300+...and ready to try again....#505

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  • WELCOME !!!

    We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
    We share laughter and tears.
    We share what works for us and what doesn't.
    We recently started a Topic of the Day.

    Monday........Motivation Monday
    Tuesday.......Tuesday Tips
    Wednesday.....Wednesday Weigh ins
    Thursday......Thankful Thursday
    Friday........Friday Facials, Fingernails and Fun
    Saturday.......Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
    Sunday.........Soup and Salad Sunday - recipes

    We chat on Wednesday and Sunday at 8:30 EST, 7:30 CST.

    These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We have found them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears...joys and celebrations.

  • Good evening ladies!

    I have access to 3FC on the laptop again. I reinstalled the wireless router. Next time, that is what I will do first.

    Tonight, we went to sign the papers on the new boat. We're excited. It will be a couple of weeks before we can probably get it on the water if the weather holds out.

    DH is going to go to WW with me this Saturday and join. I have him convinced to join, WI, attend the meeting and stay for the introduction afterwards. I'm tired of him fighting me on what I'm trying to accomplish. The goal is for him to have a better understanding of what I'm talking about. He could if he would just listen to me but he won't so he's going. We'll both do the flex plan and WI every other week. I just want him to be aware of what he should be eating and how portions do matter and how choices do matter. There is still a day to go but so far, he's positive about it.

    Bummer that The Apprentice is a recap show.

    Is it me or is Survivor kind of boring this time around? I am so ready for Boston Rob to be booted. He is so obnoxious. And how stupid is Amber? Yes, he's cute but still, does she think he's anything more than a loud-mouth player? We discussed today that if we were going to be living in a swimming suit, it wouldn't be whitish or pink like Shi-Ann's and it wouldn't be flimsy. It would be intense spandex to hold up to 40 days of constant wear. Shi-Ann's is filthy looking! After all those bug bites, you have to wonder how well their skin heals up. Yucky! I was disappointed to see Ethan go.

    Two weeks from today, I get to see how my foot is healing. I am so ready to get back to normal but I've been having some aching in that area so I'm kinda cautious about how its healing. I will cry if I have to have surgery. I'll live and do it but I'll still cry.

    Barb - Poor DH! He's had a time of it recently. for the both of you! Keep us posted.

    Andria - No more beating yourself up. Life is too short for that. Just end the madness and move on.

    Well, I can't remember much else. Its chilly in the house so I'm thinking about going to bed and turn on the electric mattress cover.

    I'm off tomorrow!

    Good night!
  • Cruddy cruddy..I think I may have gone over by about six points today I blame the Olive Garden, we went there for lunch and i stuffed myself with pasta and breadsticks (two points per breadstick)...however the pasta was not that bad..i avoided the white alfredo sauce ...I was sooooooooo tempted to eat it..and then my mom bought us these nasty carb rite candy bars...i ate half of oen when i found out it was worth five points...and then this evening i had clam chowder (4 points per cup...I had two )

    Tomorrow will be better
  • Yikes! Isn't it nearly Spring???? Who sent us this SNOWSTORM!!!! Just when I was all ready to go back into the office today I am sitting here wondering how bad my already awful commute is going to be. Not sure what to do. I was honestly looking forward to getting out of here and going into work and it's one of my co-workers B-day. Hmm....they are saying it may slow up by mid-morning, maybe I'll just hang around here for a while.

    I hope the rest of you have a warmer, sunnier day!

    Talk to you later!

  • Hi gang,

    Its supposed to be in the 70's here today. Sorry East Coasters!

    Even though its my day off, I've been awake since DH's alarm went off at 5:15. I did my conditioning workout so not to be a total slacker today.

    I'm going to go downstairs and get working on laundry and such. Later on, I'll move to the garage to work there. One of my first tasks will be to scan pictures for 2Cute.

    Meliss - Those darn breadsticks are great but they sure do add up in points. Try to shave off a few points today to make up for it.

    Barb - How did it turn out with DH? Good luck with the commute. Snow commutes are the worst.

    Later chicks!
  • I just lost another post GRRRRRRR

    Terri Funny thing about men, it seems like they will listen to everyone except their wives Ole Alvin & I had a "misunderstanding" Wednesday and he made the statement that we don not communicate anymore. I told him the real problem was that he didn't listen

    Miss Meliss Reread yesterdays messages to Andria. Do not beat youself up about going over your points, just brush yourself off and start today off running in the right direction

    BarbPA I hate to tell you how nice our weather has been the last few days and today is starting out just as well. I put all my house plant out on the patio yesterday. They live out there most of the time, but I bring them into the house whent the first threat of a freeze is given, then put them back out when the weather get nice again.

