preparing for vacation

  • Hi everyone, I just wanted to share a little something....My husband works out of state, a lot....and now that I am a stay at home mom, I have been traveling with him....last week northern California for 3 days, and today we head to southern California for 3 days....we stay in hotels, and mostly eat out. But he only eats once a day so that helps me not eat out 3 times a day. Anyways, what I have been doing that is a little time consuming but really has seemed to help is before we go, i figure out where we will be staying, and then look at all the restaurants around the hotel, I then look at all their nutritional menus and figure out and write down, what I can have. This way, when I go in to the restaurant i am not scanning the menu trying to guess what is ok and what is not ok. It's a lot of work, but I have still been losing, and not feeling guilty about making bad choices, granted, some of the restaurants have absolutely NOTHING that is actually healthy, in that case I just choose the best choice and only eat half of what I am getting and save the other half for the next day or what week my son and i are going to MN for a whole month...on the plus side, we have a small home there so i will be able to grocery shop and make good decisions, but it will still be hard being around family and friends i have not seen in 6 months...but I will make it work......Just thought I would share in case there is anyone else out there who travels and may be finding it hard to keep on track!

    Have a great Hump Day and a great 4th of July!
  • Great job! Planning is often the key to success, and it is probably worth the extra effort you are putting in to know what some good options are when out to eat! Well done you!
  • Second that; planning helps avoid impromptu bad decisions. It's one reason I always try to keep a bunch of healthy, easy snack on hand. It makes junk food less tempting when it's just as easy to grab something healthy when you're tired.