First Time at 3FC/Just Started SB Diet

  • My husband and I just started the South Beach Diet today. My mom is starting it on Friday. I'm starting it primarily because I had to do something. Work has been really stressful for me in the last 6 months - I've gained 15 pounds...and my last two periods were almost unbearable.

    I think the toughest thing for me to give up/moderate is potatoes...I love them! Other than that - we don't eat a lot of bread or rice.

    I'm wondering about exercise on Phase I. Is anyone experiencing a drop in energy during Phase I when working out? We have been working out for about a month - 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of weight training 4-5 days a week.

    A recipe change that I really like is the Breakfast Quiches - I make them by the recipe - but substitute roasted red peppers for the green peppers and green onions for the regular onions. The next time I make them, I think I'm going to add some dried mushrooms also...

    If anyone is on the diet and lives near a Trader Joe's - it is GREAT for buying food for the diet. All of the fish you could want is flash frozen and portioned out for you. There are tons of unsalted nut choices there also. My favorite is the shelled pistacio nuts...

    Any advice and support would be up and down days are going to end!!!!
  • Welcome Robobabe,

    You are going to love it here on 3fatchicks...lots of great people and lots of friendship and love.

    Sounds like you are doing great, so please join us on the weekly thread...soon to be a daily!!! You will see it dated for the week and we all try to post on a daily basis there.

    Nice to meet you~~~~~Meg
  • Welcome Rotobabe!!! I love potatoes too! Surprisingly enough though, I have been craving sweets more than potatoes, and the no sugar desserts have taken care of that.