    I'm feeling better today, but I'm still going to see Rheumy Monday. Since my disease is not life threatening, I hate to complain all the time.I really need to know when to push myself and keep going and doing and when to back off and stay home and rest. I also need to talk to him about how much exercise I need to be doing.

    I guess everyone heard about our gorilla that got loose in the Dallas Zoo. When I first heard it on the news. I thought it was funny, but it turned out to be very serious.

    Since only three have posted on this thread, and I don't want to loose another one, I'll just say hope everyone has a great OP day.
  • Hello!
    Yep, it's me, back again. I got dressed, hopped in the car and started to head to work. I got about 25 minutes into the drive, realized I'd barely gotten anywhere and my belly started to tell me I really shouldn't have put on blue jeans after this week's ordeal, so I turned around and came back home!!! I will just work from here today - which I normally do on Fridays. I just thought I'd go in the office today since I've been out so much lately. So, here I sit, back in my comfy clothes in the home office watching the snow out the window. I don't know why I even bothered trying to drive to work, I should have just listened to my body - which wanted another quiet day.

    Terri - thanks for asking about DH, I forgot to update you all. He spent 8 hours in the emergency room yesterday only to be sent home. The ER docs talked to his Urologist and decided it would be best for DH to wait until today to see the Urologist. We really were fine with that because we trust him more, but it's ashame he spent the whole day there. They did an ultrasound and a urine test. Looks like he developed a hematoma. Not sure what the urologist will do - he has a 12:00 appt.

    We did get some good news this morning -- remember DH had to have a biopsy of tissue in his mouth to check for cancer --- it came back clear!!!!! He will not be going back to that gross chewing tobacco, or anything like it. He's now addicted to sugerless gum - perfectly fine with me!!!

    Ok, since I am working at home I need to get to some real work! I'll check in later!

    Love to all!
  • Good morning everyone.
    I have a page full of notes I took but now no time to reply.
    My husband is playing hooky from work today so he, DD and I are headed out the door. We will probably take a drive to one of the lakes around here. Ahhhhh.

    I also hate to rub salt in an open wound... BUT ....
    It is in the 70's here too with lots of
    Everything is blooming and beautiful.

    I want to share one piece of good news before I go...
    I stayed on program all day yesterday.
    It was hard because we ate out twice ... and I WANTED to eat whatever... but everyone I was with stayed on program so I just could not eat in front of them off program.

    Okay... gotta go. Love ya !!!
  • Hello out there!!!

    Where in the world is everyone? Since you are not stopping in here I hope it means you are all out exercising or getting something healthy to eat!

    I for one am just a litle bored and stir crazy. It's going to be a quiet weekend around our house. Hoping to do some housework and try to get a little exercise in. I know I need to take it slow since my body is recovering, but maybe a nice walk if it's sunny tomorrow. This weather is crazy - this morning it looked like a blizzard and now it's sunny and most of the snow is gone. Go figure!

    DH went to the Urologist today and was told he has a fluid buildup that will go down on it's own. He is also on another antibiotic. Luckily he is not in much pain, just very uncomfortable.

    2cute - Sounds like you had a nice day planned and also a beautiful day! I hope you had a good time! Good job staying OP!!!

    I'm outta here for now! Have a great evening.

  • wow, not much activity today
    Hmm..where IS everyone? Good observation Barb.

    For the record, I hate all of you who are reporting 70* weather, meanwhile I have to scrape ice off of my car because we've been hit by yet another snowstorm. Although yesterday and today the storms were pleasant...you know the kind with the big fat flakes that fall delicately onto your hair or overcoat

    Today was a great day...I had eleven whole points left by five o'clock..true I had skipped lunch (unless you count those Atkins shakes..not too bad but they're pretty funky tasting...those shakes always seem to take on the taste of the can they're packaged in...I guess it's all the added minerals :

    I went shopping today to get some "job interview" clothing..it was so depressing because nothing seemed to fit right I have a rather large bust, so I need to buy bigger shirts to compensate..the jacket I bought was a size 30 ...strange because as far as pants go I'm about a 24/26. GAH. Oh well...it's just been frusterating because I am not certain of how much I weight, and I'm NOT goign to buy a new scale to accomodate myself because I know I don't weigh THAT much over 300...I just would like to see some results..and I'm not really feeling it in my clothing or anything yet.

