**May you be fit Exercise Club**

  • Time to start up the May exercise thread! Time to really step up our game to get ready for June!
  • So last month did not hit target so I am going to aim for 1300 minutes again for May.

    Goal- 1300 minutes
    Minutes so far- 1445 minutes

    1- 30 m Interval Cardio
    2- 30 m Walk/ 120 m Garden work

    3- 30 m Walk
    4- 40 m Interval Run/ 20 m Walk
    5- 30 m Walk
    6- 45 m Interval Run/ 60 m Walk
    7- 40 m Weights/Sculpting
    8- 45 m Interval Run
    9- 30 m Walk

    10- 60 m Walk
    11- 30 m Interval Run/ 20 m Walk
    12- 30 m Weights/Sculpting/ 30 m Walk
    13- 30 m Interval Cardio/ 30 m Walk
    14- 30 m Weights/Sculpting
    15- 40 m Interval run
    16- 0

    17- 60 m Walk
    18- 0
    19- 45 m Cardio/ gym
    20- 45 m Cardio/gym/weights/ 15 m Walk
    21- 60 m Interval run/gym
    22- 35 m Weights/Sculpting/ 120 m Walk
    23- 0

    24- 15 m Walk
    25- 30 m Walk
    26- 35 m Weights/Sculpting
    26- 35 m Weights/Sculpting/ 15 m Walk
    27- 35 m Interval run
    28- 35 m Weights/Scultping
    29- 35 m Interval run
  • Aiming big this month 400 miles...was so close last month so why not go for broke!!!!

    1 5 miles 25 minutes (not much time but better than nothing)
    2 13 miles 1 hr indoor cycling
    3-4 work
    5 30 miles 2hrs cycling
    6 ?
    7 ?
    8 ?
    9 44 miles
    10 91 miles
    11 87
    12 4
    13 travel
    14 16 miles cycling (290 and counting)
    15-19 work
    21 5 miles 20 minutes plus 4 hrs pressure washing house
    22-26 work
    27 25 miles cycling 1.5 hrs
    29 40 miles cycling 2 hrs 40 minutes (360 miles)
    30 5 miles 25 min...20 minutes core exercises
  • Well, now that I am happily unemployed one of my major goals is getting back in shape. A job that includes very long hours, lots of computer time, and almost constant sitting was not good for me. I'm stepping it up this month too.

    Goals: 1395/1500 minutes
    10,000 steps/day at least 4 days/wk

    1 - 120m walking, 14,000 steps
    2 - 205m walking, 25.000+ steps
    3 - 30m walking, 13,000+

    4 - 30m walk, 13,000+
    5- 10,000+ steps, no planned exercise but dug and carted many loads of soil up a hill
    6 - 60m walk, 13,000+
    7 - 30m walk, 8,000+
    8 - 90m walk, 16,000+
    9 - 60m walk, yard work, 15,000+
    10 - 90m kayaking, 30m walk, less than 10,000 steps

    11 - 60m walk, 13,000+
    13 lots of gardening
    14 - 150m walking
    15 -
    16 - hours of gardening, 90m walking. 16,000 steps
    17- no planned exercise, lots of gardening including hauling soil. 10,000+ steps of hard labor

    18 - see Sunday
    19 - 30m bike, 10m hoop, gardening. 10,000
    20 - serious gardening again
    21 - day off
    22 40m bike ride
    24 -90m walk

    28 - 150m walk
    30 - 30m swim
  • Sunday 5/17:
    16,272 steps

    Monday, 5/18:
    15 minutes super slow weight lifting
    25 minutes run/walk on treadmill
    18,962 steps

    Tuesday 5/19:
    7 minute workout
    400 hula hoops
    14,162 steps

    Wednesday 5/20
    20 minutes run/walk on treadmill
    climbed 8 flights of stairs (114 steps)
    15,710 steps

    Thursday 5/21
    -intended rest day
    11,502 steps

    Friday 5/22
    25 minutes run/walk intervals
    23,658 steps

    Saturday 5/23
    25 minutes run/walk intervals
    15 minutes super slow wieght lifting
    -we are going away for the rest of the weekend and I doubt I'll be doing much walking and definitely no formal exercise. Will log steps.