Former chub clubbers #8

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  • Hello friends. Are we eating less and moving more? Well, since I am out of money, by default, I am eating less. I am job searching so I am moving more! I had 2 interviews yesterday. A prescreening today and another interview on Monday. Mondays seems the best place. I dropped my resume at each florist I saw yesterday. Will do it again today. Very tiring tho! I will drop back in later. flower/audri
  • I am a dork. This should be #9!!!! Ughh!
  • I did really well yesterday & I hope to do well again today but we'll see.

    Hang in there Flower the perfect job will come along soon.

    The sun is out for a few min here & I have a ton of stuff to do so I'd better get running. Be good & eat less today...also move more.
  • Hello! Just dropping in to read msg's and say HI. Audri, I'm sure one of those resumes and interviews will bring results! <I'm looking for someone to fill a greenhouse position... want to relocate to VT?!> ... tho you should probably wait until winter/mud-season is past and spring arrives before coming, so you wouldn't be so tempted to catch the first flight home!

    Will be thinking good thot's for you Monday!

    Good for you in making good choices, Dolphingirl!! Keep it up.. you'll soon be reporting good results! I remember my boss telling us how much thinner her wrists were the first couple of successful weeks she had.. and how sexy her hubby thot they looked! Keep letting us know how it's going for you... it's encouraging!!!

    Anyone hearing from KareFree or Cookie Mommster yet?? PS... WE MISS YOU!!!

  • It sure is quiet here today. I hope everyone is having a great day. Maybe you are all on some spectacular vacation & you forgot to tell me you were leaving. Maybe you got to do something ... just you & hubbby...I sure wish I knew I wasn't all alone here.

    My day has gone by way to quickly. The kids will be home in a min. then the driving starts...although I have been running around all day so it really doesn't just start. Well I guess I'm talking to myself . Anyway I hope your day was great.

    PS> If you have read this why not just say "Hi"?
  • HI Dolphingirl! I have been doing lots of interviews the last 3 days. I have had a 2nd interview w/ Walmart. I even took the drug test. It is for the garden center. Floral has no openings. I have another floral interview in an hour and another interview on Monday. I have no idea which job I want. Walmart is the only one w/ benifits at the moment. Which is important. But I want to do flowers too. I am hoping the answer comes to me soon. Ugh! Itsworthit-I would love to come to VT. I entered to win that dream home on HGTV. If I get it, I will be there! I need to write Karefree. She's never gone from the computer this long! Cookie-post again! audri
  • You're right... it IS lonesome around here... where is everyone?! I agree.. if someone stops by, there should be a rule everyone has to say hello!

    Sorry about griping again, but can't believe we're in the middle of another winter storm warning... and have another foot of snow!! ..will keep on snowing until midnight... then predicting another storm in on Monday! I had a dreadful time getting home tonight... took 45 min's to get up the last 1000 feet (meaning lots of digging out, re-tries to get up our hill - hubby came out and we both worked!) Ughhh... up until today, there were still a few optimist's talking about spring being right around the corner, but this is getting to the best of them... and it's pretty hard to discourage a true Vermonter about winter!

    Dolphingirl... hope you've had a successful day! Do your kids have soccer games again this weekend? I guess until some of the others come back, we'll just get better acquainted!

    Have a good evening... TTYL!
  • Hi, Audri... we must've posted at the same time... didn't see your post.

    You've been doing good getting so many interviews- it's a tough job looking for work! I never realized Walmart did drug testing.. that would eliminate half the applicants anymore, I'd think. (shame on me, but seems everytime I tell someone a client requires drug testing, a good share of them will ask what else I have available.) Will keep sending good thots your way.. something's bound to turn up soon!

    So glad it's the weekend ... looks like I'll be around home this weekend, so will check in soon!
  • Hi gals~ Thanks so much for posting. I feel much better now.

    audri, good job on all the interviews. Hang in there & the right one will fall into your lap...if you have done the work for it first.

    Itsworthit< I'm sorry it is snowing there again. Maybe you will bypass spring & go right to summer in June this year. Digging out to get up the driveway doesn't sound like to much fun but it was probably good exercise. Hang in there.

