I have found the perfect Snack...

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  • On June 24th I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and it has been a struggle. I have been doing well and finally got my Blood Sugar Down from 196 to 99. I have been eating Meat, Eggs, Fish and Salads but I have longed to have something sweet after or between meals. Well I have found it and for me its perfect. Its Blue Diamond Dark Chocolate Oven-Roasted Almonds. There are only 9 carbs per 24 or 1oz and THEY ARE AMAZING! What I love is they aren't covered in chocolate but just flavored giving it the perfect balance. I didn't think I would find anything that would fill that sugar hole.

    Almonds are low in carbohydrates and have a low glycemic index value, meaning they raise blood sugar slowly, which is important for people with diabetes who try to avoid foods with high glycemic values (foods that cause blood sugar to spike). More than 80 percent of the carbohydrates found in almonds are in the form of fiber.

    I just wanted to share for other Type 2s going through the same thing. This was a big discovery for me because I don't touch artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols. There are too many questions there that haven't been answered.
  • Yum!

    Quick question....do they have any sugar in them? I'm avoiding sugar like the plague because it's one of my huge downfalls and weaknesses.
  • Yes they have 9 carbs aka sugar PER 24 nuts. Please note that dietary fiber is actually still a sugar. It makes them good for not getting blood sugar spikes because the dietary fiber takes longer to convert to sugar. Also studies have shown the small amount of dark chocolate that is on them is also beneficial to your health.

    Good Luck and we are all in this together! We can do it!
  • That's not bad for having sugar in them

    By the way, congrats on your blood sugar levels, Vanessa! WTG!!

    My blood pressure regulated in only ONE WEEK of starting my LCHF program! I was shocked!! It's 113/80! Woo hoo!! My doctor told me to just cut the pill in half and take half each day. He wants to see me in two weeks....I'll probably be off them completely!!

    Yes, we are definitely all in this together! Best wishes to you on your success and health!
  • Thanks for sharing, I will have to try those ...I'm also having a hard time with wanting some sugar ...I normally don't eat anything though with over 5 grams of sugar per serving ...however I may need to make an exception every once in a while for these
  • Only 4 of the 9 grams of carbohydrate are from sugars, and 3 are from dietary fiber. As a rule, you can subtract fiber grams from the carb total, so almonds have only 6g effective carbs.

    You can subtract the fiber, because fiber is not sugar and doesn't convert to sugar unless you're a nonhuman animal with the ability to digest it (such as a termite or cow).

    Grass and wood eaters can digest fiber (so they can break it down into sugar) but we cannot, so even the calories in fiber do not count for us. It passes through our digestive tract, without being broken down at all.

    Some calorie counting resources will subtract the fiber calories for you, but most (in my experience) do not. This usually means that high fiber foods usually have fewer calories (and less impact on blood sugar) than the nutrition labels and calorie counting resources suggest.
  • great, thanks for the info
  • Feeding the sugar monster only keeps it alive and well. If you don't eat sweet substitutes, you lose the craving for sweets.
  • Just discovered a new snack made by Blue Diamond also. Pumpkin Spice Almonds!!!

    These are seasonal and I had to order them online. They are marvelous! Only 7 carbs per 28 almonds(and 3 of those are DF) and great for the season. Great for Diabetics on a low carb diet!
  • Vanessa,

    Thanks for the tip. I noticed they have the 100 snack size also. I might try that.

  • Ive had those, they are really good.
  • One time I bought some chocolate covered almonds, but these would be so much better with just the flavor. I found them on Target's website. A 6 oz can for $3.79. Just the right size to try them out. I don't have my glasses on and it said 6.000 servings...I thought it said 6,000. LOL Guess I'm making a trip to Target today. I am also diabetic. I am not much of a sweet eater but I do like my chocolate. This will be a great treat for me.
  • I like the cocoa-covered almonds very much. They don't trigger sweet cravings for me.
  • thanks Vanessa

    Hi Zumba

    Carol did you get these yet?
  • Oh my goodness, yes, these almonds are too good! I always forget about them though. I buy my nuts in the produce section instead of the snack aisle where I'd be likely to see these. The 100-calorie packs are ideal because they don't allow you binge on them!