Springtime In Cowville

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  • I DON'T KNOW WHY IT BUGS ME WHEN THE THREAD IS SO LONG------ SINCE IT IS APPROACHING SPRING!!!!!!I thought it would be nice to moooooooove------ANYway!!!--- i was thinking of trying to loose ten pounds and start excercising------anyone ever heard of such a thing???????
  • I'm with you, Bagzerini. I don't like it when the thread gets so long that you can't even see how many pages it is. And yes, ma'am, if you have any loose pounds, you should exorcize them

    That is soooooooo pretty!

    It could almost be springlike around here, if you don't actually go outside, just look out a window -- the snow is receding and the sun's out. Of course, I went out and got whipped around by a frigid wind, and the temp is 26F(-3C), but we'll take what we can get, eh?

    I'm eating a big chunk of Entenmann's Raspberry Danish. Is that on anyone's diet? I had a salad and Pasta Primavera last night when we went out to eat. It was drenched in Alfredo sauce, no doubt negating any advantage of having eaten all those veggies. I didn't eat the whole thing though, so I could have that for dinner. I ate all the rest of DH's Caesar Salad leftovers before I went to bed last night.... I think I'm irredeemably piggish.

    However, I am also sore from my workout yesterday, plus for the week, I'm clocking in 2 short (1 mile) walks and 30 minutes of snowshoeing. Better than nothing. DH is going to be out of town most of next week, so I have no excuses for failing to continue the workouts. I can even tailor my cooking to DD and me, which usually results in eating less meat, and less food in general.

    Yeah, that's right, I'm blaming DH for my being fat. Possibly a tad unfair but he does like fatty foods.

  • WAY TO GO KEE WONNKERS!!! i think maybe we are on to something----the minimum amount of time we should "excercise" is three times per week---although most experts say six days a week with ONE day off---obviously SOME is better than NONE------COULD THIS LAZY BUNCH OF COWS {EXCEPT PAINTY WHO IS DEDICATED,AND FRAPPE WHO IS MEDICATED} GET OFF THEIR UDDERS AND DOOOOOOO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AS OF NOW---WE ARE REQUIRED TO REPORT EXCERCISE THIS WEEKKKKKKKK------------THIS IS THE WEEKLY CHALLENGE AND I CHALLENGE YOU TO THE CHALLENGE.PERIOD.SPONGE.
  • Well, when you put it that way, Generalissimo Bagzie...
    I suppose I COULD manage a half hour of Pilates today since I'm neither dedicated nor medicated, just sometimes a bit discombobulated. AND it's less than 4 months until we go on holiday and I SWEAR I don't want to look as crappy in this year's family video as I did last time. What a cow. Shoulders of a linebacker. Ugh.

    What I did today: cleaned up under sink where yucky, yucky garbage can was hiding, washed ALL dishes, got a couple loads of laundry done (but not folded or put away because that would make me perfect), made oatmeal squares and ate too many, planted some cute cute cute little plants called spring snowflakes that look like snowdrops but aren't.

    What I'm going to do later: make liver and onions for dinner and see if anyone besides dh eats it 'cause it was his idea, make sure everyone has a clean pair of socks for tomorrow (am I pitiful or what?), TRY to exercise.

    See yas!
  • Does it count as pigging out if it's ATKING's Lo-Carb ice cream?
    I am stiff and sore this morning from the miniscule amount of exercise I had yesterday while planting geraniums etc. Egad. Knees, ankles and hips are protesting. Truly creaky.

    I would appreciate sympathy hugs. I'm off to work on my taxes... I think DH got to cheap a version of TurboTax to really get maximum deductions for my self-employment. And the whole process makes my stomach queasy. I doubt I'll get the whole thing finished today. But maybe with some caffeine and occasional breaks (still have those petunias to transplant) I can make decent progress.
  • Hey, good luck with TurboTax, Painty -- that's one of those things I glad cede to DH. Actually I cede anything to DH that he'll do. Why not? I've got enough on my plate, so to speak..

    I'm with you Bagz, I think I'll change my sig to reflect my workouts. Obviously I'm not ever going to have to change those pounds, so I might as well find something that looks like progress.

    Wow, Sugar, I'm impressed; you had a very productive day. Here's what I'm taking credit for today: While I was sleeping late, DH put his shirts (that I washed last night) in the dryer, did another load of wash, managed to put the towels that were in the dryer into a basket, dried all his stuff and dumped it on a chair in the living room , then when I got up and announced that I am sick (I have a sore throat and some nasty congestive thing going on), he assigned DD to empty the dishwasher and hang up his shirts then he went to the store to get a few things for his trip. I'm a lady of leisure of today apparently.

    I'm going to go change my sig. Ta

  • Awesome by April
    Geez that Bagzie is a slave driver! Did 30 mins Pilates belly/butt/thighs and 30 mins upper body weights. Feeling slightly queasy. Good idea about recording workouts instead of weight, but how? Daily? Weekly? Inches lost? Please discuss.

    Good luck on those awful taxes, Painty. Since I don't have a penny to my name, dh takes care of that kind of thing.

    What did the dh come home with, Kiwi? A bottle of Jim Bean and three bags of Cheetos?
  • Yeah, we'll see -- he's not home yet, but that sounds about right!

    How do you like my new sig?

  • The problem of having an egalitarian marriage is doing your own share of the taxes. Yuck. But I input the part of it that I have prepared... and DH is filling in his part... I must get the rest done soon. Doesn't look as bad as we first thought.... Mark Twain said we should be glad we didn't get as much "governing" as we pay for.... (can you imagine having John Ashcroft X 3? for example? But I sure wish that there wasn't a 17% penalty for being self-employed... Or maybe I should have been more grateful when I had an employer who paid that part of the bill. sigh.

