I'm new here. :)

  • I'm so glad to find all of you. I go to another board re: weight loss but there isn't anyone there who needs to lose more than 100 lbs or weighs anywhere near what I do. I love them but I wanted to find others my actual size and I'm thrilled you are all here.

    How is everyone feeling about their weight loss? I started on 1/12/04 and lost 20.5 lbs in the first 6 weeks. Last week was my 7th and I stayed the same but I'm not giving up, like I normally do at the first sign that things haven't gone like I hope they will.

    Like I posted in my bio, I'd like to lose 180 lbs total but 150 would be liveable. I'm doing low fat (30 grams or less at this point, but I'll drop that down lower later), no snacks that aren't fruit, veggies or yogurt and small portions. I've been significantly overweight since my early 20's and was about 20 lbs overweight my entire high school life. I weighed about 220 for several years (which isn't so bad at 5'11"), then 240 for several years, 280 etc, etc., I was 305 a week after my son was born in 5/02, which was the lowest I'd been in a few years. I only gained 15 lbs total during my pregnancy but somehow I gained 45 lbs over the last two years.

    For once I'm feeling really positive about dieting. I don't feel like it's torture or that I'm hating every minute. I'm pumped to actually do it, for myself but more for my son's sake. I want him to have a mom growing up and I know if I stay this weight, having high blood pressure and highish cholesterol that he won't.

    Thanks for listening.

  • Hi Ingrid.. I saw you found your way to the ongoing thread but wanted to be sure you knew how welcomed you are to be here. I hate seeing a new thread started by a newcomer have 0 next to responses. LOL
    I posted a few ideas for another newcomer.. Wanda ... so you might want to check it out too. I am looking forward to getting to know all the newcomers better. I have been ill for a while and just now trying to catch up. WELCOME !!!
  • Hi Ingrid! I'm new to this area myself! Looking forward to getting to know all the ladies here!
  • hi ingrid i to found it so great to have some people of my size here and also with some of the same medical problems but mainly because i have yet to find an unfreindly person on this site i feel like im calling a very good friend every time i come on and the ladies i talk to have just helped me through a very rough patch their support was very greatfully recieved wlcome and good luck
  • Hello all! I have been observing this Web site and forum for the past couple of weeks. Despite the fact that I have never participated in a message board before I felt I just had to join. I found the support and level of caring to be quite exceptional and I am so excited to be here! I am really struggling with my weight and eating and could use all the help I can get. Sometimes just the ability to express the frustration and pain of being overweight to people going through a similar struggle is enough to make me feel understood and not so horribly alone. I have a lot of weight to lose and a lot of years of bad eating habits to undo and I am hoping to do this with your help. I look forward to being a part of this community.