New on the beach....

  • ...and to this site . I started almost a week ago and have already lost 3 lbs ! Wow, if I had known "dieting" would be this easy, I would have started sooner. For once I don't have to count calories (thank god! ). Although I am missing fruit still being in phase 1, but only one more week to go and I can bring some of it back...whew! One week down!
  • Welcome to 3FC and to The Beach, Smartypants. Yes, this is a great plan!
  • Welcome, Smartypants! Congratulations on your loss so far!
  • Welcome to the beach!!!!! Yep, this is a great plan, congrats on your loss! Glad you joined us!
  • Hi Smartypants, welcome. I look forward to getting to know you! It is so fantastic to be losing weight finally and forever ( ). Great start!
  • Hey Smartypants welcome to the beach. You'll be at goal in no time! yea!
  • Welcome! I am pretty new myself as I have just completed one week on SBD. Glad to have you joining us here on the beach.

    I have found that the key to SBD is being prepared and having the right foods available.

    I am most looking forward to when I can add back some wine. It doesn't feel like a nice meal to me without it.