Lost 65 lbs and need a buddy !!!

  • Hi all,

    Im 22 years old and in the last year I've lost 65 lbs, but now Im having a hard time staying in touch with losing and I thought it might help to have someone to share the struggle with. I was hoping to find a buddy that I could keep in touch with on a daily basis so we can motivate each other!!! I have aim or can keep in touch through email. either way if you're interested in sharing tips and supporting one another, im or email me,

    Thanks Jewels
    [email protected]
    aim screen name : coolthng2
  • Hi Jewels,

    I would be happy to be your buddy and try to support you on your way!

    I started my diet 6 days ago and have 70Ib would like to lose (nearly as much as you've lost already!)

    Would love to keep in contact and try to motivate you!

    Have sent you a mail!
