January Weigh-In Thread

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  • Happy New Year!

    1/1/15 121.6 lbs (goal 120 lbs, currently 20% bodyfat and 35/24/35)
    1/2/15 122.6 lbs
    1/3/15 122.8 lbs (800 cal net, who knows)
    1/4/15 122.6 lbs
    1/5/15 123.5 lbs old scale
    1/6/15 121 lbs (sick)
    1/7/15 119.5 lbs (sick)
    1/8/15 120.8 lbs
    1/9/15 120.7 lbs
    1/10/15 120.8 lbs (lighter scale)
    1/11/15 121.4 lbs (LS)
  • I'm excited for this New Year! (Stress and all, LOL).
    For those trying to lose, let's make this month count!
    We can do it!!!

    1/1 127.5

    January Goal: 123

    Jen - Oh my goodness....You are so close to your goal! WOW! Awesome job!
  • Happy New Year! Aiming for five pound loss this month.
    1/1 145.6
  • My body likes to hang out at weights. For 17 years it was 130 lbs and for the past two years it has been 122 lbs. I'm hoping my body will decide 120 lbs is a good place just because it's a nice round number. So yeah, I really am not in this to lose weight. Hah.

    800 calories or 1800 calories, I stay the same weight.

    Good luck with your goals!!
  • Same with me Jen. My body wants to 'hang out' (literally) at 127-128 now
  • Hey feathers, mind if I weigh in with you everyday? I need the extra accountability.

    1/3 - 153 feeling totally miserable about it
    1/4 - 152
    1/5 - 150.6
    1/6 - 149.9
    1/7 - 151.8
    1/8 - 152.5 I've been good! what the F is going on?
    1/9 - 151.7
    1/10 - 152.1
    1/11 - 152.1
    1/12 - 150.6
    1/13 - 151.3
    1/14 - 151.6
    1/15 - 152
    1/16 - 153
    1/17 - no weigh in
    1/18 - no weigh in
    1/19 - 151.8
    1/20 - 152.4
    1/21 - 151
    1/22 - 151.6
    1/23 - 152.5
    1/24 - 151.4
    1/25 - 150.2
    1/26 - 151.6
    1/27 - 150.4
    1/28 - 149.8
    1/29 - 149.8
    1/30 - 149.9
  • Hi Toni!
  • This is my first weigh in I believe. After I signed up for this site and had a surprise health issue that kept me bust all over December so I will post all my weigh ins. I usually weigh myself every Tuesday.

    Start Weight: 154.8
    12/02- 148.4

    Goal Weights:
    1st: 135
    2nd: 130
    3rd : 125
    Final but almost doubt I will hit it
  • Jan 1- 128
    Jan 3- 128
    Jan 4- 129
    Jan 5- 130
  • 1/1 127.5
    1/2 128.5
    1/3 128.5
    1/4 128.5
    1/5 128.5

    January Goal: 123

    Lady in Red - Welcome! Your December numbers look great!
  • Jan 1- 128
    Jan 3- 128
    Jan 4- 129
    Jan 5- 130
    Jan 6- 129.5
  • 1/1 127.5
    1/2 128.5
    1/3 128.5
    1/4 128.5
    1/5 128.5
    1/6 128.5
  • Get sick! Lose weight. Ugh. Hah. Kidding. Man, I feel horrible.
  • Don't want to be sick. But do want to lose weight. Man it's hard this month! Hope you feel better soon 'chickie'
  • Jan 1- 128
    Jan 3- 128
    Jan 4- 129
    Jan 5- 130
    Jan 6- 129.5
    Jan 7- 129.0