    No soccer games or swim meets this weekend. Just Piano class & baseball practice. I hope to get all the kids working on cleaning out the garage. That is always a trial.

    Have fun & drop in often.
  • Wow...3 new posts to read! Yipee. I am even more confused. This job will be mine too. She loved me. But do I want it. Not sure. I will have the most floral experience. Not sure I like that. I want to learn from someone I respect. I guess I will try to stop thinking til Mondays interview. Then I decide.

    I had 6 different veggies today. Impressive huh? Sorry about the snow. It is in the 80's here. Amazing the difference a major land mass makes huh? I like to shovel snow. But then again, I don't get to do it very often. I use to do my neighbors when we lived in Spokane. But I HATED hills. I walked eveywhere to avoid icy hills The kids would get pulled in the sled to school. audri
  • Hey Flower, I didn't know you lived in Spokane. Did you grow up there?

    Keep an open mind to all the jobs. I'm so glad they all want you.

    Catch ya later!
  • Saturday morning... wouldn't you know it.. snowed in -no electricity since midnight... worse, no computer!... got up/lit our oil lamps this morning since Dave had to go into work for a bit today.. fortunately we heat w/propane so we stayed toasty. Funny what we take for granted anymore!

    Couldn't believe it ... finally a day to catch up on the computer.. instead ended up getting in my exercise! Shoveled off the deck/fed the birds/wildlife who have come to expect seed/suet, etc every morning of course... then dug out some on the driveway -and unburied our mailbox for the umpteenth time this winter. Next project will be to get my laptop charged up & ready to go online in case this happens again!

    Audri, Dolphingirl's advice is good... keep an open mind and weigh your options after your interview Mon.

    Well, out to clean out more driveway (really do love snow <exc to drive in>- it's just I love spring & flowers, too)... maybe we'll get some sunshine/melting today! Must admit, it felt good getting in exercise early... had fruit and cereal for breakfast. Feeling HEALTHY & GOOD!

    Back later... have a FABULOUS SATURDAY, everyone!!
    ps.. maybe today we'll hear from some MIA friends!!!
  • Oh Itsworthit you are going to be so fit from alll the shoveling. I'm glad to hear you stayed toasty warm last night.

    I just wanted to say hi. Hopefully I'll be able to check back later. Got a busy day & I've got to run now.

    Be good & continue with your healthy day.
  • Just came in to read today and thought I better reply.

    Audri, good luck with finding the right job.

    Itsworthit, it really has been quite the winter, hasn't it? Of course we enjoyed all the snow in NH for snowmobiling, it really kept me moving this year. As a matter of fact, Donnie went to NH to go snowmobiling this morning, we have a wedding to go to tonight and he better be home in time for that. Just think when the snow is gone it will be mud season, that's always fun too lol.

    Dolphingirl are you having a nice quiet weekend lol? How are you doing on the crunches?

    Take care everyone and enjoy the weekend.
  • Wow! You all have been really posting up a storm! Where have I been? I'm not sure, seems like I've been on line some this week, guess I've been mostly hunting for good fares to Detroit or Grand Rapids MI for my sisters wedding in June...Today there is a fare for $198 but I would have to go through Phoenix...2 really long travel days but for three tickets that is a good deal less expensive than 450 a ticket, hmmmm. I need to decide soon.

    I've got those other 2 pounds back off for a solid 5 pound loss in 2 weeks, so I am pleased and still feel that good motivated feeling to keep it up and really get a move on back down the scale for summer.

    Audri, I good job for you is out there, perhaps this is the one! Trust your instincts!

    Itsworthit, it is time for you to move on to April showers as opposed to these snows don't ya think? I'm really enjoying the earlier Spring here in Wenatchee, makes me glad we did not move to Montana...something we considered last year.

    Hi-ya Sandy - I've been doing my crunches!!! :smile:

    Dolphin, I don't think I am going anywhere during spring break. Just not inspired to go and I hear there will be rain most of next week over there anyway! I've had no storks out for a while, I just feel like someone will call if I leave town! Good excuse???

    Well, have a good weekend Pals!