Zoloft and dieting

  • I was previously on Zoloft. I had lost 12 pounds without even trying. I did gain it back, but to be completely honest, I don't believe it was the Zoloft. I just didn't watch what I ate. I suffer from panic disorder and my DR. just put me back on the Zoloft. This time though, I have been following the Atkins and have lost 20 lbs in the last month. Even though it didn't make me gain weight in the past, I am so terrified that it will slow down my process or worse...make me gain. Has anyone out there had any positive experiences with Zoloft in regards to their weight loss. I am having a panic attack just thinking about this


    Previous Weight: 224 lbs.
    Current Weight: 205 lbs.
    Goal Weight: 130 lbs.
  • I don't have any advice for you, but now that you mention it, when I was on Zoloft, I was losing, but as soon as I stopped taking it, I started gaining....... hmmm...... is there a connection??
  • Hmmm. I am battleing with the fact that I was on Zoloft... gained 30lbs in 3 years. I am flipping out that I have heard it causes weight loss in the beginning and then gain after that. Argh. All I know is "Here I go"
    Good Luck.
  • These drugs can cause weight loss or gain, I tend to gain and my sis tends to lose, I think it is an individual thing. I do no ...that these types of drugs tend to make me more anxious (which is what I used to take them for) and then after about six weeks that wears off and I have no energy. So I just gave up on meds and try to control my anxiety myself. Right now my weight is down and I have been following the WW program. I know if I were to start meds again my weight would jump right up! I do not like being medicated but I know sometimes it is not a choice...it's a catch 22 gals!
  • I agree with Candice about it being an individual thing.

    In my case - I tend to eat to stuff my emotions down and when I'm bored - when I'm on anti-depressants - my mood is elleviated enough that I don't use food the way I did before and I tend to lose because of that. So in MY case, that kind of counteracts any weight gain properties the drug might have.
  • Hi, I was on Zoloft for about 5 years, during that time I gained about 40 pounds, HOWEVER, I was eating anything and everything I wanted...my doctor said that it can intially cause some weight loss or gain but not to the degree that I had it...plus I wouldnt have cared if it did cause it, it was a Godsend for me at the time...My weight gain was all me, my bad eating habits...take the Zoloft, watch what you eat and exercise and you will be fine...