    I am pooped. Emotionally drained. Dehydrated.
    Maybe I'll go to bed. It's only 9 pm.... didn't even get up early.

    the journal entries are getting testy. WAY too much meddling in people's business. I may have to swear off.

    Kiwi-- I like your sig. Hope you're feeling better quick.

    Sug... if I can find a cheap flight, I'd be glad to fly you here to clean under our sinks. Bravo for you and a big gold star.
  • Wastin' time
    I am watching Larry King Live. Suzanne Somers is on and she's going to talk about sex. She looks fabulous. I didn't know she had breast cancer, poor thing.

    Walked for 30 mins this morning and now I need some before I tip over.

    I like the sig Kiwonk! Now you just have to explain it to me!

    Suzanne S just said: "Enjoy each day, don't take anything for granted and be nice to people." Discuss.
  • Sugar darling---i saw Suzanne on Larry and I thought she looked all puffed up on Botox and Collagen----i am not a big fan of her and all her SOMER products----she talks like she invented BIOIDENTICALS and is a SHAMELESS promoter of her unlimited "SOMER-things"-------------------After Larry King,she was on "The View" blathering and refused to get off the topic of her latest SELL------------------THERE----DO I SOUND BITTER OR WHAT???????????????????????????????????????? I feel bad about the cancer and agree with her advice but SHE DRIVES ME-------------------------WHACKO!!!!!! AFTER COMING HERE TO boss people about i felt it necessary to hit the treadmill -----SO I AM REGISTERING A THIRTY MINUTE STINT from last night------Sugar is showing off with her PILATES and WEIGHTS,so i will see about some sort of EXTRA effort this week!!!!the brother is getting married at my house on Friday night,the musical is next week,my step dd's arrive for a week ----------all happening within days and my kitchen is still being painted---------------kiwi and painty---- i let dh do the taxes as i don't earn any money so WHY should I??????? i do enough unpaid labour to deserve the break from all that!!!! IT IS SNOWING OUT,SO EXCUSE ME WHILE I SHOVEL THE DRIVEWAY AND SCRAPE OFF THE CARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR DAMN THIS NORTHERN ****.
  • Sugar, we shared a moment. I was watching Suzanne in the weeeeeeee hours..and it turns out that though it wasn't so weeeee for you, you were watching it too....I'm moved.

    As you see, I'm keeping Sugar's schedule so I've been up all night. I ate an msg rich dinner.

    I like the sig, too. Maybe I'll do that too. It is a good idea to keep track of exercise...since I'm too ashamed of what I ate this weekend to keep track of that. I should put it all on Fitday no matter what..but I don't. SO...I will walk today. I have a half-hour between when I get out of work and when dd is finished with play...I'll park the car at her school and walk around that neighborhood.
    Painty, aren't taxes a drag???????? I do the prep on ours...we go to an acct but there's a lot of searching that goes on beforehand because things are a tad disorganized. We're getting a nice refund this year..but I'm still not voting for that psychopath.
    Bagzie, I hate when the thread is long, too. Remember when we used to start anew every day?????????? Now we're the other extreme.
    I must go wake 2 children and force the third out of the shower.
  • Today's workout: I got out of bed and checked my emails and read the latest posts here. Now I'm going back to bed. This fighting infection thing is getting old!
    It was exhausting to read all the housework/taxes/childcare/exercise y'all are doing. All I do is sleep.
  • Sweet dreams, Frappe. I hope you get better real soon. This is such a bummer. Go in for a simple gall bladderectomy and end up really sick. Poor thing.

    Exercising is my weakest area. I will try, I really will. I have my walking shoes in my car, along w/ my discman and walking cd. I will try to get a half hour in on my lunch break. I resisted going to breakfast today, and also resisted the Mickie D's drive thru and egg mcmuffins. I should get some points for that.

    Today is my baby boy's 21st birthday!!! Whaaaa! This means I really am old.

    I'm neutral on Suzanne Sommers. Don't love her, don't hate her.

    Filing extension for corp. taxes, I'm sure I'll file extension for personal taxes. I'm a champion procrastinator.

    I'm exhausted. I worked in the yard all weekend like a field hand, and I've barely scratched the surface of all the work that needs to be done. I wheel barrowed and dug in a pick up load of compost/cow manure mix. I planted and weeded and fertilized and pruned. I have muscles I forgot existed. I hurt all over. I also went to bunco Saturday nite, and shopping w/ DH on Sunday evening for DS's birthday gift. I also bought me a new swimsuit. I'm so glad that dreaded task is over for the spring. Hate those d*mn 3 way mirrors. That should keep me on a diet. It was really nice to fit in a suit w/ out boobies overflowing and underflowing and busting out all over.
  • WABBY HAS A SWIMSUIT!!!----- ----no matter HOW much i may want to take a dip in the pool----it will have to be in shorts and a tee shirt----that ship has long sailed----i am full of admiration for all those who would don a suit----INTENDING TO DO TREADMILL AGAIN TONIGHT--------------- I NEED REPORTS ABOUT THOSE WHO USED TO WALK THE DUCK HUDDA POND!!!!------FRAPPE DARLING------REST UP REAL GOOD---WHEN YOU ARE DONE YOU WILL BE THIN AND WE WILL PUT YOU ON AN EXCERCISE PLAN!!!!!