Diet, Exercise & Support #8

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  • Mercy me! I haven't started a thread in a long time, and it took me 20 minutes to figure it out!! I almost gave up. Anyway, here's the new thread. I hope all have found it.

    I'm really ready to get out of school. Only two more days of teaching, then 2 days of collecting books, playing games, cleaning, etc. Then a picnic, then the last day/morning. The kids drove me crazy today---yak, yak, yak, all day!! By the 15th I'll be completely done. I'm feeling a bit better than I was the last time I posted--I've been doing my cognitive behavior therapy for my OCD symptoms, and they've really helped, but there's a mild anxiety behind all I do, which pretty much takes the stuffin' out of even a good day. I am not doing any compulsive behaviors, though, so the anxiety should slowly decrease. Hopefully I won't have to increase my meds. I take prozac. If it doesn't pass in about 3 weeks, I may consider increasing a little. My doc works very well with me--he trusts I know how I'm feeling. It's hard, though. I've been here before, and in much worse places, but it always feels bad and discouraging to have a relapse. Once school is out, I will have the opportunity to do lots of good things for myself, which will help me immensely. I can't wait to start my walking routine and my gardening. I'm reading now to refocus my attention away from anxiety--I love Chicken Soup for the Soul books--only positive stuff for my mind. Food isn't too bad--not perfect but nothing dramatically unhealthy. I bought lots of clothes Sunday--5 pairs of capri pants, two pairs of sandals, three sleeveless tops, two short pajama sets, and two bras. Man, was it fun! I must have spent over $300.00--no charge cards either! The only thing now is it is too cold to wear the dress capri pants. Oh, well, there's still plenty of time for hot weather. My clothes sizes are still the same--I even bought two tops in 14/16 and one in a 14--at Ashley Stewart Woman. All the 18-20 tops were TOO BIG!!!!! Pants--I bought a 14 jeans capri, a large jeans capri, and 3 size 16 dress capris--a manufacturer whose stuff runs small--Briggs. Anyway, I'm holding my own, which is very good.

    Well, I'm off. I've got to look up some stuff on Encarta for my students and print off a picture of a volcano in Mexico for one kid's project. His home computer is broken. Bye for now, all.
  • Thanks Newi for the new thread! Sounds like school will be out before you know it and you'll be able to indulge in some rest and relaxation. Enjoy every minute!

    Cyan, you asked about my school situation and I'm still waiting to hear. I hope to hear something by the end of the week. It's driving me crazy not knowing! I hate not having a plan...and I can't plan without knowing their answer.

    Well, Yesterday and today I've done really good food wise. I lost a pound yesterday, I've lost 29 of the 52 pounds from the pregnancy. So, I now have a goal to lose 23 pounds by September. I can do it with the low carbs and considering most of it is pregnancy related, it shoudn't be too hard.

    Well, got to go for now.

    See you all soon!

  • Hey Ladies
    Newie...thanks for starting the thread. It seems to me that you have a handle on your OCD so that is good. I am sure you must be looking forward to the summer vacation..I think it will be good for you to have some time away from the kids...just chill and have some time to yourself. Looks like you are getting back to you walking routine too.
    Shoping...I love shopping...I know feels great to spend a little cash once in awhile

    Hey Lisa...I am sending good energy to you ...I hope you get fabulous news soon. And if you will do just fine. So here's to a positive outcome. on you for losing your weight...looks like you are getting you plan in gear. Its nice to read these positive posts. It makes me try harder to stick to my goals.

    Meal Plan for today
    breakfast: all bran cereal with skim milk
    lunch: chili con carne
    dinner: shrimp and calamari...shechuan style
    snacks: 4 nectarines
    beverages: water, tea and diet cola

    exercise: pilates and cycling

    I did my pilates last night...buns and thighs and then I cycled for 10 minutes for a total of 30 minutes of exercising...woohoo

    I sure do hope I get off this mini plateau of 166...I really really want to see 165.

    Have a great day

  • Well girls...I started with cookies last night and have gone downhill ever since. But, I'm not going to be too hard on myself. It's summer, I just had a baby, I'm breastfeeding, I'm stressed about was good food. There's no reason I can't do better tomorrow!!! So, I thought I would put my meal plan for tomorrow here today.

