Greetings! 1/15

  • How about a thread where people can just pop in through the day to see what everyone else is doing?
    It's -1 here in Providence and snowing. I didn't get called to teach today, so I haven't had to poke my head out the door yet.
    It's a new day, and I'm going to take better care of myself. My modest goals are to drink lots of water - at least 32 oz - and eat salad at lunch. I'm hoping writing it down will help me do it.

  • Hi All!! I seem to have the munchies today. Don't know why, but I can tell. Things are tempting me. But I will prevail. I have healthy snacks with me (Yogurt, banana & cheese) and I just filled up my water. Isn't it wierd how some days your on program without even thinking about it and other days you really have to try.

    The girl in the next office brought in Candy Bars to sell. **SIGH** That's ok, I am strong. I have a vision in my head and I can see myself thin.

    Have a Great Thursday everyone!!!
  • Oh Sandi, that vision is so important. Guess what??? I finally have that vision too!!!

    Yeah, it is pretty cold here today, too. It is supposed to get to -30 with the wind chill factor by tonight. Hmmmm, thank goodness we had insulation blown in to our house this past fall....I could not even imagine another winter with out it. Strange, that the builder did not use insulation....I guess that was not the norm, 40 years ago. is so much easier in the summer. But, nevertheless, I bought two lemons yesterday, and I plan on having that in HOT, HOT water today. Check back later!!!!!

    Have a good day!
  • Good for you, Sandi! I know you can be strong. I've read that visualization is an important part of losing weight. I never wear dresses, but for some reason, the other day I visualized myself in "a little black dress." I have no idea what that was all about, but now I want one. I also have no idea where I'd wear it--maybe just to have my photo taken so I could post it here?!? I know what you mean about some days having to really work at this. That's where I've been at all week. Not sure why either except that I seem to be coming down with a sore throat and that activates my "I want comfort food" response. Feed a cold, feed a fever, feed a sore throat. . .

    OMG, -30 degrees. That makes my bones ache thinking about it. When I lived in Colorado, it got down to -22 degrees, and I remember that I couldn't walk to work because the weather people on the radio said that anything uncovered would freeze. So be careful! I hope that all the homeless people have come inside from the cold. I hate reading about people (and animals) dying from the cold.

    My daughter is home for two weeks after Navy bootcamp and training before she goes to Virginia where she's stationed on her first ship. She fell in love while she was in boot camp and spends most of her time on her cell phone talking with this guy. I don't know if the mail carrier is going to be able to lift that cell phone bill!
  • +23 here....
    ...In Wisconsin. The wind chill is 14, though. The day hasn't been that cold. We had the real cold stuff last week. Glad to have it gone! Blech.... I'm sure we'll have more of it, though. Winter lasts way too long here

    As far as the day goes, I've stayed pretty much OP today. I spent the majority of the day at the kids' school helping with their annual Knowledge-A-Thon. I didn't get out for a walk at all today... But I've stuck to my points, and even have a few extra to spare for tonight's supper. Not sure yet what I'll be cooking, though.

    I found myself driving toward BK after dropping the kids off at school. I then had this lightbulb moment, and turned back the other way! Yay!!!! I was so proud of myself for actually catching myself before I got there
  • What's a knowledge-a-thon? Sounds interesting...

  • Hey,

    My Quiz Bowl (It's like... team jeopardy kind of. It's over the fiber optics with other schools, general "advanced" knowledge questions are asked, you get it...) team that I am on is now 5-1!!! And, may I add, the ONE that we lost? I wasn't there!!! I'm so excited.
    Other than that.... semester ends next week. And... I think i might be getting sick, so cross your fingers *NO!* for me, please.

    I'm glad the freakish clowns are gone too!
  • was i the only one who likes the clowns?? they were for ruthxxx!
  • I liked the clowns, too!