Steel Magnolias #109

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  • Good morning, ladies! Up in the 70s and sunshine in the forecast for today.

    The retreat was a lot of fun and most of the ladies finished their quilt tops. The next retreat will be Halloween weekend so we are making a trick or treat bag and filling it for the ladies. I missed most of Friday because of jury duty. That was a bummer. The case was settled yesterday and because of the nature of the case we are not allowed to ever discuss it. We'll see how long that lasts. It was a scary case and we all voted guilty.

    Faye, you did good with your potholder. You can get electric/battery operated scissors. I have a pair and they work well. The Fiscar scissors also work well (the ones that don't have holes for your fingers in the handle but straight pieces you squeeze together. For quilting, you will use a rotary cutter (looks like a pizza cutter but very, very sharp) to cut.

    Jean, water front property around here costs $100k for a tiny lot and goes up from there. There isn't much left so they really get the premium price. We build for hurricanes now. York County gives seniors and the handicapped a break on taxes based on income. I didn't have to pay anything this year.

    Maggie, what fun to finally get to outfit the MH!

    Have a great Wednesday!
  • Good Afternoon! It's a cloudy cool day in my neighborhood. Both Maddy's and Kolby's teams won their games last night. That was huge for Maddy after being slaughtered by the eighth graders the time before. I had a dentist appointment first thing this morning; no cavities, a new toothbrush, and $97 poorer. I dropped Kolby's picture off at the newspaper so his birthday notice will be in Friday's paper. People who knew Jason and Beth when they were little always make a comment about the pictures. Kolby looks like his dad more so than Beth so not as many people notice him. I need to dust and vacuum this afternoon. Bob is at an all day CEC class so won't see him until later. It's his night to cook supper so I don't have to think about that. The bird flu has arrived in Iowa and the first case is a 27,000 turkey farm in our county. The news report didn't give any names, but all will be destroyed.

    Maggie, we bought Kolby a bat for Christmas and then had second thoughts about giving it to him when he couldn't be outside to play ball. So he is getting it for his birthday along with Legos and clothes. I can tell you are having fun getting your motorhome ready to roll.

    "Gma," your potholder turned out great! I had battery operated shears years ago, and it's most likely packed away with my other sewing items. I have all of my mom's sewing things too. I'm thinking the thread is probably rotten by now. I used to enjoy sewing but it was a challenge with the cat we had at the time. She wanted to be right in my way so she could watch the needle. She'd sit on the fabric which sure didn't help.

    Susan, thank you for starting the new thread today! I was looking forward to hearing about your court case. Is not being able to talk about it for your safety? That would be scary! Our lake isn't all that big but the homes around it are expensive because of the taxes. One banker owns prime farm ground along a good hunk and there are parks along the opposite side, so no room for houses there. The Okoboji lakes are much bigger with a lot of homes built right after WWII. People with money, from all over the state, buy two dumpy houses, tear them down and build huge houses that they only use during the summer. Taxes up there are ridiculous, and because we don't live there year around we can't vote in any elections. Glad you got to enjoy some of the quilt retreat.

    Not much else is new or newsy from Iowa. Hope you all enjoy a wonderful Wednesday!
  • Good morning ladies. I am keeping the car today so I can run a couple errands and get my nails and toes done. It is going to be a beautiful day in the mid 80's today.

    I sewed up the other two green potholders, but haven't put on the bias tape yet as I am confused by her instructions and am waiting for her to email me back.

    New handbag will be here today!

    Cubs won again last night, which is great as they seem to really be playing well now. I absolutely hate what they have done to the ballpark and it isn't finished and from what I understand they tore out some of the bathrooms and didn't have the ready and on opening day you had an hours wait to go to the bathroom. Men were resorting to peeing in cups and I guess women just wet their pants because they had no way to go. I know I would have wet all over myself. Their solution is they have dozens of port a potties set up now, ugh!! I don't know when the bathrooms will be done, but am glad we don't have tickets to go because I wouldn't be attending a game if they bathrooms weren't done.

