mind and heart.
  • Just finished Stephen Kings Dark Tower series.... Didn't like how it ended but I love how he brings almost all of his other books into play in the last books of that series.

    Also just finish Lost Boy Lost Girl by Peter Straub- this was one of the scariest books I have ever read, it gave me nightmares. Very good IMO....
  • I will keep an eye out for Lost Boy Lost Girl by Peter Straub, that sounds like a book I would enjoy. Can you tell me a little about the plot please?

  • I've been AWOL....
    and kind of AWOL on my eating too. (Can you say cheap frozen pizza for dinner two nights in a row?!?!?!) Haven't been walking either.

    And I know we're not supposed to talk politics, but I noticed that folks have been, so damn the torpedos.

    Not that my current book list is POLITICAL or anything!

    All of these books that I had on reserve happened to arrive at the library at the same time. I thought it was a good sign, but then Tuesday happened and .....

    So, here's what I'm reading these days:

    Where the Right went Wrong --- by Pat Buchanan
    Worse than Watergate -- by former Nixon White House Counsel John Dean
    Chain of Command: from 9/11 to Abu Ghraib -- by Seymour Hersh
    Bushwhacked -- by Molly Ivins

    I've also discovered Air America Radio which finally started up here in Seattle last week. You can also listen to it online at Progressive radio....never thought I'd see the day.

    Here's my guilty confession: I tried reading some William Faulkner this week. I really did. And I couldn't get into it.....Is it just me, or do others think that some of the things dubbed "classics" ain't necessarily so? (Of course, I didn't like having John Steinbeck and Dickens shoved down my throat in 8th grade....maybe I just got off on the wrong foot.)

    Call me
  • Megan, I'm with you on William Faulkner. Dickens is another I can do without.
    I do like many of the classics, though.
    Do you subscribe to the Independent online? (IndyNews)
    Did I tell you I went to a lecture by Robert Fisk? He's GREAT!!
  • I'm not a Faulkner fan either, nor a big Hemingway fan (guess I'll be tarred and feathered for that one! )

    I do like Dickens, Shakespeare, Sir Walter Scott, John Steinbeck, Edgar Allen Poe, Ambrose Bierce and Ray Bradbury - guess there's no accounting for taste is there?