How are you going to handle Halloween?

  • I thought I could deal with the fun-size candy bars, but learned the hard way that I'm not there yet. Hopefully, I will be some day.

    I'm now thinking about giving out gum as a treat. Gum won't be tempting to me at all, and I won't feel bad throwing out any leftover gum. My DH tends to buy too much Halloween candy because one year (in 22 Halloweens together) we ran out, and had to use our kids' stash. It was so traumatic for him that he's been overbuying ever since. At least that's the reason he gives! In the past, he'd take any leftover candy to work, but he telecommutes now so there is no place to take leftover candy.

    Last year we got two groups of kids--about 5 kids total--and had lots of candy left over. I had just started WW, however, and had high motivation. I'm almost a year into it, though, and the motivation isn't as great.

    I'm curious how others handle Halloween??
  • I will probably eat some chocolate, maybe enough darn chocolate I will never want to see it again. Thats my worst case scenario or I will be having so much fun Trick or Treating (It's probably my son's last year he is 12, YIKES!) I Will get in 20 K steps and my workout that day and have a couple of pieces and feel so good about me and let it go. Thats the best case and the one I am going for.

    I am going to be a Trill this year depsite the fact my hubby won't help me paint my spots all the way down ;-)
    Miss Chris
  • I already went through a bag of kit kats. I warn y'all not to do the same.

    Gum sounds like an excellent idea. It's my first year in this house and we live on an alley so I don't expect many.

    I'm going to a Samhain circle (pagan halloween thing) and I'm making a spider cake that has gooey green gut filling that oozes out when you cut into it. I love kinda stuff. I make a kick-butt pumpkin cake but I wanted to do something new.
  • my boss bought candy for the office. i have a goal not to eat any chocolate at the office. so far, i've won.

    i haven't eaten one bite size candy bar yet! wow.

    the actual day, i'm working at blockbuster till midnight. that will help a little.

    in general, i'm just going to COUNT EVERYTHING!
  • I'm going to work late, go to the gym, and do my best to stay away from the house until after 9:00. That way I won't have to buy any tempting candy.

    (I know, that's the easy way out but even after 3 months I still know I have limits.)
  • Well.... to be God honest.... I plan to really pick up exercise that week and just have a good time on Halloween. I'm having friends over for dinner and scary movies, and we're tending to the trick or treaters too. (We usually have 15 to 40) I plan to not drink any soda during the little evening of fun though, just water... you'd be surprised (or maybe not! lol) how many calories that cuts! Also, I plan to make dinner half way nutritious. I don't think my friends even realize how much they benefit from eating at my house, lmao. I do know, however, that we will *NOT* under any circumstances be giving out reese's pb cups. waaaaaaaay too dangerous for Apryl.
  • I have visitors arriving from out of town and we'll be at a non-halloween related event all that night, so I'm off the hook!
  • My sweet husband hid the Halloween candy for me, and I'm not looking for it. He knows I can't handle chocolate! Last year we gave almost all our candy away to our friend Chris. Matthew didn't care about eating candy last year-he just liked counting it and putting it in piles (then we gave it away and he didn't notice).
    I don't know about this year. My problem is if I eat one Reeses, I want three more! Once I get the taste for it, that's it. No one has brought any candy to work yet.

  • I will be out taking my DD (age 2) to a party - so no one will be home to hand out candy - so I haven't bought any and that's good!

    I think you should go with the gum or something that you don't like - what about sour candies - kids love those these days - and if you can get someone (trustworthy!) to hide that is even better!

    Also, this is wierd, but is bite size the problem? I always think, oh just a little won't hurt........ and then I eat a bunch - but I leave regular candy bars alone........ I probably going to buy a box of regular milky ways (just in case) and then give them to the kids upstairs the day after if no trick or treaters sneak up before I leave for the evening!
  • I will be out of town on Halloween, so no worries there. At home, I never get trick or treaters anyway. The first 2 years, I bought candy, thinking, maybe I will get some kids. Imagine my disappointed face when no one came. The second year, I knew better, but bought candy anyway. No one. So now I don't even buy any.

    Usually someone brings some into work, but w/our jobs hanging, no one's in a festive mood. Which is fine w/me!
  • I like Mel's idea: Work late, go to the gym. Get home and get right to sleep. Reduce risk.
  • With 5 kids still at home, there is just no way to avoid Halloween. Of course we live in a neighborhood full of kids, so we've got to have plenty of candy to hand out. I'm also in charge of the Halloween party at church!!

    The key for me is to not get started. I can't just eat one and stop. If I have one, I'll just keep going, and going, and going. I have to be strong and resist all temptation.

    I also limit the kids to 10 days. I don't want them eating this candy for months and months, so after 10 days most of the candy will go into the trash. I'd rather toss it than eat it, or have them continue eating it.
  • I am taking my 2 year old boy out this year, it may or may not work out but I've made him a little puppy outfit and at least want to get some pictures of him with his little Halloween bag. This year I bought a bunch of decorations and we have 3 pumpkins to carve. I also bought tons of candy but haven't touched it, haven't even thought about it. The night of, if we don't give it all away I'll probably end up having a bit but I'll get my dh to take the rest of it to work.

    The bite sized candies are a lot worse than the regular sized ones because you get sucked into thinking that you aren't eating that much but by the time you're done you've eaten at least 1 regular sized candy at the very least if not more.
  • We do the whole decorations thing. This year we have a scarecrow sitting near our front door already, with a corn stalk behind him. And Hunter got a Marcus the Carcus on sale (illuminated head, hands and feet that sit in your garden like they're coming out of the ground), and he HAD to get a fog machine. /chuckle He's more into Halloween than Gem is. So far. But she gets it more this year (she's 2 and a half) and she got to pick out her own costume (a giraffe).

    As to candy, Hunter bought it and I don't know where it is. He always gets too much, but it's usually not too much temptation for me. I'm more interested in chips and salty things than candy bars. Whatever's left over goes into our wolf cookie jar. You open the top and he howls. When we have friends come over for role-playing games, he gets quite a workout. The candy'll be gone soon after Halloween.

    We have some Wiccan friends who bring their kids over to our house for Trick or Treating (they live in an apartment building and there's almost no treat-giving there). Hunter and one of our friends will stay behind to give out candy and I and the other person of the couple will go out with the kids.

    We like doing this because we can talk to the kids together about Samhein, the Pagan New Year, and All Souls, the Christian day for remembering those who have gone before us. Plus it's more fun to Trick or Treat together. /grin