    Susan: if I can send you the pattern by email could you look at the instructions where she sews on the bias tape and explain it to me better if I include what my question is about it. I don't know if you can explain it in words, but I am just not getting it. The first one I totally did on my own and it isn't the way the pattern was as I couldn't figure out her pattern. The way I did it wastes a lot of bias tape so... Glad you are done with your jury trial and everyone agreed. We have a couple young men just arrested 21, 19, 17 with multiple arrests who are in a gang and did a drive by and killed a beautiful little 7 yr old girl playing out in her yard. I hope they give them the death penalty. I will seriously think about the electric shears, but I just bought some expensive left handed shears and pinking shears so may have to just tough it out for awhile.

    Jean: I feel much better about my machine now that I fooled with it so much. I did 4 bobbins in about 15 minutes and can now use the threader fairly easily too. I keep my book handy though for stuff like the stitches and tension I am not sure about. It has a chart in the back. How close is Clear Water to Storm Lake? I was reading some stuff last night and came across it with regards to Buddy Holly's plane crash.

    Everyone have a great Thursday.
  • Good morning, ladies! Another lovely spring day in the 70s.

    Today is our knitting group and then applique this evening.

    Faye, email me the directions and I'll see what I can do to make them clearer. Nora taught me the continental method of casting on and I really like it. Today we are working on a drop stitch scarf. It's nice to have something different to do once in a while.

    Jean, Casper likes to "help" me sew, too. He has to be as close as he can and then he tries to grab the fabric.

    Have a wonderful day...I'm going to be at the Y the rest of this morning,
  • Good Morning! The sun is shining, just a gentle breeze so far, and a nice 65 degrees. I've been to the library and stopped by the gift shop to pick up invoices to pay. Bob is working on his tractor and should be home for lunch soon. We will be heading to Sioux Falls for Zowie's soccer game mid-afternoon. Hope this weather is as nice there!

    "Gma," I can't imagine not having restrooms ready at a big stadium! Someone didn't plan that very well. We have port-a-potties at the soccer fields and I "go" before we get there or after we leave. Clear Lake is over in the northeastern part of Iowa. Actually, it's an hour or less from where I grew up, and we used to go to the Surf Ballroom. I missed Buddy Holly but saw the Everly Brothers and Ricky Nelson there.

    Susan, have fun knitting and quilting tonight! Sonny likes my yarn when I make afghans. He has a yarn ball of his own but he likes mine better. We are getting closer to 70 degree temperatures!

    Hope you enjoy a terrific Thursday wherever you are and whatever you are doing today!
  • Thursday & a Very Nice Cool Day


    It is a lovely day here in the ♥-Land and I showed a ~Maintain~ which is fine with me knowing what I have been eating.

    I don’t want a new lap-top computer for I like this one which is a Pavilion with Dolby advanced audio and plays movies and music great. The Teckies said they can trick it out more and up-grade it and make it even better so I am going to let them have a go of it.

    I got another cook book spiral bound so it will lay flat when opened. It is a good one and a keeper and called Smoking Food ~ A Beginner’s Guide by Chris Dubbs & Dave Heberle by Skyhorse Publishing Co. ~ not just smoked meats but “food.” For instance smoked, hard-boiled eggs are great and easy to prepare. After eggs have been cooked peal them and arrange them on the screen-covered rack of the smoker and cold-smoke until they turn a deep amber color. They are so good eaten as is or put in salads. I am going to smoke some cheddar cheese one of these days. We bought some in a small market in Texas one trip there and it was delicious.

    This is Will’s afternoon at the Museum and it is sure quiet around here. All of the animals are outside and I am all alone.

    JEAN Cecil likes to put his nose in anything I am doing. It's like he wants to make sure he gets it right so he can write a book about it.

    SUSAN I know you will enjoy grouping with the applique and knitting folks this evening.

    DONNA FAYE Good thing that you are getting well acquainted with your machine before you hae a serious session with your instructor.

    Always remember ~ Never, never, never give up
  • Good morning to you all. It is going to be a hot one today in Memphis and the humidity is already bad here. I am not complaining because it is better than the cold weather.