    Breakfast: Low Carb Special Kay
    Lunch: deli meat wraps (lunch meat wrapped up over mayo, lettuce and cheese)
    Dinner: Roast chicken and salad with low carb dressing

    snacks: sugar free jello, sugar free popsicles; pecans,
    drinks: ice water, diet pop
  • Hey Lisa

    Writing down my Meal Plans has helped me stick to also takes away my impulsiveness to want to eat whatever. I hope it works for you.

    Meal Plan for today
    breakfast: carnation breakfast with skim milk
    lunch: the last of chili con carne with whole wheat pita
    dinner: green curry thai shrimp with white rice
    snacks: one peach and one apple
    beverages: water, tea and diet cola

    exercise: cycling

    I did my abs pilates and cycled for 10 minutes last night.

    My cravings have finally subsided..I got my period today..thank goodness because the last few days I have been eating an extra 300 calories per not good for weight hopefully that is done with.

    Have a great super weekend

  • Hi ladies! Wow, I had tons of posts to catch up on. I didnt realize I hadnt been in for such a long time. Not really any news..positive news anyway. Havent done great on eating lately and no exercise the last couple of weeks. Still going thru lots of stressful things at work and at home, but I'll get past it all sooner or later I guess. I've missed you all.

    I have to work til 7 tomorrow but Tues I am going to visit my sis, the one whose family is getting transferred to Utah in August. That's a 25 hr drive from here. Anyway, for now she is still just 2 hrs away so I am going to spend the rest of the week with her. I want to visit as much as possible before she is too far away. Besides, Kaylen, 3, and Isaac, 6 mos, are sooo adorable!!! I know just being with them will make me feel better. Joy, my sis, is on Weight Watchers so I'm hoping being with her will have a positive impact on my eating while I am there.

    I hope this trip works out. I was going to do the same thing about 3 weeks ago and things came up and it didnt work out. I really need to get away I think. Reina's soul searching trip sounds like just what I need also.

    I'll come back and post again when I get home and let you all know how it went. It was great reading all the posts...sorry I cant take time to answer individually.

    Hope you all have a great upcoming week. I'll post again soon, I promise!

  • Hi Ladies

    Wow Monday already..I dont know where the weekends get fast...before you know it...monday..again. Ack

    I went hiking Sunday...that was great. My food intake hasnt been on target...instead of my usual 1350 I am averaging 1650...I have been more hungry lately. I gotta get it back down to around 1300 or else I wont lose any frustrating.

    I havent weighed my self this morning...My period is playing with me...stop and sart for the last few days but I think its back on as of I will weigh after it finishes...I am feeling a little fingers are a little swollen.

    Hey Miki...sorry to hear that your Sis is moving so far away. Why is your sister moving to Sounds like a little mental break is due...time to regenerate your mind and spirit and re crystalize your goals...good on you. Let us know how that goes.

    Meal Plan for today
    breakfast: bran cereal with skim milk
    lunch: ham sandwich on whole wheat with carrots, broccoli and 3 stuffed grape leaves
    dinner: minute steak with carrots and side salad
    snacks: cherries and a peach
    beverages: water, tea and diet cola

    exercise: pilates and cycling

    Have a great day everyone

  • Happy Tuesdays Ladies

    Well I weighed myself this morning and I am up 1.5 175.5...ack! I have been eating more calories this week..but not enough to account for a pound 1/2 of weight gain. The only other thing can be either the increased exercising and my period...maybe even the weather change? Dunno..but my clothes feel I am not going to freak out just yet..I will keep on track and get back to my usual 1300 calories per day instead of the 1600 I have been eating this past week and a bit.

    Meal Plan For Today
    Breakfast: bran cereal with skim milk
    lunch: ham sandwich on whole wheat with 3 stuffed grape leaves
    dinner: shrimp and sundried tomatoes and garlic on whole wheat pasta
    snacks: cherries
    beverages: water, tea, coffee and diet soda

    exercise: pilates and cycling

    Have a great day

  • Hi Everyone,

    Just a quick note to say all is well. Very busy week since it is the last week of highschool before exam week for many of my clients so lots of last minute appointments and back to back bookings.

    Also been busy on the exercise front learning how to mountain bike. Despite being covered in bruises, I am getting the best workout in this sport than I think any other. Suffice to say that I have been losing a bit of winter fat but probably only a pound or two. My pants are starting to fit more comfortably again.

    I will send more individual posts when I get a chance but for now a big hello to all!!!

  • Hi, girls--just checking in before I get down to the last night of grading and averaging. I'm feeling quite good--except for being hot--91 degrees at 4:30 today--the school was an oven!! Only a few areas are air conditioned. We played board games and cleaned the classroom today--very noisy but okay noise. Lots of kids helped me. Tomorrow a bit more cleaning and then the school picnic on the school grounds. Thursday there's only 2 1/2 hours of school, and one of those hours is at church. Friday I have to work in my classroom, and Monday/Tuesday there are meetings and more time to work in my room. Hallelujah!! Then two months off!!! My OCD has subdued itself to an extremely manageable level, due to my diligent practice of behavior therapy techniques. My food is not good--often I am picking up whatever is around--so far no change in how my clothes fit. I'm not going near the scale till about a week after school is out, and I am back to my normal food routine. Well, got to go now. It's a busy night here. Glad everyone found the new thread!!
  • Good Morning Ladies

    I am back to regular exercising which is great...I cycled last night for 25 minuts ...7km...It felt great.

    Food wise was very good and I stayed withing my calorie the challenge is to do this all week or until I reach my goal weight. Ack

    Meal Plan for today
    breakfast: homemade rice pudding
    lunch: shrimp salad sandwich on whole wheat pita
    dinner: sole with carrots
    snacks: orange
    beverages: water, coffee, tea and diet soda

    exercises: pilates and cycling

    Have a great day

  • The last day of school has come and gone!!! I'm alive!! Now all I have is three days of room cleaning, paperwork, meetings, etc.!! Hallelujah! Also, I weighed myself after I got home from school at 11:00 this morning--would you believe I actually lost a pound? All the stress, I guess! I'm thankful, no matter how it happened. More later.
  • Congratulations Newie on making it through to the last day of school. I knew that you could do it!! Now it is time to relax and take some time for yourself to reflect on how many good things you have done throughout the year and focus on those!!

    Cyan, stay on track today as you know that good things happen when you do. Good for you on getting back into the exercise.

    I played baseball last night and had a good game. I have been getting extreme bouts of tiredness again after my last period so I am packing in the iron tablets and liver and other iron rich foods. I feel like I want to sleep 12 hours a day again. I am booking another Dr.'s appt. to talk about it more so that I can be sure I am on the right track. My colleague seems to think that it is my body's way of dealing with stress. Perhaps that is the case as I am working with some very difficult cases right now that are sad in many ways. I thought that exercise was a good stress reliever and I have been certainly doing that but maybe I am not grounding myself in other ways.

    Talk to you all soon.
  • Hey Cjunk...sounds like you have a lot on your plate...with work and all. Maybe your body is telling you to take it easy. I Hope that you are on track and that you have not slipped back into another bout of anemia. Take care of yourself.

    Newie...lucky you...a whole summer off to chill back and relax...the perks of being a teacher...enjoy your summer vacation..chill on yourself.

    I am still on this plateau of 166 to 166.5 but I will not give up...I have slowly crept back up to 1600 cals per I guess that is what is keeping me from losing weight even though I have been working out. Ack!

    Meal Plan for today
    breakfast: skim milk and carnation breakfast
    lunch: seafood salad
    dinner: beef and potato curry with whole wheat pita
    snacks: peach, nectarine and baby carrots
    beverages: water,tea, coffee and diet cola

    exercise: pilates

    Have a great Weekend

  • Hey Girls..I am off the plateau..I weighed in saturday morning and I lost two more pounds weight is 164 pounds! wooohoooo...I post tomorrow morning from work

    Have a great rest of weekend

    big hugs