    I tried to be positive. Sorry for the depressing story.
  • Hi ladies!

    Anyone watch Curb Your Enthusiasm? Its on now. What a hoot.

    We just got back from having dinner with three of DH's cousins and the spouses. We ate at an Italian buffet. I filled up on veggies and stayed competely away from all the pasta dishes except for a few small slices of tuscan type pizza. But, lost my head at the desserts.

    Tomorrow is WW day and DH is still planning on going.

    I took the dog out for a run. DH wasn't around so I rode the scooter and had Bear on a leash and had him run beside me. We did fairly well. I'd have to stop periodically and let him smell stuff and to catch his breath. He really needed that!

    Anyone a Janet Evanovich fan? I'm reading the first of the Stephanie Plum books. I love it.

    Meliss - I've had to deal with buying shirts bigger for years and it is kind of a drag. Tops just don't fit right because of the boobs. Your story wasn't depressing. Keep at it and you will begin to see the results. We're here to keep you positive.

    Barb - Good to hear that DH should be feeling better soon. We're having a quiet weekend too. I need to get the house put back together and the never ending pile of laundry. What exciting lives we lead!

    I'm off to watch another episode of Curb. Have a great evening!
  • Howdy...

    I had one busy week and am way behind reading here.

    Needless to say being busy threw me into a non-exercise - not so good eating week. Good excuse anyway.

    It was 64 here today. Tomorrow is will be down to 45 to 50 but I will take it. As you "old 300's" know we are now entering my raking, mowing and shoving time of the year. I hope to get some outdoor things done tomorrow and will probably be pooped and sore by tomorrow night.

    I sure hope with this warmer weather they can fix my sump pump - I want to know how much this is going to cost. I HATE owing money.

    BarbPA: You have had good news - for you and hubby. and

    I have no reason for this but I just LOVE this "smiley"
  • Hi Ladies!
    Just peeking in before I go pass out in bed. I am so tired!

    I'm glad to see a couple more friends peeking in!

    Lucky - thanks for the cheer --- I also love this smiley......

    Sweet (non-fat) Dreams to all!

  • Fun Friday...
    I guess everyone has been out having FUN this Friday,

    My day has been an up / down emotional kind of day.
    Good /bad / good / sad/ good / blah. You get the picture?? LOL

    Right now I am kind of blah and should be good.

    I will try to reply to most of you but no promises.

    Andria .. as everyone has stated... you can't undo the past....BUT ...it sounds like you are already back on the right track.

    Barb... Your poor husband. You both need a hug. {{ HUG }}
    I am glad he made you stay home. There just isn't anything you could have done to help him and you definitely need to take good care of yourself. You definitely will have some tales to tell your kids.
    Speaking of kids... did you see that 2 hour special on the Dilley sextuplets?? I could not help but think of you. LOL

    Mary... always nice to see you peeking in. Hope your days are going well.

    Ingrid... I am glad your stress has been relieved with the absence of the fellow coworker. Have you tried exercising sitting down.?? I have two tapes that give you a good workout sitting down... believe it or not. LOL
    We love babble.... so babble away. LOL
    Blue... I am so glad you have no ulcers.
    I am sorry to say I don't know any of your favorite songs. I asked my daughter but she does not know them either.

    Barbg... I am happy your business is going and growing so well. Congrats.
    Hang in there... it is bound to get better working with hubby soon.
    I have not heard about the gorilla in Dallas ... hope no one was hurt.

    Terri.. your husband and mine sound like they have a lot in common.
    Likes to gamble... has a boat .... married to WONDERFUL WOMEN.
    I saw your "Apprentince" last night. It caught me up on all I missed.
    Your story of "walking" the dog ... riding a scooter... cracked me up.

    MissMeliss ... You can find those scales that take a quarter and weighs you in many WalMarts, KMarts, Reesers, and truck stops. OR... you can go to these stores and get a scale that weighs up to 330-400 .... then take it out of the box and weigh yourself and then put it back in the box. LOL I know many people who have done both. LOL

    Lucky....This is for you....
    I thought you raked all of those leaves up last fall. ????
    You are one hard worker.