    I went and go my toes and nails done, did some small shopping at walmart, took the car to get washed, went to Hancock to get some stuff for sewing class and some more bias tape and got some lunch and came home. I ate lunch, ran the dryer, folded the clothes when they were done, washed up breakfast dishes and then had to go and get Jack. I fixed a quick supper and we just crashed for the evening.

    Someone at Express Scripts royally screwed up so now I have to try and get another prescription from the doctor's office today. I am supposed to get a 90 day supply of my test strips at testing twice a day that means they should have sent me 180 strips and they sent me 50 enough for 25 days. They said the prescription was written for a one time container of 50 which is bologna. They someone put someone elses prescription into my account. I got mad, but they said my doctor made the mistake and not likely because all the other prescriptions that went with this one are all written for 90 days and went through fine. It is a mess and so I am hoping I can call the pharmacy tech at the clinic this morning and have her get a new prescription signed and then just mail it to me so I can reorder.

    I got my handbag yesterday and it is lovely.

    Susan: I did email you, but when I went to Hancock, I ask a lady that had gotten some material if she could help me. I had my Ipad so showed her the pattern and she and the lady checking me out cleared up what I was not understanding so I am good to go. Thank you anyway.

    Jean: We are supposed to get more rain in the next few days, but it is going to stay warm. Oooh, you got to see Ricky Nelson? I always thought he was the most gorgeous teenager than man. Those beautiful eyes of his. What are you reading at the moment? I am reading a cute series about a PI who loves film noir. It is the Reese Ferguson series and they are pretty good books.

    Maggie: Great that you are getting all geared up with you MH. Staying steady is good. I haven't been weighing much as I get too obsessed with it. I am just keeping on my diet.

    Everyone have a great weekend. Jack is taking the day off so I may talk him into going to the mall and getting some exercise.
  • Good Afternoon! It's a beautiful day in my neighborhood with sunshine, NO wind nor breeze whatsoever, and 72 degrees. Delightful! I've been doing laundry, finished dusting, and need to mop the kitchen floor next. I have to make finger Jell-o, dip, and veggies for the Sunday birthday party. Zowie's game was interesting to say the least. For this being her first year she hustled the whole game, and isn't afraid to get in the huddle to kick the ball. The goalie stood and watched the ball go by while the rest of her team looked, and acted, like they had no clue. Amanda said the two coaches had never coached before so had no clue either. Needless to say, Zowie's team didn't score at all while the other team had one right after another. One mother asked if there was a 10 run rule in soccer. The ref didn't bother to explain why he blew the whistle, or show the girls what to not do. We didn't get home until 11 and slept later this morning. I am still tired! I have a luncheon tomorrow noon and a dinner with a Touch of Broadway program afterwards. Our traveling friends will be going with us. I need to keep moving before I decide a nap would be better.

    Maggie, as always a maintain is better than a gain any time. It's great you can have your computer updated and not have to invest in a new one. Have fun with the smoker cookbook!

    "Gma," that is frustrating about the prescription mixup. I hope you can get it straightened out without much hassle. I got started on the J. D. Robb series "Death in ...", and find the paperbacks easier to read in bed. Some nights I fall asleep and have to go back and reread a page again. Hope you enjoy a walk in the mall.

    I've got to get busy! Enjoy the rest of your day!
  • Good morning to you all. We are expecting very warm temps today and though it got very dark yesterday afternoon we never did get any rain so maybe it is going to rain today, I don't know.

    I have to get out this morning and sweep the deck as all the little seeds from the tree are all over the place and they are getting dragged into the house on shoes. I will then have to vacuum the downstairs because I can't keep control of them by just picking them up.

    I am going to work on the rest of my pot holders today and get at least some of them done now that I have the right bias tape. I have all my bobbins made for class next week so should be good to go on those.

    We did some walking in mall yesterday, but my hip started hurting so I gave that up. We ate lunch there and then ran a couple errands and came home. I got one of the steak escapes chicken sandwich with all the veggies on it.

