New here and new to Atkins

  • I have basically done sugar busters for several years but have decided to switch over to Atkins. I started induction Tuesday. I have not seen any weight loss yet. I know I am probably being impatient, but you hear about such rapid weight loss. I have about 25 lbs I would like to lose. I messed up and bought the Atkins for Life book, so I have been basically following the induction guidelines off the internet.
    For the most part, this is what I have been eating
    b: 2 eggs scrambled with either 2 or 3 pieces bacon, sometimes with cheese, green peppers and mushrooms added
    l: leftover over homemade chili on top of romaine with tomatoes
    d: baked chicken with mozzarella, zuchinni, squash, red/green peppers, mushrooms or sauteed spinach
    snack: either cheese cubes (little ones) or celery with alouette veggie dip

    am drinking a ton of water!

    how does this look??
  • Hi texannie!

    Welcome! Post often with us! It will help!

    Looking at your menu, the lunch with chili is a no-no on induction. So is the alouette veggie dip.

    Have you gone to the atkins site ( and printed out the acceptible induction foods list? In order to do induction properly and to see a loss, you want to follow that to a "T" for the first two weeks! that is probably why you arent seeing a loss!

    Id be glad to help if you need it!
  • Thanks for the welcome!! Yes, I have. I am confused why the chili would be illegal. I made it from ground beef, diced tomatoes, and seasonings. The alouette is cream cheese based.
  • Chili with out beans still has carbs in it. Remember you need to have 2-3 cups of salad veggies (Tomatos are not considered salad veggies because they are higher in carbs) Seasonings tend to have more carbs than you think.

    The Alouette is cream cheese "based", but still has hidden carbs in it(Flavorings and seasonings). You want Straight Cream cheese.. nothing with additives the first 2 weeks. That is the most important thing. Are you reading the labels?
  • Yes, I am reading labels. The Alouette has 1 carb per 2 tablespoons. Tomatoes, I thought were on the approve list. The spices had no sugar or carbs. Not trying to be argumentative, just very confused.
    Essentially, induction is meat and lettuce?
  • Not really meat and lettuce. But what induction does is teach us to eat "whole" foods. not processed. Alouette is processed cream cheese. Even if it is 1 carb per 2 TBSP it has other ingredients that are not in plain cream cheese. Tomatos are on the approved list for induction, but in the "other" column If you read closely, there is the "salad" veggies that are 2-3 cups daily. It includes mushrooms and other lower carb veggies. Then there is the "other" veggie list that are included but only up to 1 cup daily ONLY if you dont eat 3 cups of the salad veggies. If you eat 2 of the salad veggies then you can have 1 cup of the others. Total.

    Spices do not normally list the carb counts on the labels. But if you go to the carb counter, you will find that most spices do have carbs. Make sure you stick to the list of spices he gives you for induction.

    I highly highly recomend getting the New Diet Revolution book (you can get it at the library) And read it cover to cover. One of the biggest mistakes people make with Atkins is not understand what the purpose of induction is. You dont just reduce the number of carbs.. there is a whole metabolic and physical side to the whole process.
  • Thanks for all your suggestions. I will get the book, meant to, just picked up the wrong one! LOL I am use to eating "whole", been doing that for years. I probably need to drop my veggie amount down. I guess I am not 100% sure exactly what induction does except to kick start things...which is sort of why i switched over. I have been eating very similar to the Life program already.
  • These are the rules I have been following..
    You will follow these basic rules:

    Eat three meals a day. Stabilizing the blood sugar is the basic tool of controlled carbohydrate weight loss, and to achieve this you should not go longer than six waking hours without eating acceptable food. You can, however, eat four or five smaller meals a day, as long as you stick with 20 grams of Net Carbs.
    You are permitted to eat liberal amounts of eggs, meat and fish, including beef, pork, chicken, turkey, duck, wild game, shellfish, veal and lamb. Eat until you feel pleasantly full, but do not gorge.
    Natural fats and oils are permitted. This includes butter, olive oil, mayonnaise and any oil that is liquid at room temperature. (Consume no hydrogenated oils or other manufactured trans fats—-including margarine.)
    Herbs and spices are permitted as long as they do not contain sugar.
    Cheese (aged, full-fat, firm, soft, semisoft) is limited to three to four ounces daily. Fresh cheese, such as cottage cheese and farmer's cheese, is too high in carbohydrates for Induction.
    You may have up to four cups of loosely packed (measured raw) salad vegetables each day. This includes all leafy green vegetables, mushrooms, celery, radishes, green peppers and cucumbers.
    Of the four cups, one can be other vegetables low in carbohydrates
  • : Welcome Texannie! Glad you joined us. You'll be on your way to a weight loss once it's straightened out. It is different to switch plans; I had been mostly on Weight Watcher's most of my life, so this was different to me too. I love the Atkin's Diet.