In praise of Edamame!

  • Maybe I've been living in a hole but I just discovered edamame and am in love, if one can love a vegetable. These are great for snacking, are healthy and they taste good too.
  • If you've been living in a hole, you left me behind in it.

    What is edamame? I've never heard of it. I'm always on the lookout for a fun, new veggie!
  • You can find it in the frozen veggie section. It's pods of soybeans. Just boil them and eat...great snacking.
  • Thanks!
  • Quote: if one can love a vegetable. .

    one most def. can love a veg. i am mad about avocado, don't even get me started on red bell peppers.. mm mm
  • Not only are they great tasting... they are a complete protein
  • Mmmmmmm, edamame!!!!

    LUV it!

  • I've seen them, but have never tried them. They look like they would taste "green" if you know what I mean. Do you season them?
  • I don't believe edamame is a complete protein, however they are a very significant source of protein. They are, indeed soybeans, and in a much more native form than tofu. They taste similar to, but better than IMHO, the little beans inside green beans.
  • I also love edamame which are just soybeans. My husband thought they were snap peas, they're similiar... I can't find them in my "regular" grocery store but they have them in the co-op I shop at. I don't like a lot of "natural" or "health" foods but I lOVE these!! Nuke for a few minutes, throw some salt on them and you've got a very healthy and tasty snack food!!
  • Check it out... I didn't think my numerous courses in nurition had lied to me... Soy is a complete protein..
    Anyways, these are tasty as well... which is the best part...
  • I stand corrected. However, the link you've provided actually does have inaccurate information. It says, "Soy protein is the only plant protein that contains all 8 essential amino acids and is considered a complete protein." Rather, there is at least one other: Quinoa.
  • Bicker you are RIGHT!!! I am excited to see someone else who knows of this "amazing grain", as some folks call it. I like to mix it in w/ other cereals of mine. It is a good addition to granola, and is rather light, so it can be added to many things without overwhelming them. Thank you for that info...