Depressed and Gaining Weight

  • I guess I've discovered that I'm an emotional eater. I'm going through a divorce and with the pandemic I've been pretty depressed so I've been eating terribly which sucks because I normally eat healthy. When I have my bad days I just want to eat a bunch of crap. Noticing that my pants no longer fit, shirts are tight. I cant keep going down this road.
  • Divorce is a huge emotional upheaval and adding in a pandemic...really hard times! but you are noticing NOW and now is the time that you can start the tiny steps. That you've noticed and are aware is a positive.
  • divorce can take alot out of a person
  • I think nearly everyone is having issues during the pandemic with weight... at least everyone I know and myself personally. I can't imagine the extra stress of a divorce on top of it. I think acknowledging you're overeating is the first step in trying to address it though.

    I will say... that when I have gone down this path- the first thing I do is go out and get some new clothes so I feel comfortable in the current body I have instead of feeling guilty every time I try to button my pants. That guilt for me is not productive and has lead to some pretty solid depression and inaction.

    I wish you the best in everything you're going through.
  • So I've been in a not so good place and gained about 22 lbs over the past two years. This is very visible as I used to be a tiny thing. Nowadays I avoid seeing any of my friends and I'm filled with dread at the thought of bumping into anyone I know. I hide at home a lot. I've ditched weddings recently too. Everyone who has bumped into me recently made a comment about my weight gain. I've also gotten double takes at weddings. "You've put on weight, haven't you?" "I have one less hot friend now! " Even my colleagues are joking about it saying," We used to be able to squeeze four behind but now maybe not!" when carpooling to events. I don't show my depression outwardly so no one knows their jokes hurt more than they expect. I've got a wedding dinner tonight. I want to go cause she's a friend from university. I want to skip out because of my general shitty feelings and having to brace the looks of surprise Kodi nox when people see me.
  • Here are the best ways to reduce depression and gain muscles are connected:

    Lack of Motivation: It is largely caused by fatigue and the inability to appreciate tasks that you once found enjoyable. When you lack motivation, you're more likely to cancel social engagements, remain in, and take it easy.
    Cortisol Levels that are too high: Depression is linked to cortisol levels that are too high, which encourage the formation of fat.
    Emotional Eating: Due to emotional eating, which is frequently impulsive and used to alleviate momentary feelings of grief, eating patterns frequently shift.
    Physically Slowing Down: When you're depressed, your body may also be physically sluggish down. Less physical activity throughout the day due to slower movements or a slower walking rate can maintain those emotional calories in your body.
    Diet Cycles: If you discover that taking antidepressants or being depressed causes you to gain weight, you may find that your eating patterns are stuck in a never-ending loop of dieting to lose weight. Diets frequently result in long-term failure and may even be counterproductive.
    Leptin: A hormone that controls hunger, can rise during depressive episodes. This can lead to increased food consumption and calories, which can quickly lead to despair.
    Carb Cravings: Foods high in carbohydrates, such as pizza, spaghetti, and donuts, can elevate serotonin levels. When you're depressed, your body tries to increase serotonin, which may require eating more carbs than usual and result in weight gain.