    Jean: I saw the picture of Zowie on FB. She looked very determined for sure. I can't believe how fast she is growing. I called the pharmacist tech at the clinic yesterday as I have her cell phone number and in five minutes she had emailed my prescription to Express Scripts and it is being shipped out today I guess because I saw the charge on my credit card. I do wonder why 3 boxes cost me $16, which is 150 strips and one box of 50 cost me $15 when they sent them. I know somebody there screwed up and I need to take that other prescription off just in case they try and ship it again and charge me again.

    Everyone have a great Saturday.
  • Good Afternoon! It is pouring rain and has been since noon. The "event" I thought was a luncheon turned out to be wine tasting and appetizers; the food was catered and really delicious. It was held at a local decorating (?) business which includes furniture, wall art and pictures, a bridal registry, some limited clothing, and jewelry. I found a battery operated candle for $56.95, and the gift shop has the same exact candle for $40. Evidently cotton ball wreaths are "in" and we carry the same thing in the gift shop but I couldn't get close enough to see their price. Anyhow, have done a load of laundry and our dinner companions should arrive in an hour or so. I think I am going to be more than ready for bed later!

    "Gma," Zowie is a scrappy little soccer player for this being her first year. We were really proud of her and felt bad her team mates weren't much help. She is taller than Maddy who is a year and a few months older. Both she and Ian are going to be tall. Hope the pot holders were easier to make having the right bias tape. You are smart to have everything ready for the next class.

    I should iron something to wear to church tomorrow. Bob's group is singing. Hope you all have sunshine and enjoy the day!
  • Good morning all. I got up at 3 AM to go to the bathroom and water all over the floor again. We have some issue with the plumbing again. I don't want to pay the outrageous amount for a Sunday call so I will call them first thing tomorrow morning and have them come out. I have a sneaking suspicion it is the main trap area again as the upstairs toilet is running slow and comes up to the rim before flushing out and the downstairs toilet is completely clogged and tries to overflow though I do get it plunged out each time. The sinks are not backing up nor is the tub so I can't see how it could be our line if both toilets are involved but not the sinks. We shall see.

    I vacuumed the downstairs and mopped, Jack swept the deck off for me and we watched the ballgame and that was about it for us yesterday. I was feeling really sluggish all day and thought it might be my one bp med, but I took my bp and it showed my pulse what it normally is so who knows. I know I am tired this morning, but can't go back to sleep to make sure no more water is going to seep under the wall.

    I finished a pot holder, but don't like the looks of it. I like the look of the one I originally did better. I will work on them again tomorrow I guess.

    Jean: Hope you had a nice time with your friends and enjoyed dinner. Where did you go? Was your show sort of a production music show?

    Everyone have a great Sunday. I am going to sit and read.
  • Good morning, ladies! Heading for 77 degrees today and sunshine.

    The trees are leafing out and my yardman has things looking good - and all the pine needles gone. Mosquitos are everywhere! For some reason, they like to congregate on my patio screen door. It drives Casper crazy.

    Yesterday at 4 pm I decided to move furniture . It was dumb to start so late in the day, I know. Now the living room and family room are a mess. That'll be my project today.

    Faye, don't let your quest for perfection take away the fun of sewing. You'll automatically get better as you make more.

    Jean, it's too bad someone with coaching experience can't volunteer for Zowie's team. When we went to quilt guild the other night, the kids were practicing baseball in the rain and they were little guys. I would not have been happy if they were mine.

    Have a wonderful day.
  • Good Evening! Another rainy dreary day in my corner of the world. Went to early church, out for breakfast, and then headed to Sioux City for Kolby's birthday. The "other" side of the family was also invited so lots of little kids and "big" people with not much space. They all left after gift opening, cake, and ice cream. We stayed a while longer to visit and have supper. Beth loved the game of Clue when she was little and Maddy wanted to learn how to play. Needless to say, neither Beth nor I remembered all the rules so the game took longer. Beth won just as she did so often years ago. Their family is big on Monopoly, and I really lose fast at that one. Next week is another busy week for us, and it begins bright and early tomorrow morning for me. Our last card club is tomorrow night and we are going out to eat. One of our members is moving to Minneapolis this summer so need to find someone new to take her place.

    "Gma," what an awful thing to face in the middle of the night! I hope the plumbing problem is a simple fix, but I would expect the worst. The dinner and program were held at our church last night. It is usually a catered prime rib dinner, but since meat is so expensive they decided on a fund raiser for the youth and served ham balls, baked potatoes, glazed carrots, a gourmet lettuce salad with fancy cheese/nuts/veggies, rolls, and pineapple cake. The program was a group that got together several years ago for a musical production. They had so much fun that they stayed together and perform a few times a year, last night was four gals and four guys. The guys wore tuxes and the gals wore long black dresses in different styles, with lots of glittery jewelry and sparkley decorations. They use simple props like hats, canes, capes, masks, etc., to accompany their different songs. Usually they have a theme and last night was the alphabet. They do simple dance steps and sing, sometimes duets, solos, or the whole group for an hour an a half -- all familiar songs. They are local people and introduce themselves and any family members who might be there. It is a fun program. Our friends didn't leave our house until after 11 so it was after midnight when I got in bed. I couldn't shut my brain down and finally got up at 2 to eat a couple crackers and take Tylenol. Last time I looked at the clock was 3:10 and the alarm went off at 5:30.

    Susan, my furnace is running again! It is just damp and cold! I haven't heard any mosquito reports but have heard that the ticks will be unusually thick. I think all three soccer players have played in misty weather this spring. The coaches really hate to have to reschedule if at all possible to play. Warm rain is one thing but cold, wind, and rain is another. Maddy has a band concert on a game night, and the other team also has some band members so the coaches agreed to a later start time. Kids will have to change clothes in the car going from the concert to the game.

    I need to clean up the kitchen and clear off the island so I can start the week "clean." Hope you all enjoy a nice evening!
  • Good morning to you all. I stayed at the hotel until 10:30 and Jack came back, went to the bathroom then we loaded up and came home. The guy from the management company talked to Jack this morning and said he would try to get his plumber out today to snake out the traps at the end of the building, but nothing yet so we may spend another night in a hotel so Jack can shower so he can go to work tomorrow then I guess I will have to deal with the guy if he ever shows up as he needs electricity for his snake to work I guess. I am fed up already and a big grouch about it. We pay our maintenance fees on time every month and shouldn't have to deal with this mess over and over and pay for hotel rooms too. Of course even though we can't use our toilets, it is our choice to spend money on a hotel so they won't reimburse us.

    My house is a mess and in a total uproar. I just vacuumed and mopped on Saturday and now my floors are a mess again as are my carpets, but I am not going to clean them again until things are back to normal. I have towels sitting all over in case we must flush the toilets at some point and need to wash clothes, but don't want to use the washer. Just a total mess all the way around.

    Susan: I know and for the most part I am pretty patient about ripping out and such, but first of there are two square and two rounded corners and the rounded corners are awful trying to either sew stop and turn or try to sew and turn all at once so I keep having rip them out because you are kind of blind sewing part of it. I have it pinned and when I have time will try again. Have you tried mosquito repellent sprayed onto your screen or will that cause you problems with your asthma? it is what we do when they get bad.

    Jean: Sounds like a lot of fun even if you did get to bed late. Glad you had a fun time.

    Everyone have a good start to the week.
  • Good Afternoon! It is so windy it is just cold and miserable outside, but we do have sunshine! I wore winter clothes this afternoon. Church money balanced on the first try and I picked up the gift shop money on my way home. I will count and deposit that in the morning. Tonight I have card club.

    "Gma," how aggravating to be in a hotel because of the sewer mess! I hope they get it fixed sooner rather than later. You'd think they would clean it out on a regular basis knowing the problem exists. Are you the only condo having the backup?

    I need to change clothes again, and get ready to go out for supper before we play cards. Have a nice evening!