Do you feel like this is all you have?

  • So I have been struggling with depression since I was 11 and trying to be skinny since that age too.
    To make a long story short,bullying and severe low self esteem caused my early age depression.
    Now I'm on zoloft,have been on it since JUNE 2013 and everything finally feels settled.
    My sadness is gone and that HUNGER DEMON is gone too

    at the moment I'm not working,living at home with mom and basically just trying to get through life.

    My question to you all is: DO ANY OF U FEEL LIKE THIS(weight loss/exercise) IS ALL U HAVE GOING FOR U?
    I do. I feel like I have to finally put ME first. My health,my sanity.
    It's like I NEED to make this my number 1 PRIORITY!
    Everything else can be CRAP in my life,but me losing weight and getting healthy seems to make the bad stuff not bad,if that makes sense.

    I mean,I'd rather be homeless and thin than homeless and fat.
    I know that sounds crazy....
  • Sometimes I feel like my diet and weightloss is all I have. And by that, I mean that it's the only thing I have control over. I can choose what to eat (or not) and which way I want the scale to move. I don't always make the right choices but I know what they are. I also have the choice to exercise or not.

    I have a few medical things going on right now and they are out of my hands. I am depending on my medicine, the knowledge and skills of my doctor and the grace of God to help me. But there is nothing I can do to effect the outcome.

    My diet and exercise have done wonders for my overall health and stress levels so I find comfort in finally controlling them. But there are events that test my strength and my will not to just throw in the towel and eat everything I can fit in my face. But I never want to be big again like I was and I will do everything in my physical power to avoid that. Food will no longer own or control me.
  • I'm not sure what you mean but I wish that I would have made ME the priority before I had kids. Now being a mom is my top priority and fitness/healthy have to fit in around it. If you have a sick toddler then you can't go out to the gym. It's just not easy anymore and I wish when I wasn't a mom that I would have made it an even bigger priority to enjoy that freedom when I could.
  • I agree that this is the only thing in my life I truly have control over ~ in a sense all I really have. At the tail end of housewifedom ~ the kids don't need me anymore. I have to figure out what I'll do when I grow up. Maybe I'm preparing ~ "At least I'll look good" when I go forth and proclaim myself an expert.
  • Hugs Tohisha77!

    I know exactly what you mean. Losing weight has been my focus since July and it has pushed other things to the side. Sometimes I feel bad about that but let's be honest, my health was crap at my top weight. I had no confidence. I would dream about running, climbing, and wake up crying because I knew I couldn't do it.

    After I started the diet, I would get so tired sometimes. And sometimes I would get so hungry. Honestly, there were nights I lay on the couch while my husband cooked dinner, because I didn't have the energy to get up. And when that period passed, I started to exercise. Again, the first few weeks left me exhausted and barely able to move.

    So like you, I had a space where I could concentrate on myself and so I gave myself permission to let this weight loss stuff take over my life ... for a time. I don't really feel like I was living before, so it's ok. I kind of think of it like being at a weight loss spa ... if I had the money to do that I wouldn't be doing anything but losing weight and getting healthy.

    But now I am entering the next stage. I am a small business owner, so I have a little flexibility in how I schedule things in the off season, but now I need to kick myself back into high gear on life. This presents its own challenges, how do I balance everything, while making time for exercise and not allowing moments of weakness derail me. It's not easy, but I'm doing it.

    And I say this as someone who got her depression issues under control before weight loss ... doing both at one time is quite an endeavor and my hat is off to you!

    So take comfort in the the knowledge that when the time is right, you will get back to work, school, love, etc. whatever constitutes the real life you want. And it will be better for the vacation you are taking right now.
  • What Elvis said.