Atkins & Sex

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  • Supersize...this is dedicated to you just incase your looking for the DaVinci thread

    I just wanted to see how many of you open this thread up ...... naughty girls and boys

    What would you rather have your favorite dessert or nookie

  • FOTFLOL!!!

    So, this is what led to my downfall in the first place. I gave DH the choice between the chocolate chip cookies or a roll in the hay!! HE chose the cookies... LOL!!! Stupid, stupid man....

    So, for my naughty side right now, I'd honestly rather have the cookie dough - but the sex burns more calories.

  • LOL - way to go Leens! I'll go for the sex - no carbs necessary. Fun, but not necessary
  • Sex with the low-carb Redi-whip!!!
    Woo Hoo.....
  • Definitely sex!!!
  • Hmmmm, maybe sex with the cookie dough.....
  • ROFLMTO!!!! Oh, the mental image!!!! How embarassing to find a chocolate chip in your belly button the next day!
  • he he.....
    Now THIS IS A GREAT TOPIC!!!! hehe....only took one second to think about this one......SEX!!!! pardon me but dh has been away for almost 2 weeks now and is due back TOMMOROW!!!! now where is that whip cream?....naughty but true!!!.....LOL
  • LOL - We should all be so lucky. I'm sure we will be practicing Atkins-safe sex - LOL!!! Endulge (how aptly named!)ice-cream, DaVinci syrups and real Whipped cream sweetened with Splenda with Macadamia nuts on top! Hmmm... wonder if they make SF Maraschino Cherries???

    I guess that would be better than sex with beef jerky or pork rinds... Sheesh!!

    Great topic.... I'm just laughing at all of us!!
  • WARNING!!!!!
    Be very, VERY careful with that cheese sauce! You do NOT want to be explaining how you got those oddly placed third degree burns to some ER doctor.
  • I say y'all try the German Chocolate Cake position

    just let your imaginations run wild ROFLMFAOPIMP!!!!!!!!!!
  • I would pick sex right now but there are some days when the smell of chocolate gets me...and i used to not really like chocolate!
    sex with pork rinds?? nah ill pass!! lol
  • Nicki pork rinds EEGADS! ROFL !! that is gross (ouch) hmm
  • Hmmmm. Leens, you knew I'd read this.
    I vaguely remember sex. Rights now I'd go for a butterscotch sundae with whipped cream NOT in bed! LMAO
  • NO CONTEST!!!!! Sex. PLEASE!!!!!!!!
    Ah...I've been single too long