    Okay... I have hit everyone who has posted since my last post.
    I am out of here. See you all tomorrow.. but probably late.
    My grandbabies are spending the night and we are going garage sales in the morning. They "need" more toys. LOL NOT !!!!
  • Hi all! Remember me?????

    Yes, I feel like I haven't been here in forever, which leads me to not doing replies and I know I will feel awful about that, but my head is already hitting the keyboard.

    It has been a whirlwind week of working and such. Lots of jobs, all over the city. The absolute best part of the week was lunch with our dear Susie on Wednesday. I will admit that we were both VERY BAD. We were reasonable about lunch, but then we each had dessert. Yes, I said EACH of us had dessert, sharing was just NOT an option! She had a decadent chocolate layered thing (HUGE), I had fried cheesecake in a BIG parfait glass with whipped cream and strawberry sauce.

    Boy, now that I've written that, I realize that was a pretty mean thing to do. Should I erase it????

    BTW, Susie says "hi". She really misses being here, but they're doing budgets and she just found out that she may have to be dealing with all new employees that she will have to retrain because of some Union bumping thing they're doing. So wish her luck. She likes the employees that she has. She's trained them and they're good workers. She's really worried about who she might get next.

    Anyway, we had a wonderful time. Blew 3 hours yaking. She's such a wonderful person. It's amazing how we can just step right into conversations like we've known each other for years. (oh, that's right, we have! ) I'm sure some of you girls that have met up will attest to that phenomenon. It will sure be fun getting together.

    Thursday, I drove to the other side of town and mom-sat my friend's mother with dementia. She was not a happy camper when I got there. Didn't want me to sit with her. I'm a stranger and all that. But within a half hour we were good buddies and she wants me to come back again. I think I'll be taking Thursday's for my friend for a few weeks since her niece broke her leg and can't sit with "grandma".

    After leaving my friend's house at 6:00, I had 3 jobs on her side of town to complete and then had to run clear to the east side and do a grocery before 8:00 at night. Let me tell you, that was a real riot trying to fit it all in.

    #1 Son has been to Columbus, OH twice this week and is leaving for Lansing, MI in the morning. I have such a hard time not getting my "mom claws" out about his employer and their taking advantage of my kid. They say they can't justify giving him a raise but they can call him at all hours of the morning when he's not due in until 1:00 and then can run his butt all over the country. I'm just a little disturbed. But he'll be 25 in June and I have to keep reminding myself that he is an adult and has to speak up for himself. That's a hard one to learn.

    My eBay stuff is going well. It really is addicting. And I agree with Andria about the adrenilin rush of seeing how much something is selling for. All of the pieces I sold, I've gotten payment on except one and they've all been shipped too. It's really quite fun after you get over the original fear of doing it. My second auction set is up Saturday night, so I've got to get some more listings together tomorrow.

    I'm a "showgirl" Saturday and Sunday this week. Two trailer checks and an open count. The open count will keep us busy some, but it looks like only on two screens so that will be a good thing. I'd like to see Twisted since we didn't get to see it the last couple of weeks. I don't really think there's anything else good on. We're counting for Dawn of the Dead and I have NO desire to see that one.

    Oh, we got some really good news this week. To back up and fill you all in, we had our kitchen lineoleum redone 3 years ago November. Well we got a guy to lay it (you know, a DEAL ) and anyway, the seams started to split open. So we tried to get Mannington to repair it, but they said it was an install problem and so we had to get a guy to come look and give us an estimate. Well when he got here, he looked at the floor and said he could repair it, but had we noticed that it had yellowed. Well, sure enough, when we lifted the big rug I had put in front of the sink to camouflage the seam splitting, we could see that the flooring had yellowed. So the guy says, yeah, I can fix it, but why don't you file a claim with Mannington on the discoloration because it's warranteed against that. So we did and we had to take pictures and everything and Thursday we got a call that they would pay to replace the flooring AND all of the labor to replace it and remove the old stuff. We are definitely happy campers. The area takes 40 yards of materials so this is no small thing!

    Well, my dears, it is now 1:30 AM my time and I'm losing it fast. I think I've caught you up on my life. I'm really sorry that I can't do replies. Know that I have been thinking about all of you and I have read, so I know of your trials, tribulations and triumphs......hey, that was pretty good, wasn't it??? I think of you guys (and talk about you) all the time. All of my real life friends get an earfull all the time about you guys and what great friends you are....my little "cyber buddies". Honey can even keep track of who's who pretty much.

    I'm out of here for now. Love ya bunches.