Weekend Clucking ~ 7/19-7/20

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  • Quietly opening door.......it's even toooooo early for coffee, but sure smells good. Leaded or unleaded this morning? I've got them both!

  • hi janice, it's dottie...

    double leaded for me, got any half and half?

    we've got a long list for today, but DH and I have agreed NOTHING big or too unpleasant! Many tiny chores, but we are both kind of tired and feel like it's all been work, work, work. So, maybe tonight we'll hook up the vcr and get a movie, or go to a movie or something like that. Other than that, some small painting projects, some more unpacking, straighten up in the basement. the regular laundry, cooking for next week, and quick flylady the bathrooms.

    nothing exciting going on here, just the normal post-moving chaos. We keep saying, OK this was fun, can we go HOME now? It's just hard to feel at home in the new house yet.

    hope you're having a more exciting day than me!

    back later, probably-
  • Morning, Janice! Leaded and lots, please. Thanks for opening the door so quietly! You are up pretty darn early - or are you not in bed yet?

    Dottie, it will feel like home soon, I guarantee. I hope you and your DH do have a little job and fun day. Your evening sounds needed.

    Busy days are starting up so I may be posting and checking out less frequently. I am focussing on making the next 10 days as calm as possible so I can ignore Fair hassles and problems and just have fun! What a concept!

    Yesterday I took Miss Luicy to Obedience and she was a good little dog. She blotted her copybook later in the morning by dashing out of the car on Delta's main street and doing figure-eights with 5 kids chasing her! Kevin the Fence Guy finally seduced her back into my car with a piece of his pizza. What a brat! Luckily Main Street is never busy! Kevin said, "Exactly how good is this Obedience class?"!!!!!

    I spent the afternoon - sans dog - driving the county picking up money from the advance ride ticket sales. By 4:30, I had over $5K so decided a trip to the bank was in order. I didn't get back until after 6 and was absolutely pooped! Harry even offered to cook dinner so I must have looked wiped. Good man, that Harry - sometimes.

    I need to walk the Girlies now as it looks like rain later so I will check out but be back in a bit to see who finally got up.
  • Morning chicks. I am here and alive. (op for a few days now 5 but who is counting! )

    Work is busy. DD2 is having a great time. Not much else but busy here with all kinds of stuff.
  • Well, I'm back to the starting point. I have done horrible with food for the past couple days. And it has bothered me. But it seems like I have no will power at all! I am going to try to start again today.

    Now I have an atkins question for you atkins ladies out there. In the book it says little to no processed foods. I want to eat baccon and sausage for breakfast so how does that play into the weight loss plan? A girlfrind of mine has been eating a lot of hot dogs and seems to be loosing fine. I was just wondering what your take on things are?

    Well I was hoping that my day would settle down, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen. My sister wants to go home today and that means a 6 hour drive. That SUCKS!!! But it will stop me from eating (till I get to my fathers house.) But I want to get some shakes from the store so I'll have something to drink/eat when I'm at his house. The ones I like are only 2carbs and I'll just figgure that into my totals.

    Well that is all for me now. I'll check in soon.
  • Been MIA for a while. Lots of thing going on in my life and you know how I handle stress...eat Eat EAT !!! Yep I know I know, I know better, but...

    So maybe if I come back and post my efforts, or lack of, I'll be able to stay OP for at least a day, then maybe 2, and so on.

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • Okay I'm going to try to post again, just so you know I'm still out here. The site keeps eating my posts...
  • Good early morning my Chickie Friends!
    Coffee of your choice this morning.....hot, strong decaf in the kitchen and if you like the strong leaded or flavored coffees, we'll sit in the office with the commercial machine and chat at the computer!

    Oh, make that the new computer(s). Chad, ds, have them 90% up and running. I'm just so excited! They're flat screens and soft touch key boards! My old one was so bulky (and dh being even more puter illiterate than me) that when he opened the monitor box he told me we're missing the box thing that attaches to the screen! Hopefully I'll learn this one much better than windows 98. Anyone have windows xp?

    I'll have to catch you up on the ups and downs in the next couple of days. I think sh is getting the drift that I'm not putting up with one ounce of bs anymore. The thought of my moving to another state did him in. Not what I wanted but was prepared to go thru with it if something didn't sink in. L ~ hope you got your shdh straightened out too! Details of what brought it on to come in next couple days -also explains the short khaki skirt outfit and disappearing act -

    Stephen and Michael's (ds's) fistfight - details to come

    Getting the house ready to sell and looking for land and floorplans. Guess I can explain that a bit now. Sh is doing a job for one of the city inspectors close to Lake Houston. Beautiful subdivision with no lot less than an acre and sh fell in love with it. It's about 20 miles NE of where we are now. Our area has just gone down so much in the last few years so this was wonderful news for me! By the lake, about 15-20 mins. from the bay area, lots of trees, quiet and clean!! He even told me I could design the rooms in the house and the architect will "fit" them together for the design. sh doesn't want the wrap around porch I was hoping for but agreed to make up for it with the large back enclosed porch and deck. Easy compromise. I'm just so thrilled as I thought I'd never get him to move out of this area. But, this is his idea!

    Where's everyone been lately? Are we all going thru the lurker blues or something? Sure hope to see alot more posting. I know at one point yesterday (tho I couldn't log back on the post) I noticed something like 40 views and 4 posts. I sure miss all my buds! Come out come out where ever you are!

    Off for more coffee! Have a Blessed Sunday!

  • Morning!

    Nope SH is still not talking to me. He slep on the couch again last night, If he wants to be mad at me, thats his problem. I however was able to put off my company till wed night, He has no clue because SH is not talking to me, like it is my fault.

    Anyway, had a good day yesterday, it is beautiful and sunny again today......
    thanks for the coffee, Mama and have a wonderful Sunday everyone.
  • Tee-hee! I guess those with SH hubbies got in here first this morning. The site was still down at 5:30 when I snuck in so I took my coffee and my darling furries and sat on the deck to watch the sunrise and listen to the morning sounds of the birds and some cows way off in the distance. Lovely day coming up!

    Have a few things to do today - as usual, says DH - but also plan an afternoon hour or so on the chaise. Yesterday I was pretty wiped out and did very little. I need to learn the difference between not feeling well and being tired! I did plan menues for the next week or so - Fair time is too busy to be messing around with deciding on meals! It will be sooooo nice this year to NOT be there every darn day from 8 until the midnight bank run - although the cops were cute!

    The Church painting is now finished except for the floor and looks absolutely gorgeous! Our minister has been on vacation for the past three Sundays and will be in for a huge shock when he arrives this morning. The old dark woodwork is now pearl white and the walls are a lovely soft peachy-pink - Georgian colours like it was in 1810. We had layer #7 of paint analysed and matched the colour. It was so gratifying to see nearly everyone working on this project.

    As MamaJ says, a blessed Sunday to us all.
  • OH I have a SH too He just love to make things ahrder for me!! I am fighting back and he does not like it!!! He has 20 years of me just quietly stewing but I am leaning to blow quite nicley! (and I am not being rude about it either) I am just telling him the facts!

    Well girls coffee was great Jancie, thanks I willt ake the next one onthe run though. DD1 took my fabric softner and left me with none and I have tons of laundry to do today. So off to the store!

    HEY I finaly got my scanner working right so i cnastart to scan some pictures in. OMG

    I almost forgot I will have to show you the picts of me and a few of my friends dancing like native jungle people for the old folks we had a non-talet show!! I almost peed in my panst i was laughing so hard!!! I will see what I can do!
  • Sue, that sounds like fun...

    Hi Ruth, planning ahead? I should take the hint and try that!

    L, don't you sleep well knowing you're right? It's like a sleeping pill for me!

    Janice, the move sounds great, we can send someone from HGTV to follow the progress of your dream house!

    Here, I am just carb-loading, completely gave in to pasta for dinner last night after waffles for b'fast! Today might be better, I am going to try to just read in the yard for a while. But in this house, you sit for 5 minutes, and 10 things jump up at you needing to be done!

    I'll be back later!
  • LOL dottie,
    I have slept better the last 3 days, maybe because SH is not tossing and turning next to me or maybe it is the fact that SH is not snoreing next to me...either way I could use another one if I play my card right.

    I hear you on the carb loading...i went to trader joes the otherday and bought some yummy dried fruit.....

    Dottie, go find a beach to sit at, there is nothing to do but read and soak up the sights.
  • Good Morning everyone

    Dh let me sleep in this morning after our 9 1/2 hours on the road yesterday--what a doll :0 I think he wanted to play with Miree is all.

    Sorry to all my chickie friends that have sh's today--hope for swift resolution and you win

    Well my minin vacation was wonderful I enjoyed two days of strolling around Port Clinton, taking in the sights and doing a little shopping. I founda wonderful little shop that sold items from 3rd world countries--what beautiful things they had in there. I bought two little boxes--onea soapstone with an inlaid shell butterfly and another box carved of wood that is shaped like a book! I love both of them. I collect little boxes and windchimes, little boxes being my first love

    Dh had to work the time we were there, he goes on these business trips all the time so sleeping for him is alwasy an issue. He hates hotel rooms and can't sleep in them. This time around I think he slept better with me there because he sure was snoring away Had some lovely dinners there--my favourite was a shrimp dinner I had at a local Keg-style pace called nates--just divine! As for eating itself--I wasn't totally bad but not totally good either! LOL

    Hope everyone was good while I was gone--have a great weekend :0 Now I have to do a ton of laundry!! LOL
  • Hi can I join in.

    Just starting back on Atkins after being away for a few months. I'm looking forward to feeling better and having more energy and hopefully will